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Suggested Work for Second Class Pupils

Thursday, 30th April 2020

Term 3: Week 2, Day 4

 Watch Cúla4 ar Scoil on TG4 at 10:00am -10:30am

 Watch RTE2 Home School Hub: 11am - 12noon.
 P.E. and Skills with TJ Reid: Facebook, 12 – 1pm

 Spell Well: Week 32 pg. 66 Box 104 + Exercise p66 (A). Revise Boxes 101 – 103.
 Using your Sentences Copy, choose 8 Spell Well spellings to make sentences from. Remember to write
the date, use capital letters, full stops and try to make your sentences interesting by using adjectives
(describing words eg. yellow flowers, delicious cake, funny story). Read back over your sentences to check
them for any silly mistakes.
 Read at Home: Week 26, pg. 104 ‘New York City’. Please answer Check-Up Questions orally.
 Small World: ‘Bealtaine’ p78. Please read the whole page and do all the exercises.
You can see some photos and read about some May Day traditions on:

 Tables: Please revise some of your Add 3 and Subtract 3 Tables in pairs, as you practised them last week
(9+3=12/12-3=9, 10+3=13/13-3=10, 11+3=14/14-3=11, 12+3=15/15-3=12 )
 Maths Time: Week 30 pg.61 Sections (D + E)
 Today, on the RTE Hub, you can learn about how you can use your imagination and different patterns in

 Bua na Cainte: Irish Spellings p.130. Please revise your week’s spellings 1 – 10.
Try writing them out on a blank page, without looking at Bua na Cainte.

 Weaving Well-Being Journal: On p11 please record your 3 acts for Day 4. Colour in a lightbulb for each
kind deed you do.
 Coronavirus-A Book For Children.pdf This book can be downloaded, and read together, to give your child
an understand of the coronavirus. It might help to answer some questions he/she has.

 Art: Continue decorating your flower pot. Think about what you would like to sow in it tomorrow.

 Remember: Daily Diary, Life Skills and Read for Pleasure –everyday, if you can.

 KSP Day: As Friday 1st May should have been our KSP Day, based on the theme of Creativity, I will be
sending out a menu of creative suggestions tomorrow, which you can consider doing at home. If you
would like to share your creativity with me, you can email me on:

 Keep safe!

Dear Parents, do only what you can!

Hazel Atkinson

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