Suggested Work For Tuesday 28th April, 2020

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Suggested Work for Second Class Pupils

Tuesday, 28th April 2020

Term 3: Week 2, Day 2

 Watch Cúla4 ar Scoil on TG4 at 10:00am -10:30am

 Watch RTE2 Home School Hub: 11am - 12noon.
 P.E. and Skills with TJ Reid: Facebook, 12 – 1pm Tuesdays ( and Thursdays).

 Spell Well: Week 32 pg. 66 Box 102 + Exercise p66(A) & p67 (C)
 Read at Home: Week 26, pg. 102 ‘Antarctica, the Frozen Continent’. Please answer Check-Up Questions
 Let’s Talk Literacy: Unit 11 pg.60 ‘Alphabetical Order’ A + B

 Tables: Please revise some of your Add 3 and Subtract 3 Tables in pairs, as you practised them last week
(5+3=8/8-3=5, 6+3=9/9-3=6, 7+3=10/10-3=7, 8+3=11/11-3=8 )
 Maths Time: Week 30 pg.60 Section (B)
 Maths Shadow Book: ‘Weight’ All pg.32

 Bua na Cainte: Irish Spellings p. 130 Box 2 + Exercise 2.

 Bua na Cainte p84 ‘An Nuacht’ = The News. I’ve explained the vocabulary below, if you’d like to have a go
at some/all of the sentences.
Days of the Week: An Luan = Monday > An Domhnach = Sunday
Weather: fuar = cold, te agus tirim = hot and dry, fliuch = wet, gaofar = windy, scamallach = cloudy, geal =
bright, dorcha = dark.
Other Vocab: Mamó = grandma, Daideo = grandad, leabhar = book, áthas = happy, brón = sad, cúig euro
= 5 euro, deich euro = 10 euro.
Sentences: An Nuacht = The News An Aimsir = The Weather
Inniu an _______ = Today is _____. Inné an _____ = Yesterday was ______. Amárach an _____ =
Tomorrow will be ______ . Tháinig ___ go dtí mo theach = ____ came to my house. Thug sé/sí ____
dom = He/She gave a ____ to me. Bhí ____ orm = I felt ____ . Bhí an lá ____ inné = The day was ___
yesterday. Tá an lá ___ inniu = The day is ___ today. Beidh an lá ___ amárach = The day will be ___

 Weaving Well-Being Journal: On p11 please record your 3 acts for Day 2. Colour in a lightbulb for each
kind deed you do.

 Art: During this week, I’d like you to decorate an old flower pot using paints that will stay on outside.
Paints like: old paint samples which your parents allow you to use or old nail varnish. Plan your design on
a piece of paper first, then transfer it carefully to your pot. Remember to wear an old t-shirt!

 Remember: Daily Diary, Life Skills and Read for Pleasure –everyday, if you can.
 Keep safe!

Dear Parents, do only what you can!

Hazel Atkinson

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