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Computer literature usually illustrate sharp distinction between input and output device; however they
both work in conjunction to perform the given task. Example from real word fade out further the
distinction between input and output device, i.e. A sheet of paper accumulating ideas and presenting
output at the same time, texture of clay reacting to finger and providing output about its properties at
the very same time are some example from real world that fade away distinction between input/out
devices. These seaming less integration of input/output devices are becoming the leading area of
research in computing sciencing area. Input consist of physical information while output consist of
change in the physical environment such as light emitting diode CTO etc. the basic principal of human
computer interaction is interaction of brain with the bits and bites of computer. Human brain intelligence
is measure of cognitive skills, sensation and analytical ability however on the other hand computer
ability is measure of its technological skills and process that are use to comprehend human input data.
Research in input/output revolve around two thing; the communication channel device and technique
human use for communication with computer, second is the perceptual skills and organ use for
communication with computer. The future research will aim to study human computer interaction and
find new ways of human computer communication which can ease the process of computation.
Interaction of human and computer is key to ultimate superior design as clear from an example of
designer which want to get desired output by using different input technique and devices. Using
different technique and devices for individual input wil comprose the final design quality.
Early effort identify that user interface transaction are composed of the following elemental task.
Selection, Position, Orient, Path, Quantity, Text.
These series of elemental task can be group into one single cognitive chunk.
Different research were conducted in order to assess properties of in put out put devices. Prominent
research worker in that endavour are ; Zhai & Milgram, 1993; Zhai, Smith & Selker, 1997).
They carried out theie research work to determine different user interface technique including input
output method, human interaction, input devices, their variation and establish a base for revitalizing
scientific technique in the field of computing sciences.
Different input devices have been discussed with thorough detail some of which are mouse, Trackball,
joystick, laser pointing, tablet and pen input. These advanced input technique has induced ease in Data
input. It has also been explained in the research article that perception, action and correspondence
should be coherent when dealing with computing devices. They belong to the same cognitive motor.
Skill transfer, eyes free operation, are important part of human capabilities which determine the
efficiency of the user. The user should be capable of memorizing keyboard keys into his procedural
memory. User performing operation on keyboard should be able to operate without keeping insight of
keyboard. He should be able to perform input task without looking at keyboard. Modern worker have
egonomic issues such as stress and they are underperformer in stress condition. This also prove the
relationship between human mental capabilities and technical devices. Computer not always required
commond to perform a task. Some task are running in background in computer. Background sensing is
an important part of computer operation. For example if one opens up task bar one wil be able to see
series of parallel operation that computer perform in back ground.
In this article display about computing devices is explained. Display properties such as resolution time
space are derived from human vision to make display more effective. Human eye has an enormous
dynamic range. 15-40% of the light reaching the user’s eye is actually ambient room light reflected
by the front surface of the phosphors, or off of the screen surface. This means that the effective
dynamic range of most devices, unless viewed in dark rooms, is no better than three or four to
one. One other term discussed here is spatial frequency. Human are capable of perceiving
targets as fine as 50-60 cycles/degree of visual angle when the pattern is of very high contrast.
The receptors in the human eye have a visual angle of about 0.8 seconds of
arc. Modern displays provide approximately 40 pixels/cm. A simple calculation reveals that at
about a 50-cm viewing distance, pixels will subtend about 1.5 seconds of arc, about two times
the size of cone receptors in the center of vision. Color vision and displays are also explained over here..
computer color vision and display have been based on the properties of human eye.these display
resolution, maping technique spatiual frequency help human being to visualize vast information in short
time. It is important to integrate a bulk of information into one single visual object. Display techniques
has been revatilzed now with the introduction of different advanced technique such as augmented reality
where information has been super imposed on the background environment. Different scale of display
are out there such as small display, medium display and large display each designed for specific
purpose. If the information has to be displayed to more people at a time than usually large formate
display is preferred such as projector. Speech output is an example of another technological
advancement In which speech is used as input to smartphone or computer. The computer hear the speech
record it convert it into bit and bites and than display the relevant output.
Future of interaction with computer hold at the same time both promising future and future like what it
is today. As long as the budatry calculation, writing report and other complex task of writing are there,
would make it difficult for other interaction technique to replace traditional input device such as mouse
keyboard. The reason being is much similarity between human interaction and they way traditional
input device ease out human in making their interaction easier with computer. However speech input
devices hold a promising future for itself and in future it can revitalize complete interaction paradigm.
The internet and wireless networking seem to be the main disruptive technologies of the current
era. Indeed, it seems likely that 100 years from now the phrase “wireless network” will seem
every bit as antiquated as the phrase “horseless carriage” does today. Nobody really understands
yet what it will mean for everything and everyone to be connected, but many researchers are
working to explore the vision of ubiquitous computing originally laid out by Mark Weiser
(Weiser, 1991). Techniques that allow users to communicate and share information will become
increasingly important. Biometric sensors or other convenient means for establishing identity
will make services such as personalization of the interface and sharing data much simpler. Electronic
tagging technique leads to the increase in importance of sensors to acquire contextual information as
well as machine learning language to interpret them and conclude meaningful action. This may lead us
to an age of sensors with devices that can feel, see, and hear through digital perceptual mechanism.

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