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Hello everyone. My name is Aleksandra. I am 20 years old. I was born in Tbilisi, Georgia.

am the only child in the family. Presently I am a Student of Bachelor Program of Free
University. My main specialization is a major program of international relations. I specialize
in Euro-Atlantic concentration. My supplementary area of specialization is the learning of
romance languages, particularly French and the Spanish language. I can’t say that I used to be
interested in politics and my choice of profession and university was fully conscious, but I
can easily say that I was always attracted to social sciences and languages and learning
romance languages was my childhood dream. After I entered this faculty, I finally realized
that I had made the right choice. In addition to the academic sphere, I have a professional
passion. It is much more than an ordinary hobby and passion. This is a theatre. I play on the
stage of the Griboedov Theater. 10 years ago a theatre studio announced casting and I was
chosen. The theatre is a certain food for the soul, which helps to understand human
consciousness and this is the best way to express yourself. Despite all this, I still chose the
sphere of diplomacy and international relations and I have reasons. First of all, I have to say
that nowadays, unfortunately, it is losing its face and its aesthetics. Now there is a big theatre
crisis in the world. This is a very common tendency. I am a very happy person because my
director is a supporter of classical theatre teaching and I can say, that I have a connection
with the classical theatre but I chose a different way. At least I hope that in my life there will
always be a place for art. We staged a play by the famous American playwriter John Patrick,
"The Curious Savage" and I played the role of a patient of a clinic for people with mental

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