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A distant memory something remembered that is

far away in space or time

2. The signs are there are things that show that

something is happening

3. The days are over the time when something could

happen is in the past

4. A thing of the past something that does not exist

any more

5. May well used to say that something is

likely to happen or is likely to
be true

6. Be likely to something that is likely to do or

be something will probably do it
or be true

7. Suggest to make someone think that a

particular thing is true

8. Point to to suggest that something is true

9. Be bound to to be very likely to do or feel a

particular thing

10. Be destined to to seem certain to happen at

some time in the future

11. On track to be likely to achieve a

particular result

12. On average based on a calculation about

how many times something
usually happens, how much
money someone usually gets,
how often people usually do
something etc
13. On trial a short period during which you
use or do something or employ
someone to find out whether
they are satisfactory for a
particular purpose or job

14. At risk in a situation where you may be


15. At present at this time

16. At least not less than a particular

number or amount‍

17. By far used to say that something is

much better, worse etc than
anything else

18. By nature according to someone’s


19. By law according to the whole system

of rules that people in a
particular country or area must

20. In decline decreasing in quality, quantity,

or importance

21. In danger in a situation where something

bad may happen

22. In effect used when you are describing

what you see as the real facts of
a situation

23. Out of control not having the ability or power

to make someone or something
do what you want or make
something happen in the way
you want

24. Out of sight hidden

25. Out of necessity used when something happens

in a particular way because that
is the only possible way it can

26. Off course going in the wrong direction

27. Off the pace not going fast enough

28. Off balance in an unsteady position and

likely to fall

29. Above suspicion if someone is above suspicion

they are so honest that no one
could think that they had done
anything wrong

30. Above board honest and legal

31. Above all used to say that something is

more important than anything

32. Over the hill no longer young, and therefore

no longer attractive or good at
doing things

33. Over the moon very happy

34. Over the top remarks, behaviour etc that are

over the top are so extreme or
unreasonable that they seem
stupid or offensive

35. Under the weather slightly ill

36. Under the impression believing that something is true
when it is not

37. Under oath obliged by the law to tell the

truth in court

38. Command knowledge of something,

especially a language, or ability
to use something

39. Mind your language to be careful so that you do not

offend anyone

40. Dead language a dead language, for example

Latin or Ancient Greek,

41. Offensive language very rude or insulting and likely

to upset people

42. Everyday language ordinary, usual, or happening

every day

43. Global language affecting, used by or including

the whole world

44. Language barrier the problem of understanding

people who do not speak the
same language

45. Official language a language used by people in

authority, especially the
government of a country

46. Get a word in to get a chance to say something

47. Get to the point to talk about the most important

48. Talk at cross purposes if two people talk at cross

purposes, they do not
understand each other because
they are talking about different
things but fail to realise this

49. Catch what someone to hear or understand what

says someone says

50. Need a good talking to to need to be talked to in an

angry way, especially of a child
or someone who is below you in

51. Talk shop to talk about things that are

related to your work, especially
in a way that other people find

52. Run something by to tell someone something so

somebody that they can give you their

53. Not make head or tail to be completely unable to

of understand something

54. To say the least used to show that something is

worse or more serious than you
are actually saying

55. Get the wrong end of to understand a situation in

the stick completely the wrong way

56. Take off to suddenly start being


57. Latest thing the most recent or the newest or

most popular thing

58. Passing trend a fashion, activity, type of music

etc that suddenly becomes very
popular, but only remains
popular for a short time

59. Word of mouth information you get by someone

telling you

60. Lose appeal to no longer have the quality

that makes people like
something or someone

61. Capture imagination to make (someone) feel very

interested in something

62. Strike a chord to say or do something that

other people agree with or have
sympathy with

63. Rise dramatically to increase greatly and suddenly

64. Take off to suddenly start being


65. Breakout having a sudden unexpected


66. Push the boat out to spend more money than you
usually do, on something special

67. Take someone’s opinion about a

situation or idea

68. To the fore to or in a position of importance

or influence

69. Smart watch a smart watch is controlled by

computers and is designed to
provide information in a
suitable way depending on the
70. Interactive television an interactive television allows
you to communicate directly
with it,

71. Smart thermostat a smart thermostat is an

instrument used for keeping a
room or a machine at a
particular temperature,

72. Driverless car a driverless car is controlled by

equipment in the vehicle, rather
than by a human driver

73. Drone an aircraft that does not have a

pilot, but is operated by radio

74. Brain imaging a technical process in which

pictures of the inside of
someone’s brain are produced,

75. Genetic data information relating to genes or


76. Crowdfunding A method of getting money for


To no avail if something you do is to no avail,

you do not succeed in getting
what you want59
In vain without success in spite of your
Frantically in an extremely worried and
frightened way, so that you
cannot control your feelings
Extensively over a very large area
Set off to make (an alarm) start ringing
Sound to warn people that something
bad is happening
Raise to warn people that something
bad is happening
Trigger to make (an alarm) start ringing
Presume to think that something is true,
although you are not certain
Presume dead to accept that someone is dead
until it is shown to not be true,
especially in law
Presume innocent to accept that someone is innocent
until it is shown to not be true,
especially in law
Suffer from to have (a particular disease or
medical condition), especially for
a long time
Migraine an extremely bad headache,
during which you feel sick and
have pain behind your eyes
Asthma a medical condition that causes
difficulties in breathing
Amnesia the medical condition of not being
able to remember anything
Hay fever a medical condition like a bad
cold, that is caused by breathing
in pollen (= dust from plants)
Investigation an official attempt to find out the
truth about or the cause of
something such as a crime,
accident, or scientific problem
Launch to start something, usually
something big or important
Be the subject of to be the thing that is talked
about, dealt with or considered
Pursue to continue trying to find out
about or persuade someone about
a particular subject
Lead to be in charge of a group of
people who are trying to do
Day shift a particular period of time worked
during the day, or the workers
who work during one of these
Night shift a particular period of time worked
during the night, or the workers
who work during one of these
Early shift a particular period of time worked
during the early hours of the day,
or the workers who work during
one of these periods
Late shift a particular period of time worked
during the later part of the day, or
the workers who work during one
of these periods
Split shift a period of work that is divided
into two or more parts on the
same day, or the workers who
work during one of these periods
10-hour shift a period of 10 hours worked
during a single day
Motivate to be the reason why someone
does something
Hesitate to pause before saying or doing
something because you are
nervous or not sure
Renovate to repair a building or old
furniture so that it is in good
condition again
Elaborate to give more details or new
information about something
Darken to become dark or darker, or to
make something dark or darker
Strengthen to become stronger or make
something stronger
Brighten to make something lighter or
Prioritise to put several things, problems etc
in order of importance, so that
you can deal with the most
important first
Legalise to make something legal so that
people are allowed to do it
Modernize to make something such as a
system or building more modern
Realise to know and understand
something, or suddenly begin to
understand it
Glorify to make someone or something
seem more important or better
than they really are, or to praise
someone or something
Electrify if a performance or a speech
electrifies people, it makes them
feel very interested or excited
Exemplify to be a very typical example of
Exhaustion extreme tiredness
Production the process of making or growing
things to be sold, especially in
large quantities
Recollection something from the past that you
Immediacy when something is important or
urgent because it relates to a
situation or event that is
happening now
Accuracy the ability to do something in an
exact way without making a
Tendency if someone or something has a
tendency to do or become a
particular thing, they are likely to
do or become it
Clarity the clarity of a piece of writing,
law, argument etc is its quality of
being expressed clearly
Stupidity behaviour or actions that show a
lack of good sense or good
Opportunity a chance to do something or an
occasion when it is easy for you to
do something
Embarrassment the feeling you have when you
are embarrassed (= uncomfortable
or nervous and worrying about
what people think of you)
Enjoyment the feeling of pleasure you get
from having or doing something,
or something you enjoy doing
Harassment when someone behaves in an
unpleasant or threatening way
towards you
Loneliness being unhappy because you are
alone or do not have anyone to
talk to
Unhappiness the feeling that you want to sleep
or rest
Tiredness the feeling that you want to sleep
or rest
Engineer someone whose job is to design or
build roads, bridges, machines etc
Musician someone who plays a musical
instrument, especially very well
or as a job
Professor a teacher of the highest rank in a
university department
Applicant someone who has formally asked,
usually in writing, for a job,
university place etc
Attendant someone whose job is to look after
or help customers in a public
Disinfectant a chemical or a cleaning product
that destroys bacteria
Clearance the process of getting official
permission or approval for
Reappearance he act of appearing again after not
being seen for some time
Pretence a way of behaving which is
intended to make people believe
something that is not true
Dominant more powerful, important, or
noticeable than other people or
Redundant if you are redundant, your
employer no longer has a job for
Independent an independent organisation is
not owned or controlled by, or
does not receive money from,
another organisation or the
Scandalous completely unfair and wrong
Rebellious deliberately not obeying people in
authority or rules of behaviour
Suspicious thinking that someone might be
guilty of doing something wrong
or dishonest
Capable having the qualities or ability
needed to do something
Edible something that is edible can be
Visible something that is visible can be
Persuasive able to make other people believe
something or do what you ask
Elusive an elusive person or animal is
difficult to find or not often seen
Evasive not willing to answer questions
Massive very large, solid, and heavy
Respectful feeling or showing respect
Helpful providing useful help in making a
situation better or easier
Resourceful good at finding ways of dealing
with practical problems
Deeply used to emphasise that a belief,
feeling, opinion etc is very strong,
important, or sincere
Financially in a way relating to money or the
management of money
Dramatically greatly and suddenly
Extensively widely, over a great area
Supposedly used when saying what many
people say or believe is true,
especially when you disagree with
Censorship the practice or system of
examining books, films, letters etc
to remove anything that is
considered offensive, morally
harmful, or politically dangerous
Exorbitant an exorbitant price, amount of
money etc is much higher than it
should be
Nationalist a nationalist organisation, party
etc wants to gain or keep political
independence for their country
and people
Governor the person in charge of governing
a country that is under the
political control of another
Responsive reacting quickly, in a positive way
Senility being mentally confused or
behaving strangely, because of old
Fabricate someone who is personable is
attractive and pleasant
Likelihood someone who is personable is
attractive and pleasant
Personable someone who is personable is
attractive and pleasant
Kindliness the quality of being kind and
caring for other people
Identical exactly the same, or very similar
Repetition doing or saying the same thing
many times
Sarcasm a way of speaking or writing that
involves saying the opposite of
what you really mean in order to
make an unkind joke or to show
that you are annoyed
Glorify to make someone or something
seem more important or better
than they really are
Troublesome causing problems, in an annoying
Classy fashionable and expensive
Expertise special skills or knowledge in a
particular subject, that you learn
by experience or training
Remission a period when a serious illness
improves for a time
Anxious worried about something
Heroic extremely brave or determined,
and admired by many people
Sympathy the feeling of being sorry for
someone who is in a bad situation
Effect a change that is caused by an
event, action etc
Impose if someone in authority imposes a
rule, punishment, tax etc, they
can force people to accept it
Frivolous not serious or sensible, especially
in a way that is not suitable for a
particular occasion
Envy the feeling of wanting something
that someone else has
Hesitate to pause before saying or doing
something because you are
nervous or not sure
Enthusiastic feeling or showing a lot of interest
and excitement about something
Chauvinist someone, especially a man, who
believes that their own sex is
better or more important that the
other sex
Take time out to stop what you are doing for a
short time in order to rest,
especially when you are
Have a breather to stop what you are doing for a
short time in order to rest,
especially when you are
Take your mind off to stop thinking and worrying
about (something), or to make
someone do this
Switch off to relax for a short time
Let your hair down to enjoy yourself and start to
relax, especially after working
very hard
Unwind to relax and stop feeling anxious
Burn the candle at to get very tired by doing things
both ends until very late at night and getting
up early in the mornings
While away to spend time in a pleasant and
lazy way
Hang out to spend a lot of time in a
particular place or with particular
Chill out to relax completely instead of
feeling angry, tired, or nervous
Work all hours to work for a long time
Burn the midnight to work or study until late at
oil night
Deliberately if you do something deliberately,
you do it because you want to
Unsupervised without being in the charge of, or
looked after by, another person
Encourage to make (something) more likely
to exist, happen, or develop
Independence the freedom and ability to make
your own decisions in life,
without having to ask other
people for permission, help, or
Over-protectiveness the quality of being so anxious to
protect someone from harm that
you restrict their freedom
Risk-averse not willing to take risks
Deal with to take the necessary action,
especially in order to solve
Danger the possibility that someone or
something will be harmed,
destroyed, or killed
Take risks to do things that might have bad
Mollycoddle to treat someone too kindly and to
protect them too much from
anything unpleasant
Expose to put someone in a situation
where they are not protected from
something dangerous or
Colonial domination control by a country that controls
and rules other countries, usually
ones that are far away
Revere to respect and admire someone or
something very much
Figurehead someone who seems to be the
leader of a country or organisation
but who has no real power
Clampdown sudden firm action that is taken to
reduce crime
Outrage a feeling of great anger and shock
Galvanise to shock or surprise someone so
that they do something to solve a
problem, improve a situation etc
Crowning moment a time that makes something
complete or perfect, or is the best
feature of something
Rest on somebody’s if blame or a difficult job rests on
shoulders somebody’s shoulders, they have
to take responsibility for it

Unit 8 Time

1 Date back to to have existed since a particular

time in the past

About to if someone is about to do

something, or if something is
about to happen, they will do it or
it will happen very soon

The foreseeable as long as it is possible to know

future what is likely to happen

At regular intervals happening every hour, every

week, every month etc, usually
with the same amount of time in

In years to come in the future

The outset the beginning of an event or


Evocative making people remember

something by producing a feeling
or memory in them
Evoke to produce a strong feeling or
memory in someone

Take you back to make you remember a time in

the past

Carry back to make you remember a time in

the past

Distinctly clearly

Spring to mins if someone or something springs

to mind, you immediately think of
it or them

Once-in-a-lifetime the best that you will ever have

To remember to have a picture or idea in your

mind of people, events, places etc
from the past

On the tip of your if a word, name etc is on the tip of

tongue your tongue, you know it but
cannot remember it

For the life of me used to say that you cannot

remember or understand
something even when you try

Clean forget used to emphasise the fact you

have forgotten something

Go back used to say that someone has

mentioned something from a long
time ago

Like it was yesterday very well, as if it happened only a

short time ago
Memory lapse a short period of time during
which you cannot remember

Etch on your if an experience, name etc is

memory etched on your memory or mind,
you cannot forget it and you think
of it often

All the time in the unlimited time

Pushed for time if you are pushed for time you are
very busy and have little time to

Time on your hands if you have time on your hands,

you do not have enough to do

Time to yourself if you have time to yourself, you

are free to do what you want to do

Pass the time to make time seem to go by more


Just in time only moments before the time by

which it is necessary for
something to be done

Time to spare if you have time to spare you have

time available to do something
Science knowledge about the world,
especially based on examining,
testing, and proving facts

Universe all space, including all the stars

and planets

Nature everything in the physical world

that is not controlled by humans,
such as wild plants and animals,
earth and rocks, and the weather

art the use of painting, drawing,

sculpture etc to represent things
or express ideas

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