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Vowing Promis to do something

Allege Allegaly
Rowdy/rowdiness Noisy disorderly turbulent
Fisticuff Fighting with fist
ought Use to: they ought to obey the law
Abated/Abate Moderate / neutralize/less intense
Staved To break in with force
Skew Sudden change in direction: covid 19 pandemic cases has skewed in last 24
Lingering Lasting for long time./hanging over/ slow to end
Lingering controversy is in no one interest
Overwhelming Great in amount
Hitherto Previously/ hitherto Lahore was called the land f pure land
Intractable Hard to control/
Harbinger Sign/indication
Peninsula Piece of land surrounded by water
Relic An object serviving from an ancient time/antique
A meusam of railway relic
Embrace Hold someone closely
Estranged Person no longer affectionate to some one
Stroll Walk slowly Pakistan economy stroll
Banter Exchange of pleasant remark
There was much good natural banter
Pondered Think about something carefully
Cursory Not thorough or detail
A cursory glance at the figure
Betrothed Fiancey
Proverbial Well known
Tranquality Peace repose
Dissent Differences ikhtilaaf
There was no dissent to this view
Curb Restrain restriction
Subverted Undermine
Scuffling Fight – episodic scuffle over this dispute needs to stop
Trickles Flow tricles of drinking water from the artision well is so goodq
Reckless Rush don’t drive recklesslely
Glee Happy face
She is showing her gleeing face after I agree to her proposal of visiting muree
Vengeance Covid 19 is natural vengeance for exponential increase in environmental
Mull over Think deeply about she mulled over this matter for 4 weeks
pertinent Relevant this question is pertinent to this topic
Peer Look with concentration
Inevitably Covid 19 spread across the whole country is inevitable
Pledge Promiss of undertaking
Intimidate Uksaana makes someone to do something there were woman to intimidate
croud to chant against the setting government
Provoke Stimulate give rise to the decision provoked a storm of protest from civil right

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