Sugar Industry Market Research & ROCOL Products

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Market Research (Sugar Industry)

Description: General information about EGYPT'S Market Share of sugar industry, And list of
Sugar Factories at the Calendar Year of 2019/ 2020.

Sources: Egypt's Chamber of Sugar Industries, FAS (Foreign Agriculture Services) Cairo office

Report Highlights: The Office of Agriculture Affairs forecasts refined sugar production in
MY2019/20 to increase by approximately 14 percent or 335,000 MT to reach 2.74 MMT. Of this
total forecast, 1.5 MMT of sugar will be derived from sugar beets, while 1.2 MMT will be sourced
from sugarcane. Increase in production is attributed to higher procurement prices especially for
sugar beets. Posts forecasts domestic consumption in MY2019/20 to increase by 4.8 percent or
150,000 MT to reach 3.25 MMT as a result of population increase. Egypt’s raw sugar imports in
MY2019/20 are forecast at 800,000 MT down from 830,000 MT in MY2018/19.

General Information
Cane Production:
 FAS Cairo estimates a slight increase in the planted area to 130,000 ha, an increase of
4,000 ha compared to last year. The government is considering the request of farmers to
increase the procurement price of sugarcane for the 2019/20 marketing year. The farmers
responded to increases in the government procurement price of sugarcane by increasing
the planted area. After the farmers syndicate demanded an increase in the price to EGP
1000 ($57.68) per metric ton, the Egyptian government allowed for some upward
adjustment. The price first increased to EGP 700 ($40.38) and later, in January 2018, it
increased to EGP 720 ($41.53) per ton. Post expects an increase in the procurement price
in 2019 harvest season to EGP 900 ($51.90).Post expects sugarcane production in MY
2019/20 to reach 13.8 MMT, 1.30 MMT above last year’s estimate.

 The government controlled procurement price is a major determinant for farm-level

production decisions. When the government sets a low procurement price, farmers switch
to other more profitable crops. Farmers were disappointed with the government’s
procurement price of EGP 620 ($34.83) per metric ton going into the January 2018
harvest. The current price is EGP 720 ($41.53) per MT, which might increase to EGP 900
($51.90) by next season’s harvest.
 The local farmer’s syndicate regularly pressures the government to increase its
procurement prices. In marketing year 2016/17, the government increased the sugarcane
procurement price to EGP 620 ($34.83) per ton at the behest of the syndicate. The
updated rate was 55 percent higher than the 2015/16 procurement price of EGP 400 per
ton. The current price of EGP 720 ($41.53) per metric ton is up by 16 percent as
compared to the MY2016/17 procurement price. Figure 1 tracks the Egyptian
procurement price over time.

Figure 1: Egyptian Procurement Price for Sugarcane, 2009-2020

Source: Egyptian Sugar Crop Council

Post estimates that with a sugarcane procurement price of EGP 900 ($51.90) per ton, farmers will
see a net profit of EGP 24,500 ($1,413) per hectare. With the current procurement price of EGP
720, farmers received a net profit of EGP 19,619 ($1,122) per hectare. The estimated cost of
sugarcane production per hectare is around EGP 52,381.
Table 1: Sugarcane, PSD

Sugarcane for Centrifugal 2017\2018 2018\2019 2019\2020

Market Begin Year Jan 2017 Jan2018 Jan2019
Egypt USDA New USDA New USDA New Post
Official Post Official Post Official
Area Planted 120 126 126 126 0 130
Area Harvested 119 125 125 125 0 129
Production 13650 12500 12500 12500 0 13803
Total Supply 13650 12500 12500 12500 0 13803
Utilization for Sugar 13650 12500 12500 12500 0 13803
Utilizing for Alcohol 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Utilization 13650 12500 12500 12500 0 13803
(1000 HA) ,(1000 MT)
Note: These are FAS Cairo estimates, not official USDA data.

Beet Production:

 The industrial demand for sugar beets is increasing, which provides a higher price,
incentivizing many farmers to plant more beets. FAS Cairo is increasing sugar beet area
harvested in MY 2019/20 to 250,000 ha. Post is revising down last year’s harvested area
to 225,000 hectares instead of 230,000. With the decreased area harvested, post also
revised down MY 2018/19 production to 9.5 MMT, six percent below earlier estimates.
 Increased demand is attributed to new sugar beet processing plants, increasing demand for
raw beets. Post expects area planted to increase and, subsequently, area harvested to rise
by 11 percent or 25,000 ha, to reach 250,000 ha in MY 2019/20. With increased area
comes an associated increase in production, expected to reach 10.71 million metric tons.
This is an increase of 13 percent over the MY 2018/19 estimate of 9.75 million metric
 Sugar beet prices are increasing significantly. In MY 2018/19, the procurement price for
the sugar beet crop reached to EGP 700 ($40.38) per metric ton for early varieties
compared to EGP 500 ($28.08) per metric ton in 2017/18; a 40 percent increase. In MY
2016/17, the price was EGP 400 per ton. The 2016/17 price increase was the first beet
farmers received since MY 2011/12. Before that time, prices were flat at EGP 275 per
metric ton. Figure 2 shows sugar beet procurement prices from 2009 to the current
Figure 2: Egyptian Procurement Price for Sugar Beets, 2009-2019:

Beets are planted in August and September and harvested in March and April. Independent
farmers grow beets and contract sales directly with factories. Some beets are also cultivated on
leased land operated by privately owned factories. During MY 2017/18, post expects sugar beet
yield to average 42.4 metric tons per hectare. Sugar concentration in beets is 13-18 percent, higher
than the 11 percent in sugarcane. In addition to sugar for human consumption, co-products from
the refining process are utilized in animal feed.

Table 2: Sugar Beet, PSD

Sugar Beet 2017\2018 2018\2019 2019\2020
Market Begin Year Jan 2017 Jan2018 Jan2019
Egypt USDA New Post USDA New Post USDA New Post
Official Official Official
Area Planted 225 211 231 226 0 251
Area Harvested 224 210 230 225 0 250
Production 9500 8900 9750 9518 0 10710
Total Supply 9500 8900 9750 9518 0 10710
Utilization for Sugar 9500 8900 9750 9518 0 10710
Utilizing for Alcohol 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Distribution 9500 8900 9750 9518 0 10710
Sugar Production:

Refined sugar production in MY2019/20 is expected to increase by approximately 14 percent or

335,000 MT to reach 2.74 MMT, as compared to the MY2018/17 estimate of 2.40 MMT. Of this
total forecast, 1.5 MMT of sugar will be derived from sugar beets, while 1.2 MMT will be sourced
from sugarcane. With a new processing facility coming online and farmers expanding planted area
to meet demand, beet sugar production in MY2019/20 is forecast to increase by 195,000 MT,
reaching 1.5 MMT. This is up 15 percent from 1.3 MMT in the previous marketing year. Sugar
from cane is expected to increase in MY 2019/20 by 13 percent or 140,000 metric tons.

In Egypt, there are 15 sugar processors, seven processing sugarcane, seven processing sugar beets,
and one processing both in Abo Kormas in the Mania governorate. All seven sugarcane processors
are state-run companies affiliated with Ministry of Supply and Industrial Trade’s (MOs IT)
Holding Company for Food Industries (HCFI). Of the seven sugar beet processors, three are
private sector, three are public-private, and the rest are state-run companies. Figure 3 demonstrates
geographical distribution of sugar processors and related integrated industries.
Figure 3: Geographical Distribution of Sugar Processors and Related Integrated Industries

Post forecasts total domestic sugar consumption in MY2019/20 to increase by 4.8 percent or
150,000 MT to reach 3.25 MMT. The rise in sugar consumption is driven by improving
purchasing power and high population growth, estimated at 2.4 per annum. Egypt, with a
population of 99.4 million (est. 2019), is adding roughly 2.4 million people per year. It is also host
to an estimated six million refugees from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Sudan. Increases in
consumption are in line with annual population growth.

Figure 4: Egyptian Sugar Production, Consumption, and Imports, 2016-2020

Nationally, average prices are between EGP 8-9 per kilogram, including bulk sales. Retailers in
the greater Cairo area generally sell packaged sugar to the public at around EGP 10 per kilogram.
Table 3: Centrifugal Sugar, PSD

TABLE 1: Upper Egypt Factories, And all the details about the factories:
Name of the factory Info.

Creation date: 1869

Address: Abu Qirqas City - Mania Governorate.
Phone: 2420257/ 2086+ - 2420681/ 2086+
Fax: 2421261 /2086+
Abu Qurqas factories Number of employees: 1514 employee.
Factory products:
White sugar from cane - White sugar from beets - Moulass - Beetle
sticks - Pure\ Converted alcohol - Dry yeast - Carbon dioxide - Banas
The annual production capacity of the factory:
A-38 thousand tons of cane sugar annually
B- 78 thousand tons of beet sugar annually
C- alcohol 30 million liters per year - dry yeast 165 tons
Storage capacity:
A-110 thousand tons of sugar
B- alcohol 2220000 liters
C- dry yeast 100 tons
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1.

Creation date: 1858

Address: Gerga City - Sohag Governorate
Phone: 4673326/ 2093+ 679899 /2093+
Fax: 4673809 /2093+
Number of employees: 1138 employee.
Factory products:
Gerga Factories White sugar – Moulass - - bagasse (sucker) - filter mud.
The annual production capacity of the factory:
60 thousand tons of sugar annually.
Storage capacity:
A-40thousand tons of sugar
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1.

Creation date: 1879

Address: The city of Nag Hammadi - Qena Governorate
Phone: 6580419 / 2096+ 6580402/2096+ 66580740/2096+
Fax: 6580039 /2096+
Number of employees: 2048 employee.
Nag Hammady factories Factory products:
White sugar- Moulass - bagasse (sucker) - filter mud.
The annual production capacity of the factory:
081 thousand tons of sugar annually.
Storage capacity:
001 thousand tons of sugar.
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1 + HACCP.

Creation date: 1976

Address: Dishna city - Qena Governorate.
Phone: 2730070/ 2096+ 2730090 /2096+ 2730100 /2096+
Fax: 2730080 /2096+
Number of employees: 1248 permanent + 250 temporary employee.
Factory products:
Dishna Factories White sugar - Moulass.
The annual production capacity of the factory:
98111 thousand tons of sugar annually.
Storage capacity:
66500 thousand tons of sugar
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1

Creation date: 1963

Address: Qus city - Qena Governorate
Phone: 6178 8581661 61 /8581688 +6178 /8581681 +
Fax: 6860402 /2096+
Qus Factories Number of employees: 1975 employee.
Factory products:
White sugar - Moulass - Bagasse (Vampire) - Filters.
The annual production capacity of the factory:
170 thousand tons of sugar annually.
Storage capacity:
118 thousand tons of sugar
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1

Creation date: 1869

Address: Armant - Qena Governorate
Phone: 2620387/ 2095+ 2620425/ 2095+
Fax: 2620652/2095+
Armant Factories Email:
Number of employees: 1801 employee.
Factory products:
White sugar - Moulass - animal feed - Filters slush - bagasse (sucker).
The annual production capacity of the factory:
150 thousand tons of sugar annually.
Storage capacity:
96 thousand tons of sugar
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1 + HACCP
Creation date: 1962
Address: Edfu City - Aswan Governorate
Phone: 6179 /6971716 +6179 /6971716+
Fax: 4790901/2097+
Number of employees: 1655 employee.
Factory products:
Edfu Factories White sugar - Moulass.
The annual production capacity of the factory:
A-135444 thousand tons of sugar annually.
B- 51,820 tons of molasses per year.
Storage capacity:
A- 90 thousand tons of sugar.
B-30 thousand tons of molasses.
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1

TABLE 2: Hawamdiya area Factories, All details about the factories:

Creation date: 1978

Address: Al-Hawamdia City, Giza, Egypt
Phone: +3811400 / 202+-38114763/202 +
Equipments Factories Fax: +202 38114786
Number of employee : 1103 employees
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1

Creation Date : - 1968

Address: Al-Hawamdia City, Giza, Egypt
Chemical Factories Phone: + 202111 381149 - +202 / 38114261
Fax: +203 3 8115098
Email: Chemical@SIICEGYPT.COM
Total number of Employees: 488 workers
Factory products:
Acetone – Butanol - Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate - Ethyl acetate –
Butyl acetate - Fresh baking yeast – Bifecol – Oxygen - Synthetic
solvents - Instant active dry yeast.

Creation Date: 1948

Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of
Phone: +202 38115569 / +20218114931
Fax: +202 38114979
Email: Distillery@SIICEGYPT.COM
Total number of employees: 671
Factory products:
Pure Alcohol Concentration 95% - Converted Alcohol Concentration
90% - Natural Cane Vinegar 5% - Natural Vinegar Concentration
11% - 98% pure ice acetic acid - Dry yeast for feed - Carbon dioxide
Factory annual production capacity:
1-Alcohol 35 million liters
Distillation Factories 2- Dry yeast 600 tons / year
3- Carbon dioxide 5000 tons / year
4- Natural cane vinegar, 5% 15,000 tons / year
5- Snow acetic acid 3000 tons / year
6- Venas concentrated 20,000 tons / year
Storage capacities:
1-Pure alcohol 2.6 million liters
2- Converted alcohol 885000 liters
3- Pure alcohol, special transfers, 145000 liters,
4- alcohol oil, 10,000 liters
5- Snow acetic acid 110 tons
6- Carbon dioxide 100 tons
7- Vinas concentrated 500 tons
8- Vinegar 5% 135 tons
9- Vinegar 11% 450 tons
10- Molasses 70000 tons
- ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1 centrated phenas
Creation Date: 1967
Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of
Phone : +202 36703844/202 +36703444 Sales Department: +
Fax: +202 36703855
Perfumes Factories Total number of employees: 207 workers
Factory products:
1- Perfume and cosmetic production lines
2- Production lines for essential oils and pastes
3- Taste, color and aroma production lines
The annual production capacity of the factory is full production of
10 million pounds - supplies 10 million pounds
ISO 900 1 + ISO 1400 1 + OHSAS 1800 1

Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of

Vinus Factoires Phone: +202 36703721
Fax: +202 36703710
Factory products:
Printer – Juices – Sweets - Jam

Creation Date: 1881

Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of
Phone : +202 38113950 / 38114599
Fax: +202 38114592
Refining Factories Email: REF_FAC@SIICEGYPT.COM
Total number of employees: 1396 workers
Factory products:
Refiner Sugar 1, 2, 3
The annual production capacity of the factory:
350 Thousand of Sugar.
Sugar Capacity:
50 Thusand of sugar.
ISO 17025 + ISO 14001 + OHSAS 1800 1 + ISO 9001
Creation Date: 1988
Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of
Phone : +202 38113815 / 38114732
Transport Sectors Fax: +202 38114251
Total number of employees: 897 workers
Factory products:
Service sector (road and river transport - maintenance and repair).
ISO 14001 + OHSAS 1800 1 + ISO 9001

Creation Date: 1994

Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of
Phone : +202 37603841 / 01006693008
Medical Center Fax: +202 36703100
Total number of employees: 249 Doctors / 74 Nurses
ISO 14001 + OHSAS 1800 1 + ISO 9001

Address: Al-Hawamdia City - Giza Governorate - Arab Republic of

Phone : +20 34285408/ 0663757847
Fax: +202 43904444
Total number of employees: 290 workers
Packaging and Factory products:
distribution factories Sugar
The annual production capacity of the factory:
40000 Tons of sugra.
Sugar Capacity:
1000 tons of sugar.
OHSAS 18001
Creation date: 1981
Address: 14 Gawad Hosny St, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +202 23928733 / 23929935
Fax: +202 29325917
Number of employee : 1250 employees
Factory products:
White sugar - beet waste – molasses
Factory annual production capacity:
The quantity of supplied beets is 20 thousand tons / day at the
.production pace
Dakahlia Sugar The total supplied beets per season are 2300 thousand tons / season,
Company .with a maximum capacity of 2500 thousand tons / season
.Producing 300 thousand tons of white sugar from beets annually
Producing 200,000 tons of white sugar from raw sugar refining
.annually if requested
The production of 140,000 tons of beet waste annually is fully
The production of 130 thousand tons molasses beets annually is fully

1-Quality Assurance Certificate 9001/2008 was obtained from Moody
International company in conformity with the sugar specifications
.produced according to the European specifications E.C.2
.2-Egyptian Ministry of Health certificate
3-Quality assurance certificate ISO 22000/2005 obtained from TUV
Creation Date: 1978
The main center
Plot 17 - Service Center Street - Fourth District - 6th of October City -
P.O. 79 12566
Phone + 202 3830 8212
Fax +202 3831 1060
Cairo office
Delta Sugar Company 20 Salem Salem St, Agouza ,Giza.
Phone + 202 3749 5773
Fax +202 3749 8687
Al-Hamoul Kafr El-Sheikh PO Box: Al-Hamoul - Kafr El-Sheikh
Phone +20473760369 - +20473760290
Fax +20473760300
Email: Distillery@SIICEGYPT.COM
Total number of employees: 2000
Factory products:
Sugar – Sugar beet - molasses
Storage capacities:
340,000 tons white sugar (crystals)
300,000 tons refined sugar (crystals)
100,000 tons of luxury cubic sugar
140,000 tons dried beet pulp
120,000 tons molas for export
120,000 acres under contract farming system
QACS international OHSAS 18001:2007 - ISO 22000:2005

Creation date: 1979

Address: 20 Salem Salem St, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +202 37625804 / 37625803
Fax: +202 37625805
Number of employees: 7250
Factory products:
Nubaria Sugar Company White sugar –Refining Sugar – molasses – Feed/Fodder
Storage Capacity:
125,000 tons of white / Refining sugar.
55,000 tons of Molasses.
60,000 tons of Feed/Fodder.
1-Where the account was taken into consideration in the technical
study of the project to protect the environment from pollution by
treating industrial and sanitation wastes according to international and
Egyptian standards before they were discharged into public banks.
2-As well as the use of natural gas as an environmentally friendly fuel.

ROCOL Lubrication Application For Sugar Industry

1) • Reception, Preparation and Cane Milling

2) • Manufacturing Sugar
3) • Packaging and Storage
4) • Manufacturing Alcohol
5) • Steam Generation
6) • Cooling Towers

1) Reception, Preparation and Cane Milling

 Cane Tipper
A) Wire Ropes: ROCOL Wire Shield
C) Gearboxes: ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 320
D) Motors: ROCOL Sapphire Advance 2

 Cane Feeding Table

A) Centerlaized Lubrication System: ROCOL Sapphire AQUA 2
B) Gear Boxes: ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 220/320

 Milling
A) Mill Bearing: ROCOL HT70
B) Mill Rods: ROCOL Tufgear 100
C) Open Gears DR E BH: ROCOL HT70
D) Planetary Mill box: ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 460

 Opean Gears
A) Gears DR E BH: ROCOL Tufgear 100

 Milling
A) Bearings: ROCOL HT70

 Milling
A) Bearings: ROCOL does not attack metal [No-Corrosion on copper sleevs]

 Rods / Gear Tooth

A) Mill Rods / Gear Tooth: ROCOL Tufgear 100 & ROCOL HT70

 Planetary
A) Planetary Mill gearboxes: ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 460

Manufactures recommend use of EP Oils


 Planetary

2) Sugar Manufacturing [Sugar Factory]

 Syrup Treatment / Transformation

A) Pulleys / Bearings of the sluge filters: ROCOL Sapphire Aqua 2
B) Sulphur Oven : ROCOL Dry Moly Paste
C) Gear boxes in General: ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 220/320/460
D) Centrifugal Pumps : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Power 68

 Crystallization and Centrifugation of Syrup

A) Crystallization & Conveyors gearboxes: ROCOL FOODLUBE
Hi-Torque 230/320/460/680
B) Syrup Pumps: ROCOL FOODLUBE Hi-Power 68
C) Automatic Sugar Centerfuge Bearings & Pulleys: ROCOL FOODLUBE Premier 1

3) Packaging and Storage

 Sugar Dryer Drums : ROCOL Belt Dressing Spray

 Sugar Conveyor Pulleys & Bearings : ROCOL FOODLUBE Premire 1
 Sugar sewing and packaging machines : ROCOL FOODLUBE Sugar Dessolving Fluid

4) Alcohol Manufacturing [Alcohol Factory]

 Centrifuges : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Toruqe 220
A) Milling Crown – Endless Screw : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 220

 Centrifuges : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 220


5) Steam / Vapour Generation

 Boilers
A) Pulleys/ Bearings Primary and Secondary Boiler air feeders : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-
Temp 2
B) Pulleys/Bearings Boiler Exhaust Systems : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Temp 2
C) Boilers dosing Gear Boxes : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 220/320/460

6) Cooling Towers
A) Gearboxes : ROCOL Sapphire Hi-Torque 220/320
B) Gearbox Axle Seal : ROCOL FOODLUBE Hi-Temp 2
C) Pulleys & Bearings : ROCOL Sapphire Aqua 2

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