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CBSE Class 9 Social Studies Worksheet

1. State true or false: Working Age population is economically productive.

A) true
B) false

2. State true or false: The Northern Plains and Kerala in the south have high to very high population
A) true
B) false

3. State true or false: 2 per cent per annum annual growth rate means increase of 2 person for every 1000
persons in the base population.
A) true
B) false

4. State true or false: India has population of 20 per cent of total world's population.
A) true
B) false

5. Fill in the blanks: Adolescent population constitutes_______of the total population in India.

6. Fill in the blanks: Densities vary from _____ persons per sq. km in West Bengal to only ____ persons
per sq. km in Arunachal Pradesh.

7. State true or false: Almost half of India’s population lives in just five states.
A) true
B) false

8. What is the situation of adolescent girl population in India?

9. Explain the process of Birth rate.

10. State true or false: India is one of the most densely populated countries of the world.
A) true
B) false

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11. What is the cause which lead Government of India to initiate the comprehensive Family Planning
Programme in 1952?

12. State true or false: Declined death rate is the result of application of modern medical practices in
diagnosis and treatment of ailments.
A) true
B) false

13. Fill in the blanks: _______ identified adolescents as one of the major sections of the population that
need greater attention.

14. Why people are the nations most valuable recourses?

15. State true or false: Age group population may be working voluntarily.
A) true
B) false

16. Fill in the blanks: Population is a _______ phenomenon.

17. what is the population density of Bangladesh and Japan?

18. State true or false: In India population density is evenly distributed.

A) true
B) false

19. State true or false: The percentage of population that is economically active is an important index of
A) true
B) false

20. Explain the population densities in Assam and peninsular states?

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CBSE Class 9 Social Studies Worksheet


1. Option A

2. Option A

3. Option B

4. Option B

5. one-fifth

6. 904 , 13

7. Option A

8. A large number of adolescent girls suffer from anaemia. Their problems have so far not received adequate
attention in the process of development. The adolescent girls have to be sensitized to the problems they
confront. Their awareness can be improved through the spread of literacy and education among them.

9. Birth rate is one of the main process involved in change of population. Birth rate is the number of live births
per thousand persons in a year. It is a major component of growth because in India, birth rates have always
been higher than death rates.

10. Option A

11. Low levels of literacy.

12. Option A

13. NPP 2000

14. Because a well- educated healthy population provides potential power.

15. Option A

16. dynamic

17. The population density of Bangladesh is 1130 persons per square km and that of Japan is 335 persons per
square km.

18. Option B

19. Option A

20. Assam and most of the Peninsular states have moderate population densities. Hilly, dissected and rocky
nature of the terrain, moderate to low rainfall, shallow and less fertile soils have influenced population
densities in these areas.

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