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SOP for Office & Workplace

 All areain the premises shall be disinfected

completely using user friendly disinfectant medium

Transportation facility shall only be 30-40 %

passenger capacity →

 All Vehicle and machinery should be disinfected


Mandatory thermal scanning of everyone →

 Sanitizer preferably with touch free machanism

and made avaialable at all points of entry, exit and
common areas.
Work Gap of one hour between shifts and stagger
luch breaks →

 Seating atleast 6 feet away and large gathering

of 10 or more people discouraged.

Not more than 2/4 persons (depending on Size)

travel in lifts →

 Spitting Prohibited and ban of gutka, tobacco…

Ban on non-essential Visitors →

 Frequent cleaning/disinfection the workspace

and hand washing mandated.

Throw used Personal protective equipments only in

covered bins and dispose only at authorized
agency. →

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