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Framework for Analyzing Cultural Content in English Language Textbooks

I. General Information

1. What a 2. Happiness! 3. Telling tales 4. Doing the 5. On the move 6. Likes and
wonderful world! right thing dislikes
-Personal life, - Art, music and -Traveling
-History of The hobbies, jobs, literature -Communication around the -Mainly focused
Seven Wonders relationships in predominantly and bonton in Europe on British food
of the World the UK written or other cultures
created by and other
British authors countries such
as Italy,
Japan, the USA.
7. The world of 8. Imagine 9. Relationship 10. Obsessions 11. Tell me 12. Two
work about it! weddings, a birth
-No cultural -Family -No mention of and a funeral!
-Job etiquette content in this relationships culture -Fashion,
chapter and a little general -Traditions in UK
geography, knowledge and Ireland,
relations with a about other relationships
city cultures
1.Be happy! 2. Slow down! 3.The tourist 4. Musical 5. Home 6. Make up your
trade experiences mind
-Leisure -Food popular in -No mention of
activities on the the UK - Travel, -Music, arts, culture except a - British
UK voluntourism hobbies little geography superstitions
in London
7. Have a go! 8. Angry planet 9.Get healthy! 10. Celebration 11. 12. I wish!
-No cultural -Current Events, -Health, Welfare -wedding, - Pop Culture
content in this Ecology in the UK anniversary -job etiquette,
chapter party etiquette conversation
and traditions in ques
the UK

Caucasian Asian Hispanic African Other Not Total
American Determined
Women 35% 1% 0% 1% 0% 2% 39%
Men 40% 1% 0% 3% 0% 2% 46%
Girls 5% 1% 2% 1% 0% 0% 9%
Boys 3% 2% 1% 1% 0% 0% 7%
Total 83% 5% 3% 5% 0% 4%
II. Audio

Accents Represented

Standard Standard Regional Regional Non-Native Accent

North American British / Australian American Accent British / Australian

16% of speakers 75% of speakers 5% of speakers 2% of speakers 2% of speakers

spoke in standard spoke in standard spoke in Southern spoke in Cockney spoke English with
North American British and they accent accent an Indian accent
accent were native to the

III. Cultural Dimensions (from Risager, 1991)

Micro Level
Cultures and Characters Material Situations of Interaction and
Countries (age, gender, Environment Interaction Subjectivity of the
Addressed background) Characters
(feelings, attitudes,
values, perceived
The UK, The USA, Most characters in Most texts and Mostly job Characters show
Switzerland, the textbooks were pictures portray interactions and feeling of
Australia, Japan, white men in their environment of city family interactions eagerness and
Ireland mid-30’s to 40’s living ambition, go-getter
attitude, there is no
situation that they
won’t approach
without feeling
sure about it
Macro Level
Broad Social Facts about Broad Socio-Political Problems Historical Background
Contemporary Society
(geographical, economic,
political, etc.)
Show only the good parts of the Includes the impacts of natural Includes a reading passage
world, only 2% show natural disasters on different parts of the which outlines rules of etiquette in
disasters. Geographically and country different parts of the world. Only
economically show the well off show history of media and give a
parts of UK short run down of world history
(The 7 World wonders)
International and Intercultural Issues
Comparisons between Cultures Intercultural Situations Images, Stereotypes, Etc.
Over simplifies other cultures. Job etiquette Images depict predominantly
Shows them through a viewpoint Caucasians:- White man working,
of a tourist women at work. No stereotypes

Point of View of Authors

Multi-Perspectivity Mono-Perspectivity
Multi perspective only in depiction of natural Only the tourist perspective,
disasters or when talking about arts
IV. Educational Aspects

Task Types Visuals Educational Main Objective Level of Other Task

Potential of of Tasks Cooperation Characteristics
Tasks Required
Mostly tasks of People working, Speaking tasks To push Middle to While listening
writing the being ambitious great for students to maximal level of students learn
correct word, learning to form communication cooperation to pay attention
some listening their own with each other to different
tasks, and opinion, and people dialects and
speaking tasks practice outside their vocabulary
done in pair or speaking to get circle
group work rid of fear

V. General Questions

1. Do the texts / activities address pupils' prior knowledge about the

foreign culture? Yes, in the sense that they already know what is
impolite to do in certain situations.
2. Do the texts / activities address pupils' attitudes to the foreign
culture? No, they give them basic information, the activities only
address pupils’ previous knowledge.
3. Do the texts / activities address pupils' own cultural frame of
reference? Es, as a certain motivation for the activities or for
discussion purposes
4. Do the texts / activities focus on aspects of Big C or little c culture?
The activities focus on the aspects of Big C
5. Would the texts / activities be helpful in developing pupils'
communicative cultural competence? They would be helpful in the
sense that the student knows how to politely communicate with a
British person and certain job etiquette, but the students wouldn’t know
what they can and cannot do in other cultures besides British and
6. How could the texts / activities be improved? Text should have more
diverse topics and speakers, activities should be more focus on
diversities and teaching students about other cultures or activities
should go more in depth from the cultural aspect.

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