Appendix 2: MCT/MST Formative Teaching Observation Feedback & Assessment Rubric

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Appendix 2: MCT/MST Formative Teaching Observation Feedback & Assessment Rubric

Course Code & CRN EPC 4406 Placement School Al Towayya KG

Student Name & HCT ID Mouza Saeed Al Dhaheri Date of Observation 2/3/20
MCT / MST Name Fatima Observation # 2
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback based on
the selected teaching competencies. NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric
included in the TP Booklet.
Commitment to the Profession (15%) F D C B A
It is good how you have addressed the issues we discussed last lesson. Sometime, you can still be more
consistent in this but you are focusing the questions more (when you ask them) and asking children to talk to
each other more. But you still need to vary your approach more. You have a relaxed and confident teacher
personality and are developing a strong relationship with the children – you could sit at the table with them
sometimes. How do you decide who should show their work in the conclusion? Perhaps you can make your
decision making public so that doing this is a reward?
Planning for Learning (15%) F D C B A
The song fits in the topic and you then discuss weather. You still organise the introduction around question and
answers, when you could do more to involve the children. It is good that you have brought the different
clothes. You need to pay more attention to your instruction / demonstration so that they are shorter and you
do not talk off the topic. The activities that you prepare are engaging, address the outcomes and are
developmentally appropriate for the children as they encourage children to link symbols (words & numbers)
with objects.
Managing Learning (15%) F D C B A
You then begin the lesson – and you sit on the floor and introduce ‘foggy’ – remember to include children talk,
you do so, but need to manage this as the class are all calling out (because they are used to doing this). You
then move to turn and talk, better, as you show the children that you are serious about this (but try not to
interrupt them as they do it). You show addition activity and involve but can you ensure all the class are
focused and involve one or two children in this? You show addition with marbles, - focus. Then you show
centres, you tell the children to focus – better. Your demonstration of the blowing activity is clear – why not ask
a child to blow and put the tick? Sometimes, your instructions could have clearer language – I suggest you
number what you say, first, second, third etc. You begin the tidy up – good. You understand that you need to
offer positive comments too- keep going! Be BIG and LOUD and POSITIVE – using names as much as you can.
Good you do so – but more. Good you are improving here at focusing the class for the conclusion. I like how the
children ‘ask’ Abdullah. You lead this nicely. Very positively.
Implementing Learning (20%) F D C B A
You begin with a song ‘how’s the weather’ – very nice, the children enjoy this. You participate well in this. Then
you demonstrate / instruct children on the activities. Once children begin the activities you move to speak and
check on the children’s work. There is one activity where children match clothes with the weather – this would
have been an excellent activity to practice in the introduction – you had weather words/pictures and clothes so
try to plan next time so that you can practice one activity (at least) in the introduction – this will prepare the
children for the activities better than telling them what to do. You provide the children with a good amount of
time to participate in the activities.
Assessment (15%) F D C B A
You move around the groups and engage them in conversation during the activities.
Reflection on Practice (20%) F D C B A

Action Plan:
It was good to see you address the issues we discussed from your first lesson.
Your use of demonstrations was clearer – can you think about also involving one or two children? It will
contribute to class management and make the children more engaged.
Your teaching would be better if you think about how you will say your instructions BEFORE you give them so
they are better organised and in order (first, second, third).
Consider using the introduction to practice one or two of the activities children will do. For example, you have
real clothes. You could ask children to match with picture of the weather on the floor – as this previews one of
the activities anyway.

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