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Lupoae Bogdan

Report on the wildlife holiday

The aim of this report is to illustrate adequate instructive incentive of the wildlife
holiday, to recommend any changes and to decide if it would be reasonable for
other age gatherings.

Activities and problems

Hiking was one of the children’s favorite. However, some of them got tired and
this caused one of them to wander away. The guides found him immediately, but
the problem could have been avoided if the roads bad been less difficult. In the
evenings, the guides thought the teenagers how to light up a fire, followed by
stargazing. This was not possible every night because of the cloudy sky.

Educational value
The educational element of this trip exceeded our expectations. Teenagers leant
about geology, during rock climbing and exploring caves, as the guides had a
wide knowledge about minerals and cave formations. They were also thought
about the iconic species of that place, such as bears, eagles, crocodiles, and they
had the chance to see some of them in real life, in their habitat.

Suitable for age groups

If a younger group would go on such a trip, the guides should be used to working
with children, because they would have to be patient and tolerant. The reasonable
activities for them would be stargazing, birdwatching and sailing, as they safe
and educative. However, if the routes are not too difficult they could also go

To sum up, this year’s holiday appears to have been enjoyed by most teenagers.
For a younger group, I strongly recommend safe activities, easy routes and
patient guides. If the suggested changes are implemented, I have no hesitation in
recommending this trip for children.

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