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The function of the management function in managing the room division department and for
exampleManagement is the process of achieving an organization's goals by working in teams. A
process carried out to achieve an organization's goals by working in teams. Management is the
planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of the organization and the use of other
organizational resources to achieve the stated goals.In carrying out management functions a
manager must be able to carry out planning (planning), organizing (organizing), directing
coordination (coordinating), placement of employees (staffing), supervision (controlling), leadership
(leadership), evaluation (evaluating)
a) Planning
Planning is determining everything before doing the actual activities. The planning function for
a front office manager (Room Division Manager), for example, includes the selection of various
alternative goals, strategies, policies, and tactics to be carried out. As such, decisions in
planning will affect all hotel front office operations in the future. Examples of planning in the
Room Divission Department based on a survey at the Grand Istana Rama Hotel is that there are
guests who will check in at the hotel and the Housekeeping department designs a plan for how
the guest feels comfortable when visiting the hotel lobby and this is done through planning the
cleaning of the hotel lobby area before guests arrive and plan guest room setup before
checking in. In addition, for example, if there is a guest group that wants to check in, so
management needs to make any plans that need to be prepared (guest data, reservation data,
etc.) so that later guests do not feel bored because they wait too long.
b) Organizing
Organizing is the process of creating relationships between functions, both human resources
and physical factors that are visible. The goal is that the activities carried out can be united and
directed towards the achievement of common goals. For example, at the Grand Istana Rama
Hotel, implementing organization through organizational structure methods. In the
organizational structure includes the responsibilities, position, and job descriptions of each
employee. So the room division manager is responsible for providing job descriptions to front
office and housekeeping staff related to each department in order to achieve company goals.
c) Coordination
Coordination is an attempt to synchronize, combine, unite various activities in the organization
for the achievement of organizational goals. For example, at the Grand Istana Rama Hotel,
there is coordination between FO and HK regarding guests who will check in at the hotel. Based
on information from the FO, HK will conduct a room cleaning procedure. Vice versa, there is
coordination between HK and FO related to the status of the rooms that have been checked by
HK, then HK informs the status of the room to the FO so that it can be sold to guests.
d) Employee Placement
Staffing management functions involve elements of recruitment and selection of applicants to
get the best for a particular position. Staffing also includes work schedules and the right
number of employees for the front office according to the number of guests and the size of
hotel operations (number of rooms). For example, in Grand Istana Rama in running its
operations it requires more housekeeping staff especially in high season to support operational
activities. Recruitment is based on individuals who are considered capable (have skills,
knowledge and experience) related to HK.
e) Controlling
Supervision is essentially an attempt to give instructions to the implementers so that they
always act according to plan. Employees are expected to limit their actions in achieving goals so
as not to deviate from the plan. For example, in the Grand Palace of Rama related to
controlling, namely monitoring the performance of employees of HK or FO.
f) Leadership
Leadership can emerge from talent or is shaped by the environment. With good leadership
skills, Room Division Manager will be able to run the day-to-day operations of the hotel front
office and daily grammar smoothly and programmed. For example, in the Grand Palace of Kuta,
applying the concept of leadership with the principle of togetherness and kinship and no
bossman terms. In this case the Room Division manager who overrides the bossman principle
and prioritizes the concept of leadership will produce good morale for employees so that the
operation is smooth
g) Evaluating
Evaluation is the final process of the final results that have actually been achieved or
implemented. From the facts it is clear whether a job or work has reached the target or not. If
the final results are not in accordance with the plan, then a revision or review of the feasibility
and feasibility of the plan needs to be held. For example, at Grand Istana Rama, the supervisor
will check in detail and evaluate the performance of the HK staff in terms of room preparation
so that they will avoid complaints from guests when staying at the hotel.

2. Yield Management of FO and examples

Yield management is a technique based on supply and demand factors used to maximize profits by
lowering prices to increase sales when the business is quiet (less demand) and raising prices when
demand is high (operations are busy). Yield Management is done by providing the right price to the
right customer and at the right time. Prices tend to rise when demand is more than supply.
Conversely prices tend to fall if demand is less than supply. Pricing is the key to success in
profitability. An example of yield management in FO is that during low season management needs
to reduce room rates because guests are quiet. The price reduction can be done by giving special
packages or discounts. While in high season management can raise prices and still be able to
compete with competitors in order to achieve maximum profits.

3. 5 functional competences Manager FO

a) Manage finances in the budget (Manage financial performance within a budget)Budget is one
important component in a company's business. FO managers usually have accurate details and
details related to the budgeting system at FO, for example reservation (30%), reception (25%),
FO Chasier (20%), Telephone Operators (15%), Information service (7%), and uniform service
(3%) so that from this division, operations can run smoothly
b) Manage and hold inventory (Manage stock purchases and inventories)This is related to
activities to maintain the optimum amount of products owned. In this case the product is in the
form of a room. So the FO manager must be thorough and careful in managing the rooms. It is
expected that later customer desires related to room rentals can always be fulfilled by
management so that room occupancy rates remain high
c) Establish and implement business relationship (Establish and maintain a business
relationship)This business work relationship is achieved through collaboration between
management and stakeholders (travel agents, restaurants, attractions, etc.) so as to increase
corporate profits
d) Recruiting, selecting and providing staff recognition (Recruit and select staff)Recruitment is
based on applicable operational standards and the employee has sufficient competence, skills
and experience so that he is entitled to become a company employee. The manager will later
need to introduce him to other employees in order to establish a harmonious working
e) Monitor staff performance (Monitor staff performance standards)Management needs to
provide some challenges to staff, how well the staff's performance in carrying out their duties.
For example FO managers assign staff duties to handle group guests in handling reservations.
Managers need to pay attention to details

- 5 functional competences Manager HK

a) Manage physical assets (Manage physical assets and infrastructure)management needs to
check regularly related tools and machines used for operations, especially in HK. Managers and
staff have an active role in equipment maintenance so that the tools will not be damaged when
b) Manage finances in the budget (Manage financial performance within a budget)The HK
manager must be able to manage money and budget in order to be able to operate. Budget
allocation in HK for example, laundry (30%), room section (25%), Florist (18%), Linen (15%) and
Public Area (12%)
c) Lead and manage human resources (Manage the effective use of human resources)The HK
manager must be able to provide clear direction and leadership regarding what needs to be
done and taken care of by staff. In addition managers must always be careful to place
employees according to their fields, such as staff A is placed in roomboy, etc.
d) Conduct an assessment (Conduct a staff performance assessment process)Good assessments
are based on good employee performance. Therefore managers need to analyze which
employees have the best performance and from that can be given positive motivation in the
form of awarding the Best Employee
e) Carry out training sessions (Prepare and deliver training sessions)Training for employees is very
important for improving the quality and quality of employees. Managers need to provide
training in a mere manner through job training or other training for the improvement of the
quality of the employees themselves.

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