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The advantages of sponsorship

Vodafone UK is part of Vodafone Group, This is proving a very successful strategy, Vodafone’s Vodafone is achieving these objectives

Introduction the world’s largest telecommunications

company. In the UK, Vodafone provides
as is evident from Vodafone’s UK suc-
cess. Vodafone opened the UK’s first
marketing strategy by continually updating the range of
phones and services offered to keep
mobile telecommunications products cellular network on 1 January 1985. It has Vodafone’s marketing aim in the UK is ahead of its competitors. Vodafone also
This case study examines how two businesses that have
and services to three major groups of been the market leader since 1986; its to retain market leadership. communicates regularly with its cus-
global appeal are co-operating to achieve their shared visions UK networks carry over 100 million calls tomers to keep them well informed of
for their companies and brands. Vodafone’s strategy is product-led; the
each week. Vodafone currently has the the benefits of all Vodafone products.
Private individuals company is continually developing new
largest share of the UK cellular market.
products and services which utilise the
Small businesses
Company Vision It is anticipated that by 2005 there latest technological advances. Sponsorship deal with
will be over one billion mobile phone
Vodafone To become a global mobile leader in terms of profit, customers
Large organisations.
users throughout the world, using a
However, as consumers become increas- Manchester United
ingly sophisticated users of modern
Manchester United has been League
and value, making mobile networks the “nervous system” of the networked economy wide range of phones including ‘third mobile technology, they make new
Champions fifteen times and European In February 2000 Manchester United
spanning three major developed markets (Europe, US and Japan). generation’ and Wireless Application demands and seek added value through
Champions twice, in 1968 and 1999. and Vodafone UK announced a com-
Protocol (WAP) enabled phones. product improvements. Consumers are mercial alliance. Through this, Vodafone
Manchester United To remain the most pioneering, best supported and most The club has won the FA Cup a record Nearly two-thirds of these mobile becoming more demanding and suppliers
ten times. It has six million fans in the became the principal sponsor as well as
successful football club in the world. phones will be WAP enabled and with have to listen. Vodafone must feed this
UK and 50 million global fans. Its the telecommunications and equipment
rapid increases in processing power, back into its product strategy.
matches are regularly televised in 139 service partner of the club. The four-year
third generation mobile phone users In the UK, the mobile phone market has
Brand Vision countries. will be able to: approached maturity in a very short
agreement started on 1st June 2000.

find out cinema programme space of time, particularly with young It was a logical step for Vodafone to
Vodafone A ‘can do’ approach that makes life easier for customers.
Vodafone’s schedules and seat availability people. To keep its leading edge, seek ties with Manchester United. Due
Manchester United Relentless pursuit of excellence. Vodafone is continually looking to add to Manchester United’s global appeal,
corporate strategy book the tickets
value to the services it provides and to the dual branding process that Vodafone
study the best route and where the packages it offers to customers. is currently progressing means that
Vodafone Group’s current target is to to park
Soon, within the UK, there will be few sponsoring such a renowned sporting
become one of the world’s top five
access the Internet new customers available. So the chal- team, exposes the Vodafone name in
brands. To achieve this, it is expanding
lenge is to provide added value services countries where it may not have been
its global presence through dual hold video conferences while
and competitive charges to existing cus- previously known.
branding exercises with the 30 other on the move.
tomers who are becoming more sophis-
companies around the world in which Top companies look to be identified
The mobile phone market is constantly ticated and demanding.
Vodafone Group holds interests. moving forward; the pace of change with excellence and are happy to be
For example, young people think hard associated with it. Both Vodafone and
This involves using the locally recog- and development is accelerating. about which mobile phone to buy. In
Consumers’ desire for better products Manchester United are seeking to be
nised brand and the Vodafone name, their search for the widest range of
is intensifying. the best in what they do and in pioneering
i.e. Libertel Vodafone (Libertel is the appropriate services and the best value
new ideas.
network in the Netherlands). Once the To move the market forward, Vodafone for money, young people in particular
Vodafone name becomes widely recog- is continually developing new services examine catalogues, surf the Internet Both brands have a global appeal.
nised in these markets, the Vodafone which, until they are there, are often and study what their friends have Manchester United has a massive sup-
brand will become the sole brand. This bought. Trying to sell to them is tough. porter base, including areas such as the
beyond the average customer’s imagi-
initiative forms part of an ongoing nation. In order to retain market leadership, Far East. These supporters represent
programme to build the Vodafone Vodafone has established a set of potential customers for Vodafone.
Vodafone is well placed to benefit marketing objectives. These are to:
brand globally.
from these developments. As a global Clearly, the deal fits with Vodafone’s
Vodafone’s current business strategy is obtain new customers marketing objectives of obtaining new
telecommunications company, Vodafone
to grow through geographic expansion, benefits from the advantages of oper- keep the customers it already has customers, keeping its present ones and
acquisition of new customers, reten- ating across a range of markets which introduce new technologies and continuing to develop the brand. In
tion of existing customers and increas- enables them to benefit from huge cost services (eg text messaging, WAP) addition, Vodafone is able to develop
ing usage through innovations in tech- savings resulting from dealing with continue to develop the new value added services specifically
nology. single suppliers worldwide for example. Vodafone brand. for Manchester United fans.

THE TIMES 100 Edition 7

Glossary of Keywords
Marketing benefits Media Evaluation – Vodafone
monitors TV and press coverage
The marketing benefits for Vodafone to measure the exposure of the
from the alliance cover three main areas. Vodafone brand resulting from Acquisition: Takeover of another company
the sponsorship. through purchase.
Enhancing brand
awareness and image Keeping check in this way enables Brand vision: An inspiring view of what should
Vodafone to assess whether or not it has drive the success of a brand such as ‘Manchester

The Times Newspaper Limited and ©MBA Publishing Ltd 2001. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information, neither the publisher nor the clients can be held responsible for errors of omission or commission.
The agreement includes the incorpora-
made a wise strategic move in teaming United’ or ‘Vodafone’.
tion of Vodafone’s brand logo on the
up with Manchester United. Evidence Business strategy: The overall plan a company
playing kit, the rights to use the
strongly suggests that it has. has for itself.
Manchester United logo in promotions,
advertising and perimeter signage at all Dual branding: Creating a double brand which is
Manchester United home games (ex- Conclusion recognised worldwide.
cluding European Champions League).
Vodafone also features strongly in Global branding: Creating a single brand which
Manchester United and Vodafone each is recognised worldwide.
Manchester United marketing materials
stand to benefit enormously from their
including match programmes, the Innovations in technology: Breakthroughs in
sponsorship and commercial alliance.
Manchester United magazine and inter- design, use of materials, manufacturing
net site From Vodafone’s point of view, having processes that open the way for new products
its name on the shirts of the world’s and new ways of using them.
The association with a football team,
best known and most highly visible
especially Manchester United, also Market leader: The firm with the largest share of
football club is a clear benefit.
adds excitement, passion, fun and Adding value to services Using this service, fans will have Measuring the a market.
access to club news, details of ticket
emotion to the Vodafone brand. The Official Mobile Communications
availability, route guidance to Old
success of the strategy The partnership has done much more
Marketing objectives: The targets that the
Service for Manchester United fans is than that, however. Equally important,
These benefits clearly support marketing Trafford and detailed statistical infor- organisation seeks to meet through its marketing
manUmobile. It is typical of the added Vodafone’s sponsorship deal with Vodafone has become Manchester
objectives by promoting and enhancing activities.
value services that Vodafone is creating. mation about each team or squad Manchester United costs Vodafone £30 United’s communication and technology
the Vodafone brand, which will help to member. Under match information they
Thanks to manUmobile, fans have direct million over a four year period. partner, enabling the fans of the club to Maturity: The stage in the product life cycle
win and retain customers. can find fixture details, Premiership Vodafone clearly has to evaluate the when there is little room for expansion because
access, through their mobile phone, to get news and information on the Reds
the latest news from the club 24 hours league tables, reviews of matches, effectiveness of this partnership in most or all of the target market is saturated.
Extending the range of wherever they are, through Vodafone’s
match reports and so on. terms of its own marketing objectives.
products and services a day. Once users have registered at value-added services. Retention: To continue to hold present
It does so in four ways:
Through the link with Manchester from their Added value services such as manUmobile customers.
General awareness is measured Also, because Manchester United has a
United, Vodafone has the opportunity PC, they can receive a host of informa- enable Vodafone to meet its marketing
through consumer research. global fan base, Vodafone’s alliance Third generation: The next generation of mobile
to increase sales of phones and acces- tion direct to their digital mobile phone objectives of gaining and retaining its
For example, consumers may with the club is enabling Vodafone to technology which will bring a completely new
sories. With a variety of ‘Reds’ phones via text messaging. These services customer base, enhancing the brand
be asked questions such as develop its own global presence. range of services and capabilities, turning mobile
and accessories, Vodafone is offering a include text alerts giving fixture lists, and introducing new technologies to an devices into a multi-media tool.
“Did you know that Vodafone
range of Manchester United phone match information, match incidents and informed and enthusiastic target audience. sponsors Manchester United?” For Manchester United, the deal not only
news flashes. manUmobile ensures that generates extra income, but also provides WAP: Wireless Application Protocol. An
covers and cases with different designs. The marketing benefits described The impact of phones and acces- agreement reached by the wireless industry itself
fans know what is happening on the valuable new services to its fans. This
Offering Manchester United branded above enable Vodafone to promote its sories is measured by charting on the guaranteed minimum standards
pitch, even if they are not at the game makes being a Manchester United fan
phones and accessories enables global branding strategy by using the ongoing improvements in sales. of product and service that it will offer its
and are miles away from a TV set. even more attractive and for the club new
Vodafone to win more customers and UK as a launchpad for stretching its The success of value added services customers. WAP offers customers access to
fans mean new customers to sell to.
increase brand awareness across the Fans can also register and access the own brand across the globe through one such as manUmobile is monitored a range of information via a mobile device.
globe wherever there is a Manchester service with a WAP handset via of the UK’s most prestigious global in terms of the number of people Like all the best deals, there really is
United fan. brands: Manchester United. registered and usage of the services. something in it for everyone.

• Answers to the questions

Browse the Web
1 Why did Vodafone decide to 2 Why do you think Manchester 3 Describe two of Vodafone’s 4 How has linking up with 5 Why might Vodafone want

To download this case study
A profile of the organisation
sponsor Manchester United? United wanted to link up with marketing objectives. Manchester United enabled to continue sponsoring • Revision help
Vodafone? Vodafone to meet one of the Manchester United after the
marketing objectives you four-year initial contract ends?
have just described?

• Information on the organisation • Information from The Times

THE TIMES 100 Edition 7

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