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Human resources management assignment

Throughout the human resources management topic, I have had the opportunity to learn about a
variety of topics in both lectures and seminar. These topics covered a variety of different practices
and involving human resource management and I will be writing about the three that I found most
interesting. The three topics I have chosen are recruitment and selection, equality and diversity and
effective communication in the workplace. These are three topics that I feel strongly about in
relation to how they will impact me in the future as well as topics that I found interested and wanted
to research further, sharing my opinions with addition information not learned in the classroom,
such as how these issues are changing and the effect they are having on society.

The first topic I will be focusing on is recruitment and selection. According to Pallab Dutta (2017)
“Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment
and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization.” When learning about
this topic I found it interested that every business from large scale organisation to small start-up
companies use recruitment and selection in different ways to hire the right candidates.

This topic linked closely to my future employability goals as one of my careers goals is to be in a
management position for a marketing company, this topic gave me insight into how to make ethical
employment decisions as well the range of methods used to recruit employee. I particularly enjoyed
studying this topic as I was exposed to new methods of recruitment and selection as well of
traditional methods such as interviews, group exercises, references, personal profiling, online
screening and shortlisting (Graduate Recruitment Bureau, 2019). I also enjoyed this topic as it made
engage more with issues that are happening in the recruitment and selection world. This encouraged
me to research further and broaden my knowledge.

Throughout my research I looked into how the internet is beginning to change the way applicants
are recruited, I found this particular interesting as I am part of generation Z. As part of generation Z I
am born 1995 onwards meaning I am part of the generation growing up with the internet, so the
ways in which the internet is changing and being used in many aspects of employment interests me
greatly (Matt Kleinschmit, 2015). As part of this generation social media has been a huge part of my
life many years using sites such as Facebook and Instagram. With these websites being use by myself
and peers for leisure hearing about social media screen caught my attention immediately as this is a
practice that could potentially be used by employers on me. Social media screening is very
controversial and is one of many modern examples showing how recruitment process is steadily
moving away from established and tradition methods to the internet (Venu Kishu, 2016). The
controversy behind this method made me think more generally about the ethical issues associated
with other methods of recruitment and selection.

All recruitment and selection methods should have validity so that the candidate selected is right for
the position and gets the job (London, 2001).

I felt strongly when I found out about these recruitments and some of the issues they have caused as
they link closely with my future employability goals but are also seen in many organisations today
(ACAP, 2018). Social media screening is a recent trend that many managers wouldn’t have dealt with
before, this topic gave me the opportunity to educate myself further on the effects of the practice
on the organisation and applicant.

I feel that recruitment and selection is very important in today’s organisation, however I feel the
methods used are equally are important. I feel that companies should make ethical, fair decision
when I comes to recruitment so that everyone has a fair opportunity is isn’t isolated because of
information the employer doesn’t have a right to know.

Which are linked most closely to your future employability goals; those which you have
enjoyed studying; or those which you think are most important in today’s organisations.

Pallab Dutta (2017) Definition of recruitment and selection
definition-recruitment-selection.html [accessed 16/05/2019]

Graduate Recruitment Bureau (2019) Selection methods

research/selection-methods [accessed 16/05/2019]

Vinu Kishu, Linkedin (2016) Modern Recruitment Methods vs Traditional Recruitment Methods
Available at:
kishu [accessed 16/05/2019]

Australian College Of Applied Phycology (2018) Contemporary Management Issues. Available at:
level-units/contemporary-management-issues/ [accessed 16/05/2018]

Matt Kleinschmit (2015) Generation Z Characteristics [accessed 16/05/2018]

London, M. (2001). How people evaluate other in organisations. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Inc.

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