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Name : Gabriel A.

Buhain Year & Section : BSCE 1P

Reflection in Theo 1B

1. In John 13:15, Jesus sets an example for us to follow. After washing His
disciples' feet an act of love, humility, and service He encourages us to
follow His lead and serve one another. Jesus, the Son of God, the Most
High King, Lord of Lords, never placed himself in a position above others.
He led by serving, and He loved by serving. He washed feet. He fed
thousands. He walked to visit and heal the sick and dead. He stopped to
touch and heal a sick woman. He spent time with those no one else cared
to spend time with. Jesus lived a life of humility. Serving others is more
than keeping up with your to-do list. To be a servant means we genuinely
need to care about people. It’s keeping our eyes, hearts, and schedules
open for divine appointments. Jesus was not stressed by time, what others
thought of Him, or a list of tasks to accomplish each day. Jesus was led by
the Spirit of God and followed His promptings to serve, love, and help
others. No task was ever beneath Jesus, and no person was ever
unworthy. What I learn also from jesus is to bee clear with what you want.
Jesus knew that clarity is one of the secrets to success. Be deliberate in
living your life. Be clear with what you want to achieve. Know what to ask
for and how to ask for it.

2. From this verse, John 3:16 - For god so loved the world that he gave his begotten son, that
whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life that verse I can
appreciate gods love for us and his will for the salvation of us. When I first believed in Jesus,
the pastors and elders asked us to remember this verse, so that we could know Jesus’ love
for us. And as long as we believed in Jesus, we could gain eternal life and enter the kingdom
of heaven. However, when I read these words “Follow peace with all men, and holiness,
without which no man shall see the Lord” in the Bible, I reflected upon myself: In my real
life, I cannot follow Jesus’ requirements. For example, when getting along with my families, I
cannot be tolerant and patient; if my neighbors harm me, even though I say nothing but I
would hold a grudge; when working with my colleagues, I sometimes look down upon them.
… I felt confused: I often commit sins, can Jesus bring me into the kingdom of heaven? Can I
gain eternal life? I didn’t understand Jesus’ will until some brothers and sisters in the Lord
shared something with me. John 3:16 is not magic. The verse is not some talisman. It does,
however, contain a mystery and a miracle. In it, we find the very core of the good news.
God's love for us is both deeper and wider than we could even imagine. God's love is at the
very center of God's action in the world. God's love paved the path on the road to the cross.

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