Pathophysiology of Hyspopadias and Epispadias PDF

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Takes place between 5th and 8 weeks

of gestation

Primordial genitalia in the absence

of hormonal stimulation

Genital tubercle grows in posterior

direction during 6th week of gestation

EPISPADIAS occur when a portion of posterior

bladder wall protrudes through a defect in the
lower abdominal and anterior bladder wall.

can cause impotentia coundi, May cause in frequent ascending can cause impotentia generandi,
which results from the dorsal infections to the prostate or which results from the
curvature of the penile shaft bladder, kidneys and physiological incomplete urethra
problem related to the deformity

In females it occurs at 5th to 8th week

of gestation (Genital tubercle)

Through the stimulation of hormone (estrogen)

the external genitalia were formed

Clitoris, vestibule and labia minora were formed

Hypospadias takes place when there is opening of

urethra in the anterior vaginal wall
In 13 th week of gestation where formation of the
urethra takes place which is situated in the
anterior to the vagina Epispadias takes place when the urethra
developed too far anteriorly
Occur during 8th and 20th weeks of

Congenital defect that occur


8th weeks of gestation, the genital

structures are identical in males and

Genitals develop a masculine

phenotype in males primarily under
the influence of testosterone

Anterior or granular urethra Hypospadias occur when there is Prepuce normally forms as
develop in a proximal abnormality in which urethral meatus ridge of the skin from the
direction is located on the ventral aspect of the corona that grows
penis proximal to the tips of the glans circumferentially fusing with
penis which splayed open glans

Ectodermal core forming at

the tip of glans penis, which
canalizes more proximal Urethral folds coalesce in the midline
urethra at the level of from the base to tip, forming
corona turbulized penile urethra and median
scrotal raphe

Failure of fusion of the urethral folds in the hyspopadias impedes this process, and a dorsal
hooded prepuce results
Complications of phismosis:
1. Local infection
2. Prepuceal calculi
3. Paraphismosis
4. Obstruction to urine flow such as hydroureter and hydronephrosis
5. Balanitis
6. Posthitis
7. Penile carcinoma

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