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Ni Luh Putu Agustina Putri 1713081015

Water is one of the most precious gift of god to mankind. No substance is more
important and very many uses besides water. The water in human life is very important,
because in the human body consists mostly of water. The adult body weight of about
55-60% consists of water, while the kids around 65% and 80% sekitara baby. Every day
people should consume 2.5 liters of water. The human need for water is very complex,
such as for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, and so on. With these things for human
life must be provided water in sufficient quantity and quality are very adequate and the
water should not be in polluted conditions. But kebanyakaan at this time already became
polluted water where it is caused by human activity itself, causing the water quality
drops to a certain level which causes the water was no longer function as intended.
From this came the idea where the water can be clarified again by using aluminum
sulfate (alum) but the use of aluminum sulfate in the water it should not be excessive so
as not to cause the return water can not be used by humans but can cause illness if
people use it.

Aluminum is a chemical element that has the symbol Al with its atomic number
13. Aluminum is the most abundant metal, aluminum is not a heavy metal species, but
an element that amounts to about 8% of the earth's surface and the third most abundant.
The aluminum itself is widely used in everyday human life can even be used in the
industrial field. Aluminum itself can be purified in two stages: the Bayer process
(bauxite refining process for obtaining aluminum oxide) and the Hall-Heroult process
(the aluminum smelting process to produce pure aluminum oxide). Aluminum
production process begins of making mineral containing aluminum (bauxite,
corrundum, gibbsite, boehmite, diaspore, and so on) and then mineral brought to Bayer
process.bauxite ore containing 50-60% Al2O3 mixed with impurities especially Fe2O3
and SiO2. To separate Al2O3 of substances that are unwanted, we take advantage of
natureamphotericof Al2O3.
Bauxite refining step performed to remove the main impurities in the bauxite.
Bauxite major impurities usually consist of Fe 2O3, SiO2 and TiO2. The trick is to
dissolve bauxite in solutionsodium hydroxide (NaOH) in which the reaction is as

Al2O3 (s) + 2NaOH (aq) + 3H2O (l) ---> 2NaAl(OH)4 (aq)

Aluminum oxide is soluble in NaOH whereas insoluble impurities. Impurities can be

separated through the screening process. Furthermore, aluminum is precipitated from
the filtrate by bubbling CO2 and dilution.

2NaAl(OH)4 (aq) + CO2 (g) ---> 2AL(OH)3 (s) + Na2CO3 (aq) + H2O (l)

Aluminum hydroxide precipitate is filtered, dried and then heated in order to obtain pure
aluminum oxide (Al2O3)

2AL(OH) 3 (s) ---> Al2O3 (s) + 3H2O (g)

Next is the stage of smelting alumina by reduction via electrolysis process

byHall-Heroult process, In Hall-Heroult process, aluminum oxide is dissolved in molten
cryolite (Na3AlF6) in the graphite-coated steel vessel that also functions as a cathode.
Furthermore, electrolysis is done at a temperature of 950°C. As used anode graphite
rod. Having obtained pure Al2O3, the next process is the electrolysis of molten Al2O3. In
this electrolysis Al2O3 mixed with 2-8% CaF2 and cryolite (Na 3AlF6) which serves to
lower the melting point of Al2O3 (Al 2O3 melting point of pure reach 2000°C), the
mixture will melt at temperatures between 850-950°C. Anode and katodenya made of
graphite. The reaction occurs as follows:

Al2O3 (l) 2Al3+ (l) + 3O2- (l)

Anode (+):3O2- (l) O2 (g) + 6e−

Cathode (-): 2Al3+ (l) + 6e- 2Al (l)

Reaction cell: 2Al3+ (l) + 3O2- (l) 2Al (l) + O2 (g)
Metal aluminum is used in nearly all aspects of life. Metals aluminum is used in
the physical worldor chemical. In physical, aluminum is used in the
structureairplane,framework-rangkawindow, orderdoorandwindow, Equipmentkitchen,
As wrapping (aluminum foil), and so on. In the world of chemistry, the aluminum metal
is used asreductantin a variety of extraction of metal ions from the solution. As well
aszinc, Aluminum can also be used as a reducing agentgoldin the cyanidation process.
In the process of gold extraction thiosulfate, aluminum can reduce gold ions faster than
zinc. Aluminum can also be used in the reduction process ioncopperandmercuryfrom
the solution. Because the aluminum production process using high heat, then basically
the aluminum metal saving potentialheata very large hidden. Calor is referred to by the
term "latent heat", which can be released at any time under the right conditions. Besides
the aluminum compounds can also be widely used in various fields one example is
aluminum sulfate or commonly called alum coagulant which can be used as a water
purifier. Because of turbidity in the water can be removed by the addition of Imia kind
of material commonly called a coagulant. And aluminum sulfate is one example of a
coagulant which can be used as a turbid water purifier.

Aluminum sulfate is an inorganic chemical compound with the formula

Al2(SO4)3. These compounds are soluble in water and is mainly used as a coagulant in
water purification and wastewater treatment plant, and also in the manufacture of paper.
Aluminum sulfate is sometimes referred to as a kind of alum. Alum is a double sulphate
salt, with the formula AM(SO4)2·12H2O, where A is a monovalent cation such as
potassium or ammonium and M is a trivalent metal ions such as aluminum. Anhydrous
form naturally as the rare mineral millosevichite, which is usually found in volcanic
environments (volcanic) and the combustion of coal mine waste disposal. Aluminum
sulfate itself is rarely, if ever only encountered as the anhydrous salt. He formed a
number of different hydrate, where heksadekahidrat Al2(SO4)3 • 16H2O and
oktadekahidrat Al2 (SO4)3 • 18H2O is usually the most common. Heptadekahidrat, the
formula can be written as [Al(H2O)6]2(SO4)3 • 5H2O, occurs naturally as a mineral
alunogen. Besides aluminum sulphate is also commonly referred to as alum (alum). The
properties of aluminum sulfate, namely:
 The molecular formula: Al2(SO4)3
 Molecular weight: 342.15 g / mol (anhydrous); 666.42 g / mol (oktadekahidrat)
 Appearance: white solid crystals, hygroscopic
 Density: 2.672 g / cm3 (anhydrous); 1.62 g / cm3 (oktadekahidrat)
 Melting Point: 77.0 ° C (decomposed, anhydrous); 86.5 ° C (oktadekahidrat)
 Solubility in water: 31.2 g / 100 mL (0 ° C); 36.4 g / 100 mL (20 ° C); 89.0 g /
100 mL (100 ° C)
 Solubility in other solvents: Slightly soluble in alcohol and aqueous mineral acid
 Acidity (pK a): 3.3 to 3.6
 Refractive Index (nD): 1.47
 Crystal structure: monoclinic (hydrate)
 Standard enthalpy of formation, ΔfHo298: -3440 kJ / mol

Aluminum sulfate itself can be made in various ways. In the manufacture of

aluminum sulfate are known two kinds of processes that are commonly used, namely:

1. Making the Bauxite and Aluminum Sulfate using Sulfuric Acid

In this process the aluminum sulphate was prepared by dissolving bauxite with 60%
sulfuric acid in a reactor and run at a temperature of 900°C with a pressure of 1 atm.
The reaction between sulfuric acid and soluble solids bauxite is a reaction that is
strongly influenced by the temperature and composition of the mixture. The reactions
occurring in the reaction between the bauxite ore and sulfuric acid are as follows:

Al2O3(s) + 3H2SO4(l) → Al2(SO4)3(l) + 3H2O(l)

In the reactor also ongoing reaction between the ferry oxide contained in bauxite ore
with sulfuric acid and iron filings. The addition of iron powder functions as a binder
ferry oxide is soluble in sulfuric acid to be transformed into a solid so it is easy to
separate. Conversion reaction of change oxide into FeSO 4 ferry is at 65%. Here is the
reaction between the ferry oxide, sulfuric acid and iron filings are as follows:

Fe2O3(s) + 3H2SO4(l) + Fe(s) → 3FeSO4(s) + 3H2O(l)

Results reaction out of the reactor and then separated from the solids. The filtrate was
conditioned to the next process is crystallization of aluminum sulfate. Crystallization is
done by cooling down to a temperature of 300oC. Aluminum sulfate crystals are
separated from the liquid. The filtrate separation results are returned to the reactor.
While the aluminum sulfate crystals reduced water content.

2. Preparation of Aluminum Sulfate with Giulini Process

This process uses raw materials such as aluminum hydroxide and sulfuric acid.

2Al(OH3) (s) + 3H2SO4(l) → Al2(SO4)3(s) + 6H2O(l)

Al(OH3) and H2SO4 put into a reactor with a temperature of 1700°C and a pressure of 5-
6 atm. Then the results of reactor concentrated using an evaporator. Results from the
evaporator is passed into the vacuum tank to be cooled. Of the vacuum tank, the mixture
is passed into a mixer and add 1-2% of aluminum sulfate to accelerate the creation of
products. After that crystallized by Crystalizer.

The benefits of aluminum sulfate itself is as follows.

 Can be used in water purification

 As a mordant in dye and textile printing.
 used to reduce the pH of garden soil.
 Aluminum potassium sulfate and other forms of alum, ammonium aluminum sulfate
is the active ingredient in some anti-sweat
 Aluminum potassium sulfate is usually found in yeast
 In the construction industry the aluminum sulfate is used as a waterproof agent
(waterproofing) and accelerator in concrete.
 Another use is in the foamed material foam fire extinguisher.
 Aluminum sulfate is also used as a styptic pencil, and reduce pain from stings and
insect bites.
 Aluminum sulfate can also be very effective as a molluscicide, killing snails Spain.
Of the benefits of aluminum sulphate above in this article will discuss the usefulness
associated aluminum sulfate or alum as a coagulant water purification. Because we
already know that at the moment have a lot of contamination of the water where the
water actually it is the most important requirement for humans, because without water is
arguably humankind can not live for the benefit of the water itself very much for
mankind but kebanyakaan at this time the water was contaminated and therefore need to
be done purify water by adding a coagulant as the coagulant alone serves to agglomerate
the impurities in the water purification process.

Aluminum sulfate, or alum is an effective ingredient in the process of making water

cleaner and clearer. Aluminum sulfate, or alum has been much recognized by the public
as a function purifies the water by introducing a number of alum into muddy water so
that over time the water can be turned into a clear and clean, because the function of
alum or aluminum sulphate as an antidote to fine particles in the water and can turn it
into sludge.
Use of alauminium sulfate, or alum has long been known since ancient Roman times,
the use of alum is also done by people in many countries to filter or purify water. It has
been seen that alum is effective in the process of purification or filtering water to clean
and clear. With aluminum sulfate, or the color is white when mixed with water,
aluminum sulfate, or alum will not change color. Water turbidity can be eliminated with
the addition of the chemicals included in the category of coagulants, alum including
chemicals containing coagulant which proved very effective to precipitate particles
floating in the water either in the form of a colloid or suspension.

The reason why alum or aluminum sulfate can be used as a water purifier
forimpurities that are in the water turned out to have a tendency of negative charge. In
which the particles are very small negatives can be collected with the help of alum or
aluminum sulfate. Alum is a kind of salt with general formula Al2SO4. In the water,
alum will be ionized into aluminum ion, Al 3+ and sulfate ions, SO42-. Aluminum ion
is the one that will attract negative dust in the water. Because the aluminum ions are
attracted to it, then the dust will be enlarged, it becomes heavier, and finally they are
affected by the gravity of the earth and will settle. After the water dirt settles, of course,
the water becomes clear. The results we can take the deposition of dirt by vacuuming or
filtered. other than thatWater turbidity can be eliminated with the addition of the
chemicals included in the category of coagulants. The water purification principle is to
use the stability of particle pollutants that berbentu colloids. Alum has been known as a
flocculator and a coagulant which proved very effective to precipitate particles floating
in the water either in the form of a colloid or suspension.

The things to consider when trying to use alum or aluminum sulfate as a water
purifier is measuring.

 For water that is not too murky and muddy are not enough 3-5 tablespoons full
course to 1000 liters of water
 For water turbid and slightly muddy enough 5-8 tablespoons full to 1000 liters
of water

 If they still are not clear-clear and then give a larger dose. Just do not direct a
sack, because it was not good and can cause harm. Perform gradually increasing
doses only.

Procedures for the use of alum or aluminum sulphate to purify water is by mixing alum
or aluminum sulfate with a little water that is (+ - 5 liters). If using alum lump, before
using it beforehand destroyed become softer. Stir stirring constantly, and make sure
alum has been dissolved in water.Next enter the mixed solution of alum in water into
the murky water, wait about 6 hours. Alum need time to bind impurities in the water
murky, better incorporate alum in the afternoon, so the next morning was settled.

After performing well how to purify water with alum then the well is back clear and
odorless. Things to note also isalum or aluminum sulfate can only purify water not
change the taste of water. So salty and oily water that can not be solved.
As for how to calculate the determination of the need alum or aluminum sulfate
in water are:
Bal = LI x DO x Vab

Bal = Weight Aluminum Sulfate needed

LI = Concentration of Parent Solution (g / l)
Parent DO = Dosing Solution is added to the sample (ml / l)
Vab = The volume of raw water to be treated (l)

The above formula is the formula for calculating the amount of aluminum
sulfate, or alum are needed to clarify a number of volumes of water. The components
that need to know is the concentration of mother liquor, the optimum dose found in a jar
test experiment, and the volume of raw water to be treated.
The use of alum or aluminum sulfate in the water itself should not be excessive
because if excessive can lead to water are not good for use or consumption, and
therefore no dose needed if you want to use alum or aluminum sulfate as a water
purifier. As for the risk that is obtained when a person is caught using or consuming
water containing alum or aluminum sulfate to excess which is not the correct amount is
can cause poisoning, causing liver dysfunction, leads to kidney disease, causing
neurological disorders, cause health problems bone, resulting in decreased body
immunity , causing damage to the lungs and cause vomiting. There was also an impact
also on the environment, among others, may cause health problems in animals and
plants, can increase the levels of phosphate in the water, can cause reproductive
problems in animals, can cause a decrease in the number of living beings. Therefore to
use alum or aluminum sulfate alone should ditakarkan and should not be perfunctory.

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