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Utilization of aluminum hydroxide to neutralize the excessive stomach acid

and lowers the levels of phosphate

Aluminum is a chemical element that has the symbol Al, and atomic number 13.
Aluminum is not a type of heavy metal, but it is the third most abundant element. Aluminum
is found in the use of food additives, antasida, buffered aspirin, nasal sprays, astringents,
antiperspirant, drinking water, car exhaust, tobacco smoke, the use of aluminum foil, cans,
Cookware, ceramics, and Fireworks. Aluminum is a very reactive element so that it is easily
oxidized, because of its nature it is not found in nature in the form of aluminiun elements, but
rather the oxides. Generally in the form of alimunat oxides or silicates (wikipedia).

Aluminum is present in the Earth's crust as much as approximately 8.07 % to 8.23 %

of the total mass of the Earth's crust, with annual world production of about 30 million tons
annually in the form of bauxite and other rocks like corrundum, gibbsite, boehmite, diaspore,
and others (Agustin Fernandes). Difficult to find a pure aluminum in nature because
aluminum is a fairly reactive metal. Pure aluminum is a metal that is soft, durable,
lightweight, and can be forged with the outward appearance varies from silvery to gray,
depending on the roughness of the surface. 100% pure aluminum does not have any elements
other than the content itself, but the aluminum pure aluminum that are sold in the market
never contain 100% aluminum, but there's always the contained pollutant. Dopants that
might be in the pure aluminum is usually the gas bubbles inside the entrance due to the
process of melting and cooling / imperfect casting, mould material due to the quality of prints
that are not good, or other pollutant due to the quality of the raw materials is not good (for
example on the aluminum recycling process). Generally, pure aluminum that are sold in the
market is 99% pure aluminium, such as aluminum foil. Bauxite, aluminum's raw material
contain varying amounts of aluminum, but are generally above 40% in weight. Aluminum
compounds contained in bauxite including Aluminium Oksida (Al 2O3 ), Aluminium
Hidroksida (Al (OH) 3 ) , boehmite( γ-AlO (OH)) , and diapore (α-AlO (OH)).

Aluminum is very reactive especially with oxygen, so the element aluminum has
never encountered in the free state in nature, but rather as a compound which is the main
constituent of the ore bauxite which is a mixture of oxides and hydroxides aluminum.
Aluminum is also found in granite and other minerals. Aluminum exist in nature in the form
of silicate or oxide, i.e., among others:

a) as for example feldspar, silicate clay, and mika

b) as anhydrous oxides e.g. kurondum (Emery)

c) as hydrates e.g. bauxite

d) as florida for example kriolit.

Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity, light, strong and is also a good

conductor also create heat. It can be forged into a sheet, drawn into wire and extruded into
bars with a diverse cross-section. Aluminum is used in many ways. Most of them are used in
high-voltage cable. It is also widely used in the window frame and the body of the aircraft.
Found in the House as a pot, a bottle of soft drink, milk bottle caps etc. Aluminum is also
used to coat the car headlights and compact disks. In addition compound aluminium
hydroxide, Al (OH)3 also has benefits for the human body to neutralize the excessive stomach

Aluminum hydroxide is is a chemical compound with the formula Al (OH) 3. There

are four polymorphs aluminum aluminum hydroxide, Al (OH) 3 in nature, they are based on a
combination of common one atom aluminum and three molecules of hydroxide into the
arrangement of the different crystal line which determines occurrence and nature of from the
compound. the four combinations are the mineral gibbsite (also known as hydrargillite),
bayerit, nordstrandit, and doyleit. All polymorphs consist of a layer of aluminum hydroxide
octahedral units with aluminum atom at the Center and hydroxyl groups on his side, with the
hydrogen bonds holding the layers together. Polymorphism vary in how the layers pile up
together, with the arrangement of the molecules and the layer is determined by the presence
of acidity, ion (including salt) and surface mineral substances that are formed. In each
condition, gibbsite is a form of aluminum hydroxide is most stable. All of the Crystal form of
Al (OH) 3 hexagonal shaped. Aluminum hydroxide or hydroxides are in nature, that is, it has
the properties of acids and bases, namely where it acts as a base by pulling the hydrogen ion
and neutralizes the acids, producing salt:

3HCl + Al (OH)3 → AlCl3 + 3H 2O

In the base, it acts as a Lewis acid by taking pairs of electrons from hydroxide ions :
Al (OH)3 + OH –→ Al (OH) 4-

Related compounds that are associated with these compounds such as aluminium oxide
hydroxide, AlO(OH), and aluminium oxide or alumina (Al2O3), the latter also in nature or
hydroxides. These compounds together constitute major components of the aluminium ore
bauxite (wikipedia).

Aluminium hydroxide, Al (OH)3 is the inorganic compound that is used as an

adsorbent, ionic exchangers, emulsifiers, used in chromatography, mordan for dyeing, in the
manufacture of glass, paper, pottery, printing ink, lubricants, detergents, fabrics hold water,
as a media filter, as powder dryer, as the gel is dry in the drug industry, used in the
manufacture of antiperspirant, toothpaste, anthiperfosfatemik, and also as antasida. Antasida
is used to neutralize or bind the stomach acid. This compound reacts with excess acid in the
stomach so it can relieve symptoms such as heartburn, abdominal pain, ulcers, gastritis,
dyspepsia and indigestion associated other stomach acid. These compounds could also be
used as adjuvan in some vaccines, such as the anthrax vaccine. Because of its ability to
absorb the protein properly, this compound is able to stabilize the vaccine in a way to prevent
protein vaccine undergoes deposition or sticking to the walls of the packaging for storage.
Side effects of the presence of Aluminum hydroxide, Al (OH) 3 is constipation. To address
such matters is usually combined with Magnesium hydroxide or Magnesium carbonat
laxative effect which has to balance. These compounds could also be used in controlling the
levels of phosphate in the blood in patients failing kidneys.

Naturally the human stomach produces hydrochloric acid, commonly called stomach
acid which serves to help the process of digestion of proteins. Gastric fluid contains
hydrochloric acid with a concentration of about 0.003 M hydrochloric acid which causes the
stomach is acidic with a pH of around 1.5. Stomach acid is very instrumental in the digestive
process, but if its production too much, it will cause pain on peptic ulcers are generally
referred to as an ulcer. Stomach acid can erode the wall of the stomach, causing pains and
aches. Excessive stomach acid can be neutralized with a antasida (ulcer medicine). Antasida
is the drug used in therapy against the consequences brought about by the acid in the
production by the stomach. This acid is naturally lead to the condition of the stomach acid,
i.e. between pH range is 2-3. Stomach, colon, esophageal and itself (which also consists of a
protein) protected from acid work through several mechanisms. When the levels of acid
produced by the stomach too much then this protection mechanism is not too strong/less
powerful in protecting the stomach, colon, esophageal and gastric acid work against resulting
in damage to the organs and organ – produce symptoms such as pain in the solar plexus and
abdomen feels on fire. Antasida works only in bind kimiaawi and neutralizes stomach acid
without reducing or inhibit the production of stomach acid. Thus, the drug may protect the
stomach wall from inflammation due to excessive acid. . In addition to neutralize stomach
acid, antasida also increases gastric mucosal defense with triggers the production of
prostaglandin on gastric mucosa. Antasida are generally found to contain a combination of
aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide.

Aluminum hydroxide, Al (OH)3 aluminum chloride and produce water. Each

mililiternya neutralizing 0.4 - 1.8 mEq of gastric acid within a period of 30 minutes. However
if the pH is more than 5, then the reaction of netralisasinya did not last. Aluminum hydroxide
has a long, saving time however cause constipation. Therefore it needs to be added antasida
magnesium. Aluminum ions can react with protein are astrigen (collapses mucous
membranes). Antasida this mengadsorpsi pepsin and not enabled. How it works antasida is a
compound of aluminum which is a colloidal substance, the lining of mucus, neutralize the
hydrochloric acid and aluminum hydroxide with stomach acid:

Al (OH) 3 (aq) + 3HCl (aq) AlCl3 (aq) + 3H 2O (aq)

Side effects of antasi are rare and almost never found due to the negative impact of both these
compounds are mutually eliminate. Although the aluminum hydroxide has the effect of
constipation, but this effect can be reduced by the presence of magnesium hydroxide from the
laxative effect. If left unchecked, this can lead to hemorrhoids constipation and bowel
disorders. In addition, the effects of laxative magnesium hydroxide will reduce the bubbles –
bubbles of gas, i.e. the effects of constipation of aluminum hydroxide in cerna is causing a
sense of bloating diminished (Amanah Firdausa).

For a dose of antasida aluminum hydroxide is depending on the condition being

treated, the severity of the patient's health in General, and the response was against drugs.
Usually a measure to lower the levels of gastric acid in adults are usually recommended is up
to 10 grams per day are drunk in the evening after dinner or before eating. Certainly a lot of
drinking and increase the consumption of fiber like fruit, vegetable, and grain in order to
minimize the effects of sampiing constipation that may arise. During the use of aluminum
hydroxide to treat indigestion, it is advised to avoid foods or drinks that can aggravate
symptoms, such as chocolate, tomato, booze, caffeinated beverages and particularly coffee.
Especially in women who are pregnant are advised to see a doctor for it first before using the
drug. those taking the drug also is prohibited in conjunction with other medications. If taking
medication to another, then make sure there is a gap of about 1 - 2, in order to ensure the
absence of any contraindications after consuming aluminium hydroxide. In addition to these,
there are also the utilization of the utilization of the other that is used in controlling the levels
of phosphate absorbed from food in the blood in people with kidney disease. As for the
workings of aluminum hydroxide is the bind phosphate in the digestive tract so that it is not
absorbed through the gut, so as a result phosphate levels are going down. Because of this
ability also aluminum hydroxide can be used to prevent the formation of kidney stones. But
the effect can be turned into a negative effect on the person if a shortage of phosphate levels,
and the impact could be less appetite and body become limp, and also adverse effects would
be experienced by alcoholics. The dosage recommended by doctors to lower the levels of
phosphate in sufferers of chronic renal failure the giving of up to 1 gram per day, on children
if age 1 – 12 years by as much as 50 – 150 mg/kg of body weight per 4 - 6 hours up to gained
the level of serum the normal phosphate. It is given to children with the aim of lowering the
levels of phosphate, not given to overcome digestive disorders in children. As for the effects
if excessive aluminum hydroxide consume (overdose), namely in the form of severe
abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing to faint. Especially in women who are pregnant are
advised to see a doctor for it first before using the medicine (Dr. Marianti)

Several brands of drugs containing aluminum hydroxide IE Polisilane, Antasida Doen,

Mylanta, Sanmag, Superhoid, Polycrol, Hufamag plus, Ticomag, Atmacid, Lexacrol,
Plantacid, Samtacid, Almacon, Magasida, Gestrig, Acitral, Decamag, Konimag, Triocid ,
Gastromag, Bufantacid, Novamag, Acitral, Biomag, Gestamag, etc.

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