Trimestral Logic

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Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ________

Facilitator: Gabriel Figueroa. Total Points: 100
Level: 12th Logic HH Date:

General Indication:
Read carefully the following items, analyze and organize your ideas in order to
develop them in a clear and precise manner.
Remember that you have to show the steps to develop your answer. If your answer is
direct, it will not be validated.

I. Answer the following questions. ( 4 pts per exercise)

1) Determine what fallacies are.

2) State what cognitive meaning is.
3)     State what emotive meaning is.
4) An argument with good content can still contain a formal fallacy. Yes or no?

5) Have you ever used a fallacy before and lost an argument? Have you ever tried
to argue with someone who was only speaking in logical fallacies? Provide

II. Identify the logical fallacy in the following arguments. After, explain the reasons by
which are fallacies.

a) In spite of what some say, the number of the poor is rising in America because
there is no evidence to suggest that number is decreasing.

6) Fallacy:

7) Reason:

b) American citizens must raise taxes to support schools. Without more money,
our schools cannot possibly do a good job.

8) Fallacy:
9) Reason:

c) You will get pregnant if you kiss a boy. I've seen Sally kiss boys three times,
and now she is pregnant.

10) Fallacy:

11) Reason:

d) You can be sure of getting the best watch posible if you buy a Tempus Fugit
watch, because you will be buying the world’s greatest watch.

12) Fallacy:

13) Reason:

e) Alien abductions must take place because no one has found any evidence to
disprove the eye-witness accounts.

14) Fallacy:

15) Reason:
f) Your honor, the defendant must be guilty because no one can prove his

16) Fallacy:

17) Reason:

g) All immigrants have trouble with the law. They come from countries where
thievery and lying are considered art forms.

18) Fallacy:

19) Reason:

h) Everybody knows that you can not grow new neurons in your brain. You have
a fixed amount that decreases as you age.

20) Fallacy:

21) Reason:

i) Dinosaurs, like the T-Rex are certainly not warm blooded. It doesn't  
take much brainpower to see that these creatures are cold blooded reptiles.

22) Fallacy:
23) Reason:

j) Millions of people drink Diet Coke every year so it must be the best soft drink
in the world.

24) Fallacy:

25) Reason:


Conventions of English -3 -2 -1 0
1.  Grammar and sentence Many grammatical errors (more Some grammatical errors (3–4) Few grammatical errors (1–2) Sentence and grammar structures balance
structure than 4) exist and/or sentence exist and/or sentence fragments exist and/or sentence fragments simple, compound, and complex sentence types.
fragments or incomplete or incomplete sentences are or incomplete sentences may be Writing is clear, focused, and creative all at the
sentences are apparent. apparent. apparent. same time.
2.  Spelling Many spelling mistakes (more Some spelling mistakes (3–4) exist Few spelling mistakes (1–2) exist Expert spelling techniques are apparent and
than 4) exist either with difficult either with difficult words or the either with difficult words or the higher-level vocabulary is used and not
words or the possibility of possibility of careless spelling possibility of careless spelling misspelled.
careless spelling outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
3.  Punctuation Many errors (more than 4) exist Some errors (3–4) exist using Few errors (1–2) exist using Punctuation is used to capture narrative tone
using common punctuation common punctuation standards. common punctuation standards. and/or effective punctuation is used to exemplify
standards. feelings and attitudes.

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