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March 9, 2020

Dear Colorado FFA Foundation,

We each can remember the moment when we met a particular person for the first time. Whether
it be a close friend, a neighbor, or an amiable acquaintance, that memory is inscribed onto the
internal timeline we keep locked away in our minds; it leaves an impression on us. It was
January 7th earlier this year when I was first introduced to Emmiann (Emmi) Crider, and little did
I know the impact that our subsequent interactions would have on my life. In the few months that
I have come to know Emmi, my perception of her has grown from merely seeing her as a kind
student whose smile can light up a room to recognizing that she is a motivated, selfless leader
who will initiate positive change wherever she places her next steps.

Although my time at Windsor High School in my current capacity as a student teacher has been
limited, I have extensive experience working with and facilitating the learning of adolescents.
During the yearlong sabbatical I took from college to travel across Colorado as a State FFA
Officer, I shared experiences with hundreds of high school students in a variety of settings.
Reflecting upon those memories, I can confidently say that Emmi stands as one of the most
capable and driven individuals of her age that I have ever met. Through how she carries herself,
Emmi exemplifies what it means to continually place intentional effort towards improving

Recently, I was asking Emmi about the courses she is enrolled in this year, a handful of which
she is taking through Front Range Community College. This developed into a conversation about
Emmi’s academic history. Entering high school was a bit of an adjustment her and, by the end of
sophomore year, Emmi recognized that she faced obstacles in both science and math. Rather than
settle for complacency, she decided dedicate more time towards studying each of those subject
areas moving forward. As a senior, she not only has increased her GPA from a 2.75 to a 3.26, but
she also will graduate with a semester’s worth of college credits and a certificate in forestry.
Seeing her caliber of commitment towards personal growth inspires me to strive for excellence in
all that I pursue, and I hope to influence my future students in a similar fashion as an educator.

Growing up on my family’s farm and ranch, the value of work ethic was instilled in me at a
young age. This stated, it is of the foremost qualities that I look for in others. Observing Emmi’s
dedication towards her role as the Aquaponics System Manager in the Agricultural Education
Department, I am continually amazed at all that she accomplishes. In one of my conversations
with her, Emmi mentioned that she voluntarily took on the role when she realized that the system
was not being properly maintained. That is initiative not commonly seen among students.
Moreover, earlier this semester, she recognized that the plants were suffering from nutrient
deficiencies, researched possible causes, conducted testing on the water, and determined that
more tilapia needed to be integrated into the system to restore balance. She takes her
responsibilities seriously, and her diligence extends beyond the Agriculture Education
Department. I will refrain from boasting her resume here, as it is included with her application
for your review, but I believe her extensive volunteer and professional experience speaks for

Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve

March 9, 2020

Family is of utmost importance to Emmi, which is readily apparent whenever she talks about her
loved ones. She especially holds a tremendous amount of compassion for her two younger
sisters, Savanna and Haylee. Being the first person in her family to attend college, Emmi is
blazing a trail that she hopes her siblings can one day follow, if they so choose to pursue a
post-secondary education. Her parents wish to help Emmi finance her college degree, but their
support will be limited given that they are also looking toward their two youngest daughters’
futures. Furthermore, Haylee suffers juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a conditions that requires
weekly treatments as well as bi-annual procedure to drain fluid from her knees to reduce
swelling. These medical expenses inhibit the Criders’ ability to contribute towards Emmi’s
educational endeavors, and this represents one of the many reasons why she seeking financial

At the beginning of this letter, who is the person that came to mind when you considered the first
time you met that individual? It is incredible to think about all of the people we run into
throughout our respective lifetimes and the influence each one has on us. I am excited for you all
to meet Emmi for what will soon be your first time, and I am confident that you will find her to
be a worthy candidate for the Edward B. Cordes Scholarship Program!

Take care,

Augustus Gill
B.S. in Agricultural Education Candidate ‘20 – Colorado State University

Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve

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