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Project: DELHI

Delhi has been continuously inhabited since the 6th century BCE.[23] Through most of its history,
Delhi has served as a capital of various kingdoms and empires, most notably the Delhi
Sultanate and the Mughal Empire. The city has been captured, ransacked and rebuilt several times,
particularly during the medieval period, and modern Delhi is a cluster of a number of cities spread
across the metropolitan region.
A union territory, the political administration of the NCT of Delhi today more closely resembles that of
a state of India, with its own legislature, high court and an executive council of ministers headed by
a Chief Minister. New Delhi is jointly administered by the federal government of India and the
local government of Delhi, and serves as the capital of the nation as well as the NCT of Delhi. Delhi
hosted the first and ninth Asian Games in 1951 and 1982, respectively, 1983 NAM Summit, 2010
Men's Hockey World Cup, 2010 Commonwealth Games, 2012 BRICS Summit and was one of the
major host cities of the 2011 Cricket World Cup.
Delhi is also the centre of the National Capital Region (NCR), which is a unique 'interstate regional
planning' area created by the National Capital Region Planning Board Act of 1985. [24][25]

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