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Irrigation Efficiency 5 5 % 7 5 % 9 0 %

Water quality needed N o p a r t i c u l a r Water quality should be potable to remain safe for people and animals Recycled, non-potable water can be safely used
S o i l A l l s o i l s A l l s o i l s A l l s o i l s
Water distribution Uniform but uncontrolle d C a n b e p a t c h y Uniform and controllable
Climate Suited to areas with unlimited water and little wind Suited to areas with unlimited water and little wind where wind may contribute to high evaporation
Preparation and maintenance Little know-how required, requires labour intensive field levelling and digging Requires know-how, little field levelling, maintenance of pipes needed Requires know-how, no field levelling, maintenance of pipes and filtration to prevent clogging needed
Erosion Soils vulnerable to floods and erosion Soils easily eroded if water pools S oil eros ion minimiz e d
Fertilization N o t s u it ed t o f er ti ga t io n Soil can be fertigated but involves nutrient wastage Soil can be fertigated without wastage
W e e d s Weeds get as much water as crop Weeds get as much water as crop Weeds minimized as water targets crop
C o s t s Lowest cost, initially labour intensive. High investment costs, and relatively high labour and energy costs to maintain. General y, has highest investment and replacement costs (plastic degrades in the sun or may be at acked by rodents), but lower labour and energy costs.

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