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Assignment Instructions

Instructors Name: Amna Ayub

Course: History

Type of Class: Face to face class

Type of Assignment: Portfolio - A collection of different things (such as a collection of drawings or pictures) that provides insight into a
kind of work or history or helps you express your beliefs, skills or experiences.

When/How to turn it in: For this assignment, you have to hand in a hard copy of your work. It should be handed on 17, May,2020.
You have two weeks to complete this assignment.

Explain the Assignment: For this assignment, students need to do a portfolio on 50’s-60’s fashion style. For your portfolio, I want
you to compare and contrast fashion from the years. What’s so different about fashion in 1956 compared to fashion in 1963? I want
you to think of questions like these and examine the development of these fashion trends. I also want you to highlight some factors
that influenced the designer to design the clothes in such manner; such as media, culture, rivalries, etc. I genuinely want you to
understand 50’s and 60’s fashion and the overall history of fashion in Afghanistan. If you have someone in your family who knows
from experience what that type of fashion is like, you can ask them about it. Ask their opinions on fashion from then to now and how
they might like it more or less.

Grading Rubric: The assignment will be graded according to

Communication - originality of thought/perception 25 points

Knowledge - demonstration that you are familiar with the history and subject 25 points

Cohesion: this focuses on how well the information is presented/organized as well as 25 points
the amount of information used to relay your understanding

Formatting: based on the neatness, credibility and proper citation of your work. 25 points


**This assignment will not grade the quality of the work cited. For instance, a student
that focuses on the wardrobe of a particular royalty will not gain more or less points to
a student who follows what rural workers wear in poorer countries.

Total (100)

Learning Objectives:

The learning objectives for this assignment are all mentioned below.

In this assignment,

 I want you to learn how fashion has developed over the years, and understand the 50’s and 60’s sense of style.

 Seeing and understanding how style might have been better, or much worse at that time is one of the main objectives for this

 Taking a look back at old fashion and seeing how much has things changed and why, in regards to cultural, cross-cultural and
economic reasons is also a significant part of your assignment.

 It will be necessary to reflect on the practicality of reproducing the designs for the increased mass market and different
manufacturing methods.

 How does a company's marketing ability affect design in a modern global marketplace?

 How does the media or entertainment industry have an influence in determining what is popular, and what is its effect on
instant demand to manufacturers?

 Examine whether this has encouraged or discouraged 'niche' designers who have a thing against big manufacturers and like to
retain their own identity. Perhaps this could include those who simply make their own clothes, and examine those reasons

 Has awareness of depletion of resources caused more people to recycle them?

 Now that you have gained a thorough understanding of these differences in fashion, I would like to see evidence of this
knowledge by putting together your portfolio. For instance, the materials submitted may not meet the criteria you want, but you
should point out where they are deficient/lacking compared to what you have learned. This way you are self-critiquing in a
valuable way.

 In summary, the main objective of the assignment is to see your understanding of history, thinking critically, and also to see
your creativity. Another objective of this assignment is to make history more engaging than just reading books about old places
and people.

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