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Julie Shaw

Professor Wyckoff

EDU 299 1003-1004

11 April 2020

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Prior to admission into the college of education at one of the three universities: UNLV, UNR or

NSC, students must pass all three sections of the Praxis Core tests. In order to pass the reading section,

one must earn at least 156. The section for writing requires a score of 162 or higher. The minimum

passing score for the math section is 150. These tests can be taken separately or at one time. Students

need to pass these exams in order to complete the bachelor program and prior to the beginning of

student teaching. I imagine the reason for this rule is that the Praxis is a requirement to teach, and it

would be a waste of time to complete the entire program without being able to receive credentials.

In order to prepare for these exams, I studied my notes from previous math classes and used

Khan Academy for additional instructions. For the reading section, I used the study companion found on For writing, I found another study companion on the same website,

The scores I earned were 65 percent for math, 68 percent for writing and 43 percent for reading.

There was a glitch in the reading section, and it would not allow me to complete the test. So, the score

for this test would have been higher, but the actual score probably would not have been a passing one. I

found the reading test to be very difficult. The reading score that was given meant that I need significant

improvement. The scores for writing and math indicated that I need improvement. Overall, I am not

likely to pass any section of the Praxis Core exam without studying these subjects in greater depth.

In the future, I plan on studying a lot more. I also am going to purchase books such as Praxis for

Dummies. I may invest in hiring a tutor. It is easier for me to learn when I have in-person

communication. One of my friends is a teacher. I may ask her to help me study. I also anticipate being

able to take this test under better circumstances. I had to take it with a toddler next to me and I have

been very ill. Even with better circumstances, I know I need to study a lot more. I will do whatever it

takes to pass this test.

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