ICAS Maths Paper H NZ Year11 2017 - With - Answer PDF

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ICAS PAPER 2017 MATHEMATICS DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL INSTRUCTED. 40 QUESTIONS TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR STUDENT'S NAME: Read the insinuctions on the ANSWER SHEET 2nd fil your NAME, SCHOOL and OTHER INFORMATION, Use a pencil, Do NOT use @ coloured pencil or a pen Rub out any mistakes completely You MUST record your answers cn the ANSWER SHEET. Mark only ONE answer for each question. Your score willbe the number of correct answers. Marks are NOT deducted for incorrect answers. There are 35 MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS (1-35) Use the information provided to choose the BEST answer from the four possible options. (On your ANSWER SHEET fil n the oval that matches your answer, ‘There are 5 FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS (2-40) \white your answer in the boxes provided on the ANSWER ‘SHEET and film the ovals that match your answer. You may use a ruler and spare paper. AGALCULATOR is required, 1. Jess arranges three or four of these cards to make a number. O80 How many numbers can Jess make that are multiples of 100? (A) (B) (Cc) )) OOrRN 2. This is part of a decorative wall. Which of these shapes will NOT tessellate to make the decorative wall? (A) (8) (c) (0) Mai is ¢ years old. Jin is 7 years younger than Mai, Penny is 3 years younger than Jin. What is an expression for Penny's age, in years? (A) t-10 (8) 1-7 (Cc) 1-4 fa James drew four circles with centres A, B, Cand D inside a rectangle, as shown. | T What is the value of x? —— xom —__,, (A) 12 (8) 15 (c) 18 (0) 24 Where is & on this number line? a 1 (A) (B) (C) (D) ni= Bad ia HOW TO FILL OUT THIS SHEET: |] ise arenci + Print your details clearty in he boxes provided. + Make sure you fl in only one ‘val in each column, + Rub out all mistakes completely. * Donotuse a coloured pencl or pen. EXAMPLE 1: pebbie Bach EXAMPLE 2: chan Ai Beng EXAMPLE 3: Jomalbin Abas Lastname RST NAME LastName FIRST NAME to appear on certificate LAST NAME to appear on certificate | lPG0G0G0G060G0G0G060G60600) PQ®DOLG2G®DOQOH®DOGQOGOGOG) ©®OD®H 2G ODODODOHXOODODOGD| lODODOQOCHODOODOHOGCHCGCGO} GOBOG®HOGOQOGODOHODODOG) IDHODOHOHOGODOHOHOLHOHOHOG| lPHODOHXHOHOHOHOHSHOHODOO| lSBODOG®H2G2GODOG2GOD0G G2B®2Q®2H2G 299908299900 0G] PHXDODXDHOGODPHOGOHOHCD oO) lPGOD2D2D2G2Q2GODOO0G0G00) ©GOD2O®HXD0GQOHOH2OODOEGOG| IPDODCHDCHODEHOHOHOH EGCG og) ©9®D2O®09G090900 29000000) ©WQ®D®2XDOD©D0Q®DXD©DODLGO®) ODOGOGDDODDHOGHOHOH®HOGoO) lOB©D2O0DODOGOHOOOOOHOGOO) ©GO2OXOODODDDOGHXGXDQODOGOO ©®®D®H®H®®®2®®2D®2O2HOHOHOQ ©DOD2D0GOD2O2D02O09050500) PBODXOOHODOEHDGOHOH2GLOLGOD ®B©B®2G®2D2G0G000000000000) DODLO®HOXDODOGOGXOOGODOG) @©G®®2O®H®G292G292H29 0000) ©BD®Q®2G®D®2G2Q2G2920000G00) ODODXLOODODOHOOXHODODODOD) PBLD®2D®DOGDGOB®HoGOGOGOA) BBodoEoeosoncE beacon oeoK lPBoG9G0GCGOGOG0G0G0G0G0) PBOB2G0S0G0GOS0H0G0G0Go' lbB0G0GeG0G060G0606o| B®2G®2Q2G2H2G2G 20060) ©DODOD®2HXOOD®DOOOGO) lODODOHCOCOHOGOGOOoCGO| lOD©GODOGXDODOQ®GoGO) jODOGODOOCOHODOGOOLOO| l©D©OODOHOGOHOHOHOGO| lpB©2G0G0G00 Go| l>2©2B2D2G9G292090000) lDDODODH®DOGOGOGOHoODo| lPD®2GODODOG2G2GOG0GO} lDO©QODOQOGLHXHODOGS) PDC HODCGTHOHODOGCHo| >B©GoG2O29 090095000) Q©B®2DOO®D0D 092 D0Go| BOGoG0G29000G00000 lPDODOHLGOHODOGOGOGO| @G©D©G®CD®DOGOGOGOGDO| DOODOGOROD®H®M®DOno| I> D®2DODOQODODOOODOGO| lDPB©CDODCH®HOGOGOHOGO| > O®2G0D®2G0D00020000G0) IDDODODODOGXDOGOGoOGO} © 8®@G@G9®2®92 9292909050) ©O®D2Q2Q®2 9202990000) PDODODXG®GOOODODOD PGoGoG®2DoHoG2G0G0Go} lPBOGOG2GOGOGCGOG0Ga| lPG060G0G0G080G05060} ISBOBOGoGOGOG0G0G0Gq) ‘Are you male or female? © Male © Female Does anyone in your home usually speak a language other than English? © Yes = © No ‘School name: Town | suburb: Today's date: / 1 Postcode: DATE OF BIRTH STUDENTIO. CLASS Day Wont Yar ‘ont cae 1 | Bosese| Bodededos loalsclgo| odoaoool a} coo Papedegoe So} ooo) oped] | oe] BopeGlebeok | obo} Podcooboe g | apo) Podooo) | 2 obo) Pobecdob) a | a0) BeGedeped |d aloo) Beblodobos) fl ‘TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE FREE RESPONSE Questions 1 to 35. Questions 36 to 40 Example: 4+6= Example: 6+6= A 2 © The answer is 12, so WRITE your 2 ©) 9 answer in the boxes. 2 © 1 + Wee only ONE digit in each box ® 7 rite only jit in each box, ° ( as shown, and fil in the correct a ovals, as shown. © “The answer is 10, so fil in the oval © , as shown, © © aimee |} searever. DO NOT USE A COLOURED PENCIL OR PEN START 1® © © © N®®oOo 21@® © © 3102 ©@ © © 22 ® © 20 © © © 2® ® © 322@ © © © 3® ® © © B® ® © ® 23® ® © 3 @®2 ® © @ 42 ® © © 4® © © © @oo 4@® ® © © 5®@ ® © © 15®@ © © © 232 © © 3 ® © © © 62 ® oOo 6® © © ® %2® ® © ® 7®2® ® © © 71798 © © © 7 ® ® © 8® Ooo 822 © © © Bee Oe 9® ® eo 92®@ © © © 2®® oo 02 © © © 2® © © © 32 ®2 ®@ © oO x 38] 39) 40) ope ® © joy © © jay ® @ joy © @ 1) @}|oJ]o a/O|o @/O)}o @1O]o oO ® @}|o|o @|oJ|o @|O}e @/O}o ® @ @2/o|o @2|/o|o oJ]o @}/0]o ® ® e|o|°o @|elo @|9Je @/0}o @ @ @1/9]e ©/0)e e|o/e @|9)o ® co) @/O|o @/O)]o @|o\oe ®|B]o ® © e|o/e @1OJ]o @1O)o @|dJ}o @ © e|d/o ®/9Jo @/9)}o ®|o]o ® @ @|olo @ 191 ®19)o @©|Slo @ © Baad Your privacy I assured as UNSW Giobat Pry ited tly complies wth appoprite ‘tation privacy gia. ‘Vist wave ne. For more deta <= a5 them together. When John added 9 to his sum, he got 6 as his answer. What could the two integers have been? (A) 3and-4 (8) Qand-3 (©) tand2 (0) ~tand-2 6. These two shapes have the same 9. Bria is 20 km south-east of Ascott. perimeter. Ascott 4nom 20 km Brima Brima is 20km north-east of Cook. What is the value of x? What is the bearing of Cook from Ascott? (a) 6 (B) 12 (A) east (Cc) 16 (B) west (0) 32 (C) north 7 (0) south 7. Dani recorded the number of minutes she waited in line at the school canteen on 10. Romesh drew a small red triangle inside six different days. a large triangle. He shaded the rest of the large triangle green. 1/2/13 10| 15] 9 Her median waiting time was 12 minutes. How long did Dani wait on Day 6? (A) 11 minutes (B) 12 minutes (C) 13 minutes (D) 14 minutes Romesh defined the area of the red triangle as R cm? and the combined area of the green regions as G om? 8. John thought of two integers and added Which equation is true? (A) G=R (8) G=2R (C) G=3R (0) G=4R 1. Anna wrote this expression: 27(x + 2)- 90 3 +54 2(5 +x) Which of these is equivalent to Anna's expression? (A) 33x49 (B) 1x43 (C) 10x+7 (0) t1x-57 12. In Bargo last year, the mean summer temperature was 20% warmer than the annual mean of 20°C. The hottest day was 25% above the summer mean. What was the temperature of the hottest day in Bargo last year? (A) 25°C (B) 26°C (Cc) 29°C (0) 30°C 13. Senin is making bows out of ribbons that come in four colours. He picks 30 ribbons at random. The table lists the probability of a particular colour ribbon being chosen. How many orange ribbons should Senin expect to pick? (A) 12 (8) 9 (c) 6 (0) 3 14. Ashleigh has a point O and a line. She centres the compass at O and draws an arc through the line. She marks P and Qat the intersections. She then constructs a perpendicular bisector of PQ through O using a compass and a ruler. Which diagram shows this method? 15. Visual acuity of 6/1.5 means that a person with excellent vision can read the bottom line on this chart accurately from a distance of 6m compared to 1.5m for someone with normal vision. | ZTO Line 3 FODPE The minimum visual acuity associated with each line of this chart follows a pattern. Poor i 6/48 Satisfactory | 3 6/6 61.5 Normal 4 Excellent 6 Sunil read Line 3 accurately from a distance of 6m. What minimum visual acuity does Sunil have? (A) 6/24 (8) 6/15 (C) 6/2 (0) 6/105 16. Leila hired a taxi at 8pm to take her home. Before arriving home, the taxi driver stopped for 12 minutes while Leila bought her dinner. Leila paid $45 for the taxi fare. How far did she travel? (A) 21km (B) 22km (C) 24km (0) 27km 17. Pete arranged 8 small cubes to forma larger cube. top side front Pete removed as many small cubes ashe | could, to keep the view from the front, side and top the same as before. How many cubes were left in Pete's new solid? A) 8 (B) 6 (Cc) 5 (oD) 4 2017 (CAS Matec Pope © UNSW lo Py Lint | 18. Apark has many walking tracks. A N I B reaches an intersection she chooses a path to her south, south-east or south-west. How many different routes can Pam take? (A) 7 (B) 10 (Cc) 13 (D) 22 Pam is walking from A to B, Each time she 19. Ardi joined some objects with cotton thread to make a mobile. The objects balance. e¢ What is the sum of the masses of the unmarked objects? (A) 46g (B) 489 (C) 509 (0) 96g 20. (Cc) 12 (D) 10 a. Jia is placing each of the numbers from 1 to 9 in separate cells on the grid She starts with 3 as this number is both prime and triangular. Prime [Square] >5 Even Triangular Odd What answer should Jia get when she adds the numbers in the shaded diagonal? (A) 18 (8) 15 The machine in the picture is set to release 600mL of fluid every 5 hours. Each mL is made up of 20 drops of fluid, How many drops of fluid will be released each minute? (a) 6 (B) 24 (Cc) 30 (0) 40 2997 1CAS Marts Paper UNSW bly Ls 22. Jen bought a second-hand table for $56. She spent an extra $x restoring it. When Jen sold the table, she made a profit of $2x which was 25% of her total costs. How much profit did Jen make? (A) $28 (8) $16 (C) $14 (D) $8 23. John designed this logo for his company. The design is made up of four identical parallelograms and two identical triangles. 16cm 7, 100m, 7 | ee NOTTO SCALE What is the area of John’s design? (A) 2560m? (8) 288cm? (C) 352cm? (0) 448cm 24, Which of these is equivalent to a + b + c? (A) 180 (8) 2a (C) 360-a (D) 180+a 25. Xiang learned that any number is divisible by 9 when the sum of its digits is also divisible by 9. She was given these 6-digit numbers, both of which are divisible by 9: 74A52B and 326ABC What is the value of C? a 1 (B) 3 (cc) § (0) 7 26. The sequence of numbers 1,1, 2,3, 5, 8, 13, . is called the Fibonacci sequence. The nth term of the Fibonacci sequence can be approximated using the formula: he (s8y ela Each new term in the sequence is found by adding the previous two terms. How can this be written as a sum? +15 ye fe - 8 27. Paul has these four cards. a] A=3points @ =4 points ale e A Paul turns the cards over and mixes them up. He picks a card and doubles its point-value. Paul then picks one of the remaining cards and adds its point-value to his first score. What is Paul's chance of getting a total score of 15 points? 1 4 ws ® ¢ 4 4 OF > 28. This is the look-and-say sequence: 4,44, 24,1244, 111221, 312211, = The ‘st term, 1, is read as “one 1” to give the 2nd term, 11. Similarly, the 5th term, 111221 is read as “three 1s, two 2s, one 1” to give the 6th term, 312211. How many digits are in the 9th term? (A) 10 (8) 12 (c) 14 (0) 16 20171CAS Matanatis Paper HOUNSWY Global Lis 29. Graham works as a carpet auctioneer. He needs to be able to estimate the amount of carpet left on each cardboard tube without having to unroll the carpet. The radius of this cardboard tube is 5cm. The blue carpet is 1m thick. measuring line Graham used the measuring line to help him estimate the radius of the outer layer. What is the estimated length of the carpet? (B) (0) (A) 60cm (C) 180m 140cm 250cem 30. A group of friends went hiking. They had 192 kilograms of equipment and divided it up so that each person carried the same load The number of kilograms each person carried was three times the number of people in the hiking group. How many people were in the hiking group? (A) 8 (B) 12 (c) 16 (02) 24 31 Each face of Jim's cube has a different colour with a different shape printed on it He rolled his cube three times. Roll 1 Roll 2 Roll 3 Which of these nets could be used to make Jim's cube? (A) (B) (c) (D) Tria 2017 1CAS snes Paper UNSW Goal Py Linas 32. Triangles ABC and EDC are similar. A D £ Cc B NOT TO SCALE AB = 1016 mm EC = 1905 mm DE = 1524 mm What is the length of AD, in mm? (A) 127 (8) 813 (C) 1143 (D) 1270 33. These shapes form a pattern. 4 shaded 20 shaded 44 shaded How many squares will be shaded in the 40th shape in this pattern? (A) (B) (C) (D) 212 395 356 436 34. Mandy had a square piece of cardboard. She cut off the corners to make a badge in the shape of a regular octagon. Each side of the badge was 6 cm long. What was the side length of the original square piece of cardboard? (A) 6(J2+1)cm (B) 3(¥2+2)em (C) 6(2V2+1)om (D) 2(2V¥3+3)cm 35, Which of these is equal to (y-E}(e-1) wien yee 0 ay ®) © (2) -1 2097 1CAS atpratisPaper 0 UNSW Gal Py Lm PU On ign ancien oe MNRAS coe eco lg the ANSWER SHEET and fill in the ovals that eT rs 36. The sum of seven consecutive odd integers is 1841 What is the smallest of these integers? 37. A ABCis isosceles BAC = Z ABC = 2x LACB ZACD: 2 BCD=1:2 LBDE: LEDC=1:2 c A D B wor cca What is the value of x? 38. Sue found the product of the first six multiples of three. 3x 6x9 x 12 x 15 x 18 = 524880 How many factors of 524880 are the square of an integer greater than 17 Students at Clareville College voted for their school captain by choosing three students from a list of five candidates. Aditi was chosen as captain with 58 votes. Sasha and Marcus were chosen as the vice-captains with 47 and 50 votes respectively. Mr Lo analysed the results and found that * 8 students voted for all three of these candidates © 26 students voted for only Marcus 19 students voted for both Sasha and Marcus 28 students voted for both Aditi and Sasha Mr Lo started to put this information onto a Venn diagram How many students voted for only one of these three candidates? 40. Jack's great-grandfather was a mathematician. He was x years old on 26 June in the year x?, | How old was Jack's great-grandfather when he published his book, Cosmic Topology, on 26 June in the year 1973? 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Copyright in this booklet is owned by UNSW Global Ply Limited, unless otherwise indicated. Every effort has been made 3W Global Ply Limited apologises for any accidental infingoment and welcomes to trace and acknowledge copyright. UNS information to redress the situation. ela 4 re ©2017 UNSW Global Pry Limited. Copyright ts document's ‘ned by UNSW Global Pty Limited

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