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Social media marketing report (B2B or B2C) thorough/ compelling/ concise

Introduction: Brand selection - use social media as digital marketing

matrix – 150pt
 Brief introduction
 UK market situation (whole brand)
Analysis: - proposal of strength in social media activity -350pt
 Situation analysis (PESTEL/ TOWS) - analysis current marketing activity
 Core strengths
 Competitive environment
 Objective (Ansoff’s matrix)
 Problem recommendation – e.g. (+follower/+sales/+re-purchase)
Action: - recommendation (customer decision journey/ consider the current balance
between brand building and sales activation) -1000pt- Instagram
 Strategy (Audience, Brand (brand building & sales balance), Campaign)
 Segmentation – Targeting – Proposition
 Tactics (customer lifecycle journey)
 Reach (CAMPAIGN) NUMBER: Content marketing (Content marketing
is primarily an inbound or content is used to attract consumers to, and
rather than to send outbound, push marketing media works alongside
other inbound channels to increase engagement and loyalty. Juile, 2020,
p.86) - Content pillars
 (Inter)action (LICE STREAMING/COMMENTS): Social media
 Convert (CONVERTION RATE): Messenger bots/ influencer
 Engage (REPEAT CONVERSION): Customer relationship management
 Actions (Who, What, When): Campaign
 Peak season - promotion (most research)
 Off season – frequency post
 Measurement (Twitonomy, google trends, fanpage karma, buzzsumo
Conclusion: - justify conclusion. -150pt
 Core strength – problem
 4 recommendations

Brand impression: elegant, rich flavour of life

Strengths: positive comment, community deep connection
Recommendation: Post-茶/餐點搭配,
Social media drive sales:
media sites. They determine how consumers spend their time online and develop interesting content to increase

awareness and enjoyment of the brand–—often only to lose those potential customers because the purchase

process becomes too difficult once consumers have decided to buy the product.

Social media sites not only drive sales but also provide sources of marketing intelligence , especially
when interactions between companies and social media users offer insights for product marketing.
Because “[c]onsumers increasingly use digital media not to just research products and services, but to
engage the companies they buy from, as well as other consumers who may have valuable insights”
(Hanna et al., 2011, p. 265)
Ins: How-ever, social media users interact with brands on Instagram 58 times more often than they do
on Facebook and 120 times more than on Twitter (O’Connor, 2014).
Fifty-three percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram (Patterson, 2015), making it
arguably the world’s most powerful platform for brands (Zaryou-ni, 2015).
the proliferation of advertising and media fragmentation have led consumers to reduce the number of
brands they consider.
Rather than passively gathering information provided at company-controlled touch points, consumers
actively seek information from other consumers, and their increasingly active information searches
tend to lengthen the evaluation stage.
retailers need to allocate or reallocate resources to social media
the post-purchase experience is more important for brands using social media. Retailers that manage
this stage of the decision process effectively can turn these consumers into future advocates and
create additional loyalty.
the evaluation stage length-ens and purchases stand to increase due to consum-ers’ increased
confidence in their evaluation. This confidence also should lead to greater advocacy and loyalty,
which in turn create higher repurchase rates by new and loyal users.











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