Discipline Presentation

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Philosophy of

Philosophy Statement

 I believe that discipline can be and must be done with dignity and
respect for our students. It is our job as educators to stay calm and
professional when dealing with undesirable behavior in our
classroom. Educators can help students learn from mistakes if we
they know what they did wrong, and how to fix it for next time. We
also need to let them know why it is important for them to be
successful and show that we care about them more then the
behavior that the student has shown. Positive Discipline is the best
way for students to learn from past mistakes and when done
correctly can help move passed the behavior and refocus on the
lesson or activity. Language is key to the success of positive
discipline because everything you say to a student matters.
Punishment should only be used if necessary, for the safety of the
student or the students around them.
Students need to be treated with
dignity and respect

Dignity and Students who don’t feel safe in your

class will check out

I believe that that as educators we

need to stay calm and try as hard to
check behavior as privately as possible.
 I believe that positive discipline is the best
action we can take as teachers for
misbehaved students

Positive  Positive discipline helps students learn from their

mistakes by using effective communication
Discipline 
and is focused on the solution
Discipline that is focused on punishment works
short term but can lead to more problems later
Redirecting & Language

 Redirecting corrective behavior is important in positive discipline

 Getting students back to learning by redirecting their behavior is
 To do this effectively we need to focus on the language we use,
and it needs to be consistent everyday
 “Can you please stop talking, it is distracting you from your learning”
 “Can you please move to the safe seat so you can focus and be

 What are the positives to Positive Discipline?

 What are some negatives?

 Do you have a specific phrase or a line that you want to use to help

students reengage in the classroom?


 Johnson, 2015 Teaching Outside the Box

 https://www.positivediscipline.com/about-positive-discipline
 https://www.teachercreated.com/blog/2009/01/student-discipline-

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