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Шановна Наталя Миколаївна!

Прошу Вас прийняти виконане завдання (блок №2), яке було надане Вами для
дистанційного навчання. Також хочу побажати неймовірного настрою, вдалих
днів, хороших новин та радіти кожному дню!
Блок 2. Grammar revision
Виконати ВСІ вправи письмово.
І. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past
1. I just met him.
2. Look! Sam brought some cheese biscuits.
3. They were dancing from six till ten o'clock.
4. Yesterday we returned home late.
5. At seven o'clock yesterday Cathy slept as she was tired.
9. How long you have this pain in your shoulder? For about three months.
10.Last year they worked very hard.
11.They are very happy as they has gotten home.
12.Steve just finished school.
13.Jack and Jenny were watching television when their moth came.
14.We just watched this TV programme.
15.Did you went to the opera last night? - Yes, we were seeing “Tosca".
16.At eight o'clock last morning Beth still was being in bed.
17.She already had her coffee.
18.They were drinking tea at this time yesterday.
19.When I came and entered the kitchen, I saw that, my parents were drinking coffee.

II. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи дієслова у Present Perfect,

Past Simple, Past Continuous
1. How many you haven`t seen?
2. Where have you been? - I just got back from a business trip.
3. Where did he spend the holidays? - He spent them by the sea.
4. When I left the office, the phone was calling?
5. Have you already backed? Can I was talking to him?
6. Today for the first time I got behind the wheel of a car.
7. It was the first time when I came to a contemporary painting exhibition.
8. Look! What you did with your pants.
9. Last week they quarreled, and today she has destroyed all the letters she once
received from her friend.
10.When James came home, he saw that he was waiting for a man in uniform.
11. He shed paint on the floor as he was painting the walls.
12. She decided to stay home because she wasn't feeling well.
13. Have you already decided what to do? - I think we need a little rest and go to
the movies.
14. We think he made the right decision.

III. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у таких час Present Simple, Past
Simple; Present Continuous, Past Continuous; Present Perfect.
1. She goes to school every day.
2. Beth is going to school at the moment.
3. The lesson already began.
4. Does he go to school tomorrow?
5. What they did at seven o'clock yesterday?
6. Where is he now? - He just went to the library.
7. They were going to the cinema when I met them yesterday.
8. Does she ever be to Oslo? - Yes, she was there last month.
9. Look! My daughter already was sweeping the floor and now she is watering the
flowers on the window-sill.
10.We were going to play in the yard when mother came.
11.Did he live in France five years ago.
12.Last month my dog was runing away and nearly died the street.
13.Usually he comes home at seven o'clock but yester day he came at nine.
14.We haven`t gone to the theatre next Friday as we were there a week ago.
15. She is surprised now: someone put flowers for her.
16. They were in our country for some years I think.

IV. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи дієслова у таких часах:

Present Simple, Past Simple; Present Continuous, Past Continuous; Present
1. What are you doing? - I'm watching a movie that my friend brought me two days
ago. It will be an hour later to pick up the tape, and I want to watch this movie.
2.When I got home, I saw my mom was cooking in the kitchen. I wanted to help her
wash the dishes, but she asked me to vacuum in the room.
3.Now he agrees with you: he also doesn't think you need to apologize.
4.I finished work at eight. When I went outside, I saw that it was no longer snowing.
It was cold and there was a strong wind.
5.We always thought he was an honest man. Nobody suggested that he could tell a
6.If you ask, she will tell you about her trip to Greece. She just came back from her.
7.Hi there! I know you sicked last week. How are you feeling now?
8.We walked down the street and talked. Suddenly, my girlfriend stopped and said,
"Look, this is a new store. I haven't been to it yet. Let's go there!"
9. Let's call our friends! They have already returned from vacation.
10. He was walking home when a woman approached him and asked how to go to
the pharmacy.
11. Where is your key? - I don't know, maybe I forgot at home.
12. Where is Peter? - He went to the bank. Will be back in an hour.
13. Why didn't you clean the room? Books are scattered everywhere. - But I
washed the floor, isn't that enough?
14. Have you ever been to the Alps? - No, I've never been there. Maybe someday
I'll go there. Last winter I skied in the Carpathians.

Thank you !

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