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Live is very changeable and nobody knows what’s ahead, because the technique

evolves and what’s why the life of humans becomes different, people become lazy,
selfish, unhealthy.
In the next 50 years technology will obviously change our lives. Even
now we can see fantastic robots, inventions and devices that make our
lives easier. In the nearest future we'll have robots that will manage in
trafficking, medicine, security, and army and what is why people will not
play an important role in society.
On the one hand new inventions in medicine and pharmacology will
help people to live longer and healthy, but on the other hand people will be
very sick, because the technique advances, there are many factories that already
have toxic substances that negatively influence people and nature.I may add that
people eat very unhealthy, use excessive technique and what’s why people suffer
from different diseases.For example, in my village there is a boy who played
computer very often and he had problems with his eyes and now he wears glasses.
To my mind, people in the future will have money, wealth, but they will not be
happy, because they will consider money to be the greatest pleasure of life, they will
not respect and love their families.They will want to earn more and more money,
they will not enjoy their life.
In conclusion I want to say that in the future will be more difficult and worse,
because people are not aware that the planet should not be destroyed but protected,
that life should not be wasted but lived, that excessive technique can destroy the
simple and beautiful lives of people.

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