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By Shruti Saxena, Section C, A1506917281

1) Define Anger and love in your own words.

o Love to me personally is an unconditional feeling when someone

would go out of their way to make you happy or be your ‘go-to’
person in your state of sadness as well as happiness.
o Love to me is forgiveness, trust and acceptance despite all the
shortcomings or flaws.
o Anger is a temporary phase that has the unjust power to tear
relations apart.
o It is a momentary phase of feelings that can overpower ones ability
to make decisions and later fill one with regrets.

2) Define its importance

 I believe love has a very significant role in everyone’s life, without

having someone to fall back upon, someone to share your deepest
fear with or to express your emotions, one would become a box of
emotions waiting to explode.
 Although bad, anger can sometimes prove to be beneficial as every
once in a while, we need to vent out the frustrations because
holding them in would do a greater harm, also by venting out
people who have given you grief realize their fault and will usually
choose to avoid doing the same in future.

3) How do they affect your attitude?

 I value little things a lot hence an act depicting affection from my
loved ones, brightens up my day, fills me with joy. They usually are
the adorable morning messages from my father that make me smile
right in the morning and consequently I have a day where I greet
everyone with a wide smile.
 When I’m angry I automatically seek seclusion, I believe things I say
when I’m angry are not the things I feel. Anger is a natural emotion
yet I wait for it to subside so that later I’m capable of seeing
through the mistakes and thinking about all the positive things and
weighing positive aspects over the ones that made me angry.

4) How can you manage your anger and celebrate love?

 I believe I can manage my anger better if I listen to people more
closely and not jump to conclusions. I need to learn to start seeing
issues from other’s point of view and try to understand why they did
what they did.
 We all as individuals can celebrate love by accepting the flaws that
others may have, by doing small acts conveying love and care even
towards strangers, by accommodating different point of views and
spreading kindness like confetti.

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