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A-) Choose the correct item:

1. A: When I’m home alone, I leave all the lights on.

B: Oh, no! You shouldn’t / needn’t waste so much energy!

2 A: Is it OK if I leave my car outside the library?

B: No, you mustn’t / needn’t park there.

3 A: We’re starting a recycling scheme in my neighbourhood.

B: Good idea. Everyone had to / ought to do something good for our planet.

4. A: I’m not sure I can afford the ticket to the concert.

B: You don’t have / needn’t worry; I’ll pay for it.

5. A: Why didn’t Patrick come to school yesterday?

B: He must / had to go to the doctor’s.

6. A: Did you get a taxi from the airport?

B: We didn’t need to / mustn’t. Paul picked us up.

B-) Fill in: mustn't, should, needn't, have to, didn’t need to:

1. Our teacher says we ________________submit our reports on endangered animals

by Friday.
2. Ian _______________ take the bottles to the recycling centre yesterday; a council
lorry came and collected all recyclables.
3. According to local laws, we ________________light a campfire within the Restricted
Fire Zone.
4. The Potters _______________ spend much on electricity because they power their
house with solar energy.
5. We _____________ all try to rely less on our cars and more on public transport if we
want a cleaner environment.

C-) Rewrite the sentences using appropriate modal verbs:

1. It’s against the law to import endangered species.

We _____________________________________________________________
2. It’s not necessary for you to come to work tomorrow.
You ____________________________________________________________
3. It’s not a good idea to throw away recyclable items.
We _____________________________________________________________

4. It wasn’t necessary for the authorities to evacuate the village.

The authorities ____________________________________________________
5. He was obliged to pay a fine for littering.
He ______________________________________________________________
6. It’s necessary to pay to enter the wildlife park.
We _____________________________________________________________
7. We are advised to turn the tap off when brushing our teeth.
We ______________________________________________________________
8. You have a strong obligation to report animal abuse.
You ____________________________________________________________________

D-) Fill in the gaps with should have V3 / shouldn’t have V3

1. A: The jacket I bought yesterday doesn’t fit me very well.

B: You (try) _____________________________ it on before you bought it.
2. I scolded her in the presence of others, and she was deeply hurt. I (scold)
___________________________ her in public.
3. Gary (buy) ___________________________a computer without first consulting an expert
because the model he bought is virtually obsolete.
4. Why are you still in the office? You (leave) ___________________________for the
meeting in Manchester by now.
5. The authorities didn’t take the necessary measures, so inflation went up. They (take)
______________________________ the necessary measures to bring it down.
6. Although I was ill, I went to work and my cold got worse. I (go) _____________________
to work.
7. I talked to him very unkindly, so I hurt him. I (talk) ________________________to him so
8. He ignored my warnings and drove the car too fast. As a result, he had an accident. He
(drive) ___________________________________the car so fast.

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