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The Delaware Historical Society


The Delaware Premiere of

August 18, 2009 at 6 :00p m

In celebration of the reopening of its newly renovated research library, the

Delaware Historical Society will present a screening of BR OW NIE S PE AK S,
Don Glanden’s feature length documentary about C liff ord B ro wn, the
legendary trumpeter from Wilmington. The event will take place on August 18 at
the D el aware Hi sto ri cal S o ci et y R es earch L ib rary, 505 M ark et St reet ,
Wil min gto n, D E 19801. The evening will begin with a reception at 5:30 pm
followed by the screening at 6:00pm. A brief question and answer period with the
filmmakers will conclude the event. The event is free and open to the public.

Reservations are requested at (302) 655-7161.

A native of Wilmington, Delaware, jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown made an

outstanding and influential contribution to music. In an era when many musicians were
emulating Charlie Parker's drug abuse, Brown inspired others to achieve greatness while
living a clean lifestyle. Ironically, he was killed in a car accident at the age of 25.

BRO WN IE SP EAK S is the culmination of years of research by Wilmington-born

jazz pianist Don Glanden, research that has included interviews with Brown's friends,
family, contemporaries, and admirers. Glanden's son Brad edited BR OWN IE SP EAK S
using these interviews, along with archival materials and newly shot video footage.

The resulting feature-length documentary presents a richly detailed account of

Brown's life, and examines his historical importance in the context of three criteria--
innovation, influence, and individuality.

Don Gla nde n is Division Head of Graduate Jazz Studies and Piano Department
Chair at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He has performed in concerts,
recording studios, and clubs with many great jazz artists including: Donald Byrd,
Ernie Watts, Eddie Gomez, Terrell Stafford, Henry Mancini, Marcus Belgrave, Marc
Johnson, Robin Eubanks, John Riley, John Fedchock, John Swana, Randy
Brecker, Patti Austin, and Dennis Irwin. He has two compact disc releases as a
leader: S ud de n Life (Dreambox Media) and Only Be li eve (Cadence Jazz
Records). He has written numerous articles for jazz publications such as
Downbeat, Jazz Improv, and All About Jazz.

Bra d Gl ande n joined the production of B r ow ni e S pe aks in late 2007. In addition

to his role as editor, Brad assisted the director in scripting and shooting the
documentary. The University of the Arts graduate earned his bachelor’s degree in
Music Composition in 2005. As a freelance writer, he’s been published by the
magazines Out & About, CityLife, and Living.Well, and by the websites All About
Jazz, The 213, and Sequenza 21. Brad currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts
and is pursuing a master’s degree in Media Art from Emerson College.

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