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Sally Moceyunas  Spring 2020 

EDUC 4359 - Culminating Experience Requirement for Secondary Student Teaching  

Rationale: ​The Culminating Experience (CE) at SEU is designed to provide a space to use skills and knowledge learned 
throughout your time here to solve an inquiry or question related to your discipline and reflect on that process. To this 
end, the Action Project assignment that you complete as a part of your seminar course grade can serve as the inquiry for 
the CE and with the addition of a robust reflection and evidence from your work completing the T-TESS domains and 
dimensions, can serve to meet the student learning outcomes for the CE experience overall.  
Expectations: ​To meet the requirements for the Culminating Experience, you must demonstrate competence in the 
following domains. ( Write your responses in the ​gray boxes​).  
Associated  Evidence of competency  Student Response 
SLO1. Investigate an open-ended question to be answered or problem to be solved using discipline appropriate 
Associated  Student uses appropriate  [Write a brief response that describes how you have met SLO 1 with the 
Assignment:   evidence from mentor  associated assignment and add it to this box] 
  observations and  In my Action Plan Part 1, I wrote about the varying levels of ability in all of 
Action Plan  self-assessment of teaching  my Spanish classes. I used evidence from the observations from my 
assignment 1  behaviors to identify vexing  supervisor and mentor teacher. My mentor teacher and supervisor noted 
  instructional behavior to  that some activities took students longer than others and that I should 
change. Question to be  figure out a way to bridge that gap. I needed to find something for the 
explored is open-ended in  students to work on or extend the activity. I noticed it when I was 
nature and authentic to  assessing my own teaching behaviors because I noticed, especially in the 
practice.  Spanish 1 class, the wide variety of language abilities. This action plan 
assignment shows evidence that I took both my supervisor’s, mentor’s, 
and my own self-assessment into account when deciding on how to 
Sally Moceyunas  Spring 2020 

change a vexing instructional behavior. The action plan discussed this 

teaching behavior and also talked about ways I could work on changing 
this instructional behavior through suggestions from my supervisor and 
mentor as well as my own suggestions. The action plan shows that I 
investigated the problem through asking for help from my mentors as 
well as other teachers in my department at Akins High School. In addition 
to asking teachers in my department how they dealt with extension 
activities, I investigated on the internet other ways teachers created and 
instituted extension activities. 
SLO2. Synthesize and apply skills and knowledge gained from the curriculum and co-curriculum to produce a 
discipline specific product.  
Associated  Student will synthesize and  Write a brief response that describes how you have met SLO 2 with the 
Assignment:   apply skills and knowledge  associated assignment.  
  gained from curriculum to  In this assignment, I created an E-portfolio to show that I met the 
Eportfolio  produce an array of evidence  standards for the state of Texas. Within this portfolio, I pulled pieces of 
T-TESS   with written rationale  evidence from my student teaching internship to show that I understood 
  through an electronic  and had met each of the standards expected of teachers. I had to use my 
portfolio and action project  knowledge and apply my skills to produce an array of evidence from my 
assignments  student teaching to show that I had met the Texas state standards. The 
written rationale showed my ability to synthesize why evidence met the 
standard. The evidence presented showed that I had knowledge and skills 
of the subject and that I knew how to apply both. The rationale showed 
that I was aware of my knowledge and skill.  
Sally Moceyunas  Spring 2020 

SLO3. Evaluate the results of the inquiry process.  

Associated  Student will evaluate the  Write a brief response that describes how you have met SLO 2 with the 
Assignment:   results of the inquiry  associated assignment.  
  through a written reflection  This assignment was the midpoint for my action plan in order to see how 
Action Plan  and mid-point progress  it was going. In the first part of the action plan, I had inquired about the 
Assignment 2, 3  report assignment that are  use of extension activities in the classroom to combat the varying 
designed to probe  language abilities in my classes. This second part of the action plan 
effectiveness of any  served to evaluate how my inquiries and plan had gone so far, so I could 
behavioral changes to  reflect and keep improving. I discussed and evaluated the results of 
instruction to improve  changing an instructional behavior I had laid out in the first part of my 
practice.  action plan. I talked about the effectiveness of creating extension 
activities in my different Spanish level classes. I reflected on how well this 
was going in the classroom. For some classes, it was highly effective. 
While others, it needed some adjustments. I discussed what adjustments I 
thought might be beneficial in order to make the procedure of extension 
activities more seamless and part of the student’s routine.   
SLO 4. Communicate project outcomes in discipline appropriate ways.  
Associated  A. Student will prepare an  A. Create a 5-7-slide presentation deck that includes at least 1 
Assignment:   oral presentation to be  introductory slide, slides that summarize each CE SLO and a summary 
  delivered to the instructor  slide. You will share this on Zoom with the others who are completing the 
CE Slideshow  and/or rest of class by the  CE assignment.   
Assignment  end of the term that captures 
the project outcomes in 
appropriate ways. This 
Sally Moceyunas  Spring 2020 

presentation will include an 

5-7 slide electronic slide deck 
and any other appropriate 
products – including student 
work, written 
self-reflections, lesson plans, 
video documentation etc, 
that clearly demonstrates the 
ability of the student to 
communicate and reflect on 
their inquiry and associated 
4B. Written Narrative (3-5pg). Student will prepare an additional 3-5 page written reflection that will summarize and 
support the main ideas of oral presentation with research-based evidence.  
Written Reflection Part 4B 

Evaluation: To demonstrate competency, you must  

● score at least an 80% on all of the Action Project, E-Portfolio T-Tess, and Culminating Experience assignments.  
● Prepare and present a presentation slide deck (5-7 slides) that summarizes your learning over the course of the 
semester – as related to the action project and T-Tess assignments. 
● Communicate effectively in written and verbal forms about the ways that the Action Project and E-portfolio 
TTESS assignments have impacted your preparation for a career in teaching. This will include a 3-5 pg written 
narrative that will accompany the presentation slide deck mentioned above at the end of the term. See #4 above.  
● Cite appropriate research and readings from coursework to back up your assertions about effective teaching.  
Sally Moceyunas  Spring 2020 

Completion Checklist:  

● Have I written a paragraph for SLO 1, 2, and 3 and added them to the correct box?  
● Have I linked evidence from paragraphs to appropriately labeled attachments in appendix. 
● Have I written a 3-5 page (DS / 12 pt) summary statement for SLO4 and added it to the space below the table?  
● Have I cited at least 5 research findings that relate to my work for this?  
● Have I presented my work to communicate my results?  
● Have I attached all evidence (Action plan assignments, Link to e-portfolio paragraphs, presentation slide deck 
etc) to this report?  


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