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A Handbook for

Integrated Water Resources

Management in Basins

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an The International Network of Basin

international network whose vision is for a water- Organizations (INBO), established in 1994, is
secure world. The GWP mission is to support the an international network that supports the
sustainable development and management of implementation of integrated water resources
water resources at all levels. management in river and lake basins and
aquifers. It links basin organisations and other
GWP was created in 1996 to foster integrated government agencies responsible for basin
water resources management (IWRM), and to management in order to promote the exchange
ensure the co-ordinated development and of experiences and develop suitable tools for
management of water, land and related better basin management at transboundary,
resources by maximising economic and social national and local levels.
welfare without compromising the sustainability
of vital environmental systems. INBO is organised by regional networks of basin
organisations, in Africa, Latin America, Central
The GWP global network is open to all and Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. It is
organisations involved in water resources also co-ordinating the Network of International
management: developed and developing Commissions and Transboundary Basin
country government institutions, agencies of the Organisations and the Europe-INBO group of
United Nations, bi- and multi-lateral European Basin Organisations to facilitate the
development banks, professional associations, implementation of the EU Water Framework
research institutions, non-governmental Directive.
organisations and the private sector.
INBO is managing a multi-year action plan to
More information about the GWP and access to support the creation and strengthening of basin
the handbook, Policy and organisations around the world.
Technical Briefs, and TEC Background Papers is
available at www.gwpforum.org. The ToolBox on More information about INBO activities and
IWRM can be accessed at www.gwptoolbox.org. members is available at www.inbo-news.org.

Published 2009 by the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO).

Boxes 2.B, 8.C, Example 6.1 and Figure 1 are reprinted from B.P. Hooper (2005)
, pages 52, 67–68 and 120, with permission from the copyright holders,
International Water Association, London UK.

Design and layout by Scriptoria, www.scriptoria.co.uk

Printed by Elanders, Sweden, 2009.
ISBN: 978-91-85321-72-8

Preparation of this handbook has been supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France
as part of their support to GWP and INBO.


2 www.inbo-news.org | www.gwpforum.org

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