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Personal Profile for JADYN ROGERS


Grade Grade 12

Career Matchmaker Results (Top 10 careers) : Senior Cap

Matchmaker My Skills

Career Suggestions Skills Score

1. Career Coach B

2. Social Worker B

3. Health Records Professional A

4. Foreign Language Instructor B

5. Bookkeeper B

6. Speech-Language Pathologist B

7. Bereavement Counselor A

8. Addictions Counselor B

9. Rehabilitation Counselor B

10. Adult Education Teacher A

Learning Styles

You are an Auditory Learner!

Your Learning Style Inventory results indicate you have a strong preference for auditory learning. This
means that in most situations you will find it easier to understand and recall information if you use this
method. Read more about the auditory learning method and how to use it to help you learn.

Your Learning Styles

Visual Learning 30 %
Auditory Learning 60 %

Tactile Learning 10 %

Auditory Learning

As an auditory learner, you learn best when you can hear the information such as teacher lectures and
classroom discussions. You understand and remember things better if you hear them. You may understand
better when you read out loud to yourself. Here are some things you can do to help you learn:

After reading something, make a summary and say it out loud

Try talking to yourself when problem solving
You may find written assignments easier if you talk it out as you write
If you are having trouble understanding written material, read it out loud
Make a recording of lectures to study from
Noises may be distracting to you so study in a quiet place

Since you learn best when you can hear the information, look for ways to make the information auditory by
reading out loud, making recordings or having people read to you. You may find it helpful to have a study
partner who can ask you questions out loud.

Other Assessments

My Saved Careers

Career Your Thoughts

Sign Language Interpreter

Speech-Language Pathologist

My Saved Pathways

1st Choice: Arts and Communication

2nd Choice: Human Services

My Saved Schools

School Your Thoughts

Central Michigan University

School Your Thoughts

Delta College

Madonna University

My Saved Majors

Major Your Thoughts

Communication Sciences and Disorders, General

Education History

High School diploma, Swan Valley High School

September 2016 - June 2020
I went to High School for 4 years and graduated with a diploma.

My Saved Scholarships

Scholarship Name Your Thoughts

Career and Life Goals

Short Term Goals

I plan to graduate high school and dual enroll at a community college to start credits for college.

Long Term Goals

I want to get a degree in communications and get a job as an Speech- Language Pathologist

Post-Secondary Goals

Career Goals - Career Cluster Interests

1st Choice: ---

2nd Choice: ---

Career Goals - Careers that Interest Me

1st Choice: Speech-Language Pathologist

Career Goals - Career Cluster Interests

2nd Choice: Sign Language Interpreter

3rd Choice: ---

Educational Goals - Level of Education

High School Diploma or equivalent

Associate Degree (2 years after high school)

Bachelor's Degree (3-4 years after high school)

Master's Degree (5-6 years after high school)

Educational Goals - Schools that Interest Me

1st Choice: Delta College

2nd Choice: Central Michigan University

3rd Choice:

Financial Plans - Sources of Funding

Extracurricular Activities

Horseback riding
April 2006 - December 2019
I enjoy everything about horseback riding and it's good for me

Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts

January 2008 - February 2012
As a troop we did things for the community

March 2010 - August 2011
I was on a special needs cheer team

Hobbies & Interests

Music I love to listen to music

Learning ASL I love learning ASL and about the deaf community

Caring for Pets I love to take of pets.

Skills and Abilities

Organized I'm neat and orangized

ASL and English I can speak English and ASL

Awards & Certificates

Academic Excellence
May 2019
My GPA was 3.8 average throughout high school

January 2019
Participation in events that helped the school and community.

Cyber Seniors
March 2018
I got recognized for helping senior citizens learn about technology.

Excelled in Algebra I
May 2017
I had a straight A all year.

Volunteer Experiences

Swan Valley Schools

Elementary School Fundraisers
January 2016 - To Present 2020
Did whatever needed to be done to make each fundraiser successful.

Swan Valley High School Cyber Senoirs

Helped teach technology
December 2016 - March 2019

Student Signature: _________________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________

Teacher / Advisor Signature: _______________________________

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