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Anna Fenton

Observation #4- Conclusion Paragraphs

Grade: 5

Time: 2/21/20 1:00

New Jersey Student Learning Standards:

● NJSLSA.W2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas
and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and
analysis of content.
● NJSLSA.W4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
● W.5.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
○ E. Provide a conclusion related to the information of explanation presented.

● Students will use a conclusion paragraph checklist to develop a conclusion to their
informative essays.

● Conclusion paragraph handout
● Document Camera
● Lined Paper
● Pencil

Lesson Sequence:

1. Lesson Introduction (Connection)

a. Talk about intro and body
b. Have students take out their outline and look over all their subtopics and see that
they got to / plan on getting to every point in their plan

2. Teaching Point (Connection)

a. We write conclusions to sum up everything we have talked about in our essay.
b. This is the chance to restate anything super important
c. Hamburger / sandwich model, everything in between doesn’t matter if there is no
solid beginning and ending

3. Teach and Model

a. Read the handout for class- display on document camera
b. Go through each bullet point
i. Transition
1. Don’t talk to me
ii. Restate Topic / subtopics
1. Refer back to intro- talk about leads / hooks
iii. Final thought “Call to action”
1. What they should remember the most
c. Write example for ice cream
i. “To sum it up, ice cream is one of the most popular desserts in history
and is enjoyed by many people each day.”
ii. Look at planning sheet- reference 3 original subtopics
iii. “This sweet snack has a fascinating history, tons of flavors, and is so

4. Guided Practice
a. Ask students to add to it.
i. “We need a final “call to action”. What should we leave our reader with?
What is important about ice cream?” Turn and talk with a partner. What
would you write here? *Take 2-3 responses when done discussing*
ii. “Let’s write it together. We rewrote our three topics, now what should we
write for our last sentence? Who has some ideas they discussed with
their partner?” *Take responses until point is clear*
1. “Ice cream is a dessert enjoyed by many people every day, so
next time you order dessert, consider ice cream!”

5. Independent Practice/Assessment
a. “Now that you all see what is included in a conclusion, you can begin writing your
conclusion paragraph in your informative essays.”
b. “I want you all to use this paper to write a conclusion using each of these points
and really check off each component before moving onto the computer.
Transition, subtopics, and call to action all need to be included. Show me when
you’re done!”
c. Any questions?

● Example will be displayed on document camera for reference
● Each student has a copy with a checklist for reference
● I will walk around as needed to answer questions and ensure students are on task.
○ Each student must show me completed work before moving on

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