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Agisoft Metashape

Processing Report
07 May 2020
Survey Data

Fig. 1. Camera locations and image overlap.

Number of images: 69 Camera stations: 68

Tie points: 10,649
Projections: 27,471
Reprojection error: 1.75 pix

Camera Model Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size Precalibrated

SM-G9650 (4.3mm) 4032 x 3024 4.3 mm 1.42 x 1.42 μm No
Table 1. Cameras.

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Camera Calibration

2 pix
Fig. 2. Image residuals for SM-G9650 (4.3mm).

SM-G9650 (4.3mm)
69 images

Type Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size

Frame 4032 x 3024 4.3 mm 1.42 x 1.42 μm

Value Error F K1 P1 P2

F 3188.22 1.2 1.00 0.55 -0.13 0.05

K1 0.00787373 0.00031 1.00 -0.17 0.07

P1 0.000374793 8.2e-05 1.00 -0.06

P2 -0.000246906 7.8e-05 1.00

Table 2. Calibration coefficients and correlation matrix.

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Digital Elevation Model

Fig. 3. Reconstructed digital elevation model.

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Processing Parameters

Cameras 69
Aligned cameras 68
Point Cloud
Points 10,649 of 26,327
RMS reprojection error 0.699567 (1.74831 pix)
Max reprojection error 2.12426 (23.4329 pix)
Mean key point size 3.21135 pix
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Key points No
Average tie point multiplicity 2.3112
Alignment parameters
Accuracy Highest
Generic preselection Yes
Reference preselection Estimated
Key point limit 5,000
Tie point limit 50,000
Guided image matching No
Adaptive camera model fitting Yes
Matching time 18 seconds
Matching memory usage 338.66 MB
Alignment time 8 seconds
Alignment memory usage 53.41 MB
Software version
Depth Maps
Count 65
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Ultra High
Filtering mode Moderate
Processing time 14 minutes 49 seconds
Software version
Dense Point Cloud
Points 108,273,622
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Ultra High
Filtering mode Moderate
Processing time 14 minutes 49 seconds
Dense cloud generation parameters
Processing time 19 minutes 56 seconds
Software version
Faces 49,999
Vertices 25,300
Vertex colors 3 bands, uint8
Texture 4,096 x 4,096, 4 bands, uint8
Texturing parameters
Mapping mode Generic
Blending mode Mosaic
Texture size 4,096

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Enable hole filling Yes
Enable ghosting filter Yes
UV mapping time 1 minutes 42 seconds
Blending time 12 seconds
Software name Agisoft Metashape Standard
Software version 1.6.2 build 10247
OS W indows 64 bit
RAM 31.88 GB
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz
GPU(s) GeForce GTX 680
GeForce GTX 970

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