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Not all carrots are orange

Carrots are grown on farms and in family gardens throughout the world, carrots are easy to rise and
easy to harvest, they taste good and they contain a lot of carotene, which the body makes into
vitamin A.

When people think of carrots, they usually picture in their mind, a vegetable that´s long, thin and
orange in color; but carrots come in different sizes and shapes and not all carrots are orange.

For example, Paris market carrots are about 5 cm around, imperator carrots are thin and about 25 cm
long and Belgian white carrots are as their name suggests white.

For the best results carrots should be grow in sandy soil, that does not hold water for a long time, the
soil also have no rocks. To prepare your carrot garden dig up the soil, loosen it and turned over.

Then mix in some plant material or animal fertilizer, weather soil conditions and age will affect the
way carrots taste, experts say warm days, cool nights and a medium soil temperature are the best
conditions for growing carrots that taste great.

Carrot need time to develop their full sugar content; this gives them their taste if they are harvested
too early, they will not have enough sugar, but carrots lose their sweetness, if you way too long to
pull them from the ground.

The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested it´s by its color, usually the brighter of the
color the better the taste. Most people do not know the carrots can be grow during the winter

If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground; you can grow and harvest carrots, the same
way as during the summer months, if the ground does freeze in your part of the world.

Simply cover your carrot garden with a thick layer of leaves or straw. This will prevent the ground
from freezing; you can remove the ground cover and harvest the carrots, as they are needed.

Carrots are prepared and eaten many different ways; they are cut in thin pieces and added to other
vegetables, they are put by themselves or added to stews or once they are washed, they are eaten just
as they come out the ground
McDonald’s the fast food company is heating up competition with the Starbucks coffee company;
McDonald’s plans to put coffee bars in its fourteen thousand restaurants in the United States; fewer
than a thousand, now offer specialty coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.
Just like Starbucks, each coffee bar would have its own Barista, the person who makes and serves
the drinks; company documents reported by the wall street journal said the plan would add one
billion dollars a year in sales. McDonald has enjoyed several years of strong growth.
The company had almost 22 billion dollars in sales in 2006; still the move to compete against
Starbucks carries some risk; some experts say; it could slow down service at McDonald’s
restaurants and some people who are happy with McDonald’s; the way it´s now may not like the
As early as 2001, the company tested made café in the United States to sell specialty coffee at
McDonald’s restaurants; but the drinks were not available at the drive-through windows that provide
two-third of its business; McDonald’s thinks its new plan has a greater chance of success.
Starbucks on the other hand has faced slower growth and increasing competition, its stock has lost
about half its value since last January; Starbucks has about 10.000 stores in the United States.
Its high priced coffee drinks have names like iced peppermint white chocolate mocha and double
chocolate chip Frappuccino.
Lately Starbucks has added more foods including breakfast food and put drive-through windows in
some stores; this week the company replaced its chief executive officer, bringing back former CEO
Howard Schultz.
He remains chairman of the board; he joined Starbucks in 1982; when it had just four stores.
He is credited with building the Seattle Company into an international success story; but a year ago;
he warned that its fast growth had led to what he called the watering down of the Starbucks
Some neighborhoods have a Starbucks on every block or two; now Starbucks will speed up its
international growth while slowing its expansion in the United States; millions of people have a taste
for Starbucks.
But last year, McDonald’s premium coffee got some good press; testers from consumer reports
thought it tasted better than Starbucks and it cost less.
MacDonald’s the fast food company is heating up competition with the Starbucks Coffee Company;
MacDonald’s plans to put coffee bars in its fourteen thousand restaurants in the United States
Fewer than a thousand now offer specialty coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos; just like
Starbucks each coffee bar would have its own barista; the person who makes and serves the drinks.
Company documents reported by the Wall Street journal said the plan would add one billion dollars
a year in sales; MacDonald’s has enjoyed several years of strong growth.
The company had almost 22 billion dollars in sales in 2006; still the move to compete against
Starbucks carries some risk; some experts say it could slow down service at MacDonald’s
And some people who are happy with MacDonald’s; the way it is now may not like the chances; as
early as 2001 the company tested McCafés in the United States to sell specialty coffee at
MacDonald’s restaurants.
But the drinks were not available at the drive-through windows that provide two-third of its
business; MacDonald’s thinks its new plan has a greater chance of success; Starbucks on the other
hand has faced slower growth and increasing competition.
Its stock hast lost about half its value since last January; Starbucks has about 10000 stores in the
United States; its high priced coffee drinks have names like iced peppermint white chocolate mocha
and double chocolate chip Frappuccino.
Lately Starbucks has added more food including breakfast food and put drive-through windows in
some stores; this week the company replaced its chief executive officer bringing back former CEO
Howard Schultz.
He remains chairman of the board; he joined Starbucks in 1982 when it had just 4 stores; he is
credited with building the Seattle company into an international success story.
But a year ago he warned that its fast growth had led to what he called the watering down of the
Starbucks experience; some neighborhood have a Starbucks on every block or two.
Now Starbucks will speed up its international growth while slowing its expansion in the United
States; Millions of people have a taste for Starbucks. Last year MacDonald’s premium coffee got
some good press.
Testers from consumer reports thought it tasted better than Starbucks and it cost less.
When Americans think of where coyotes live; they probably think of deserts states in the south west
like Arizona; but over time these wild dogs have spread all the way to the east coast. Some farmers
have guards to protect their sheep from coyotes.
These guards are Llamas; Llamas are South American animals, usually raised in the United States
for their fiber or for show or as pets. But farmers and ranchers noticed that Llamas get along well
with sheep; they also noticed that overt time Coyotes were killing fewer sheep.
So they chose Llamas for guard duty; llamas do not need any training; farmers usually place only 1
with a group of sheep; llamas are social animals; 2 llamas together will not pay attention to the
sheep; alone llama has no chose.
In the Shanandoah of valley of Virginia; farmer Leo Tammi has several hundred sheep; his dogs
helping control and protect the flock of sheep but the dogs are not always available; so he uses
llamas; whenever anything enters the fields; they know about it.
He says their natural interest and willingness to face almost anything that comes near is enough to
scare away a shy animal like a coyote; their size also helps; llamas can weigh as much as 136 Kg
and they look something like a small horse; a funny looking horse with a lot of fine, soft hair.
Llamas are not vicious animals; however if they are not around people at a very young age, they will
not like to be touched; in many ways a llama is just as defenseless as a sheep but llamas have a
secret weapon.
They spit when they get angry may spit out the contents of their stomach; the results looks and
smells terrible; llamas really know how make a statement; in fact you can find the examples of llama
sounds on the internet.
Just remember that llama is spelled with two ll; l-l-a-m-a; if they sense a threat, they make an alarm
sound; this is what a male sound flying; and this is a female alarm call; llamas are new world
camelids along with alpacas, vicuñas and huanacos.
Camelid are a family of animals that also include the camels and dromedaries of Africa and Asia.
When America think of where coyotes live; they probably think of deserts states in the south west
like Arizona; but overtime these wild dogs spread all the ways to the east coast; some farmers have
guard to protect their sheep from coyotes; these guards are llamas.
Llamas are South American animals usually raised in the United States for their fiber or for show or
as pets; but farmers and ranchers noticed that llamas get along well with sheep; they also noticed
that overtime coyotes were killing fewer sheep, so they chose llamas for guard duty.
Llamas don’t need any training; farmers usually placed only one with a group of sheep; llamas are
social animals; two llamas together will not pay attention to the sheep; alone llama has no chose; in
the Shenandoah of valley of Virginia; farmer Leo Tammi has several hundred sheep.
His dogs helping control and protect the flock of sheep; but the dogs are not always available; so he
uses llamas; whenever anything entered the fields; they know about it; he says their natural interest.
And willingness to face almost anything that comes near is enough to scare away a shy animal like
coyote; their size also helps; llamas can weigh as much as 136 Kg; and they look something like a
small horse; a funny looking horse with a lot of fine, soft hair.
Llamas are not vicious animals; however if they are not around people at a very young age; they will
not like to be touched; in many ways a llama is just as defenseless as a sheep; but llamas have a
secret weapon; they spit.
When they get angry; they spit out the contents of their stomachs; the results look and smell terrible;
llamas really know have a make statement; in fact you can find the examples of llama´s sounds on
the internet; just remember that llama spell with 2 l´s l-l-a-m-a.
If they sense a threat; they make an alarm sound; this is what a male sound flying and this a female
alarm call; llamas are new world camelids along with alpacas, vicuñas and guanacos; camelids are a
family of animals that also include the camels and dromedaries of Africa and Asia.
When America think of where coyotes live; they probably think of desert states in the Southwest
like Arizona; but overtime these wild dogs have spread all the way to the east coast; some farmers
have guards to protect their sheep from coyotes.
These guards are llamas; llamas are South America´s animals usually raised in the United States for
their fiber or for show or as pets; but farmers and ranchers noticed that llamas get along well with
sheep; they also noticed that overtime coyotes were killing fewer sheep.
So they chose llamas for guard duty; llamas do not need any training; farmers usually place only one
with a group of sheep; llamas are social animals, two llamas together will not pay attention to the
sheep; alone llama has no chose.
In the Shenandoah of valley of Virginia farmer Leo Tammi has several hundred sheep; his dogs help
him control and protect the flock of sheep but the dogs are not always available; so he uses llamas;
whenever anything enters the fields they know about it.
He says their natural interest and willingness to face almost anything that comes near is enough to
scare away a shy animal like a coyote; their size also helps; llamas can weigh as much as 136 Kg
and they look something like a small horse, a funny looking horse with a lot of fine soft fur.
Llamas are not vicious animals however if they are not around people at a very young age they will
not like to be touched; in many ways a llama is just as defenseless as a sheep but llamas have a
secret weapon, they spit, when they get angry they spit out the contents of their stomachs.
The results looks and smells terrible; llamas really know how to make a statement; in fact you can
find examples of llama sounds on the internet; just remember that llama spell with two l´s l-l-a-m-a;
if the sense a threat they make an alarm sound.
This is what a male sound like and this is a female alarm call; llamas are new world camelids along
with alpacas, vicuñas and guanacos; camelids are family of animals that also include the camels and
dromedaries of Africa and Asia.


As we said last week, American schools are looking for ways to save money on bus transportation
because of high fuel prices; more children may have to walk, ride their bikes or find other ways to
get to school; but as another effect of the high prices they may not have to go to school as often.
Some schools especially in rural areas are changing to a four-day week that means longer days
instead of the traditional Monday through Friday schedule; beginning in the fall students in the
Maccray school district in Minnesota will be in school Tuesday through Friday.
Each school day will be sixty-five minutes longer; super intendent Greg Schmidt says the district
expects to save about 65.000 $ a year in transportation costs; the district has about 700 students
living in an area of 900 square Km; state officials have approved the plan for 3 years.
They may change their mind before then if learning suffers; in Custer South Dakota; students have
been going to school Monday through Thursday since 1995; super intendent Tim Creal says the
change has saved an estimated one million dollars over just the past 8 years; but he sees other
benefits too.
Students get more instructional time and the activities that used to interfere with classes are now
held on none school days; he says that in the future the growth of online classes could make it
possible to require even fewer days in School.
High fuel prices are driving college students to take more online classes and in some states high
school students can take, them too; a 4-day school week sounds like a great idea for students and
teachers; but working parents may have to pay for child care for that fifth day.
In agricultural areas though, it can mean an extra day of helping on the family ranch; in New
Mexico, the first school district changed to a four-day week in 1974; because of the Arab oil
boycott; now 17 out of 89 districts use it the Lake Arthur School district has just 160 students.
Lake Arthur used a four-day schedule for twelve years but a few years ago it went back to five days;
Michael Grossman heads the district; he says two studies there failed to show any real educational
improvement using the four day week.
Andy says not much instruction was taking place during the last hour of school, because teachers
and students were too tired
As we said last week, American Schools are looking for ways to save money on bus transportation
because of high fuel prices; more children may have to walk, ride their bikes or find other ways to
get to school; but as another effect of the high prices; they may not have to go to school as often.
Some schools especially in rural areas are changing to a four-day week; that means longer days
instead of the traditional Monday through Friday schedule; beginning in the fall students in the
Maccrey school district in Minnesota will be in school Tuesday through Friday.
Each school day will be 65 minutes longer; super intendent Greg Schmidt says the district expects to
save about 65000 $ a year in transportation costs; the district has about 700 students living in an area
of 900 square kilometers; state officials have approved the plan for 3 years.
They may change their mind before then if learning suffers; in Custer South Dakota students have
been going to school Monday through Thursday since 1995; super intendent Tim Creal says the
change have saved an estimated one million dollars over just the past 8 years
But he sees other benefits too; students get more instructional time and the activities that used to
interfere with classes are now held on none school days; he says that in the future the growth of
online classes could make if possible to require even fewer days in school.
High fuel prices are driving college students to take more online classes and in some states, high
school students can take them too; a four day school week sounds like a great idea for students and
teachers but working parents may have to pay for child care for that fifth day.
In agricultural areas though it can mean and extra day of helping on the family ranch; in New
Mexico the first school district change to a four-day week in 1974 because of the Arab oil boycott;
now 17 out of 89 district used it; the lake Arthur school district has just 160 students.
Lake Arthur used a four-day schedule for twelve years; but a few years ago, it went back to five
days; Michael Grossman heads the district, he says two studies there failed to show any real
educational improvement using the four-day week.
Andy says not much instruction was taking place during the last hour of school because teachers and
students were too tired.
Summer Work/Travel Brings Many Students to US
This week we answer a question from students in Odessa, Ukraine; Mariska wants to know about
the program that lets foreign students work in the United States during their summer vacations. The
program is called summer work travel.
The state department administers it for full time college or university students who speaks English
well; students come on a J-one exchange visa; they can work for up to 4 months during the school
break. They generally work in service jobs, in stores, resorts, restaurants, hotels and amusement
But summer internships are also permitted; summer in this case means summer in the student’s
country; those from south of the equator come to the United States during the northern winter;
students cannot work as house keepers in private homes or be involved in patient care.
And they are supposed to be paid the same as Americans. Congress created this popular program
under a 1961 law; the mutual educational and cultural exchange act; last year 150.000 students came
to the United States this way; students can do this summer work travel program more than once.
Sally Lawrence heads the state department office responsible for the program; she says students
should begin to gather information a year before they want to travel; more than 50 organizations are
approved to act as sponsors.
Sally Lawrence advices students to avoid unapproved groups offering services and to research a few
different sponsors; sponsors must confirm the English language ability of students and make sure
they are currently in school; but sponsors do not all charge the same price for their services.
Another difference some sponsors arrange employment and housing for students before they leave
home others permit students to find their own jobs after they arrive; Sally Lawrence says the first
thing to do is to find the list of sponsors on the web page for J visa exchange programs.
The address is a little long but here it is Click on
designated sponsor list then choose summer work/travel under the category description, for more
information about the program go to the main page and click on private sector programs.
This week we answer a question from a student in Odessa, Ukraine, Marushka wants to know about
a program that lets foreign students work in the United States during their summer vacations; the
program is called summer work travel.
The state department administers it for full time college or University students who speak English
well; students come on a J-one exchange visa; they can work for up to 4 months during their school
break; they generally work in service jobs: in stores, resorts, hotels, restaurants and amusements
But summer internships are also permitted; summer in this case means summer in the student´s
country; those from south of the equator come to the United States during the northern winter;
students cannot work as housekeepers in private homes or be involved in patient care.
And they are supposed to be paid the same as Americans; congress created this popular program
under a 1961 law; the mutual educational and cultural exchange act; last year 150.000 students came
to the United States this way; students can do this summer work/travel program more than once.
Sally Lawrence heads the state department office responsible for the program; she says students
should begin gather information a year before they want to travel; more than 50 organizations are
approved to act as sponsors.
Sally Lawrence advices students to avoid unapproved groups offering services and to research a few
different sponsors; sponsors must confirm the English language ability of students and make sure
they are currently in school but sponsors do not all charge the same price for their services.
Another difference some sponsors arrange employment and housing for students before they leave
home; others permit students to find their own jobs after they arrive; Sally Lawrence says the first
thing to do is to find the list of sponsors on the web page for J-visa exchange programs.
The address is a little long but here it is: click on
designated sponsor list then choose summer work-travel under the category description; for more
information about the program; go to the main page and click on private sector programs.
Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy; low levels of vitamin D can lead to
problems such as rickets, a deformity mainly found in children; osteoporosis, the thinning of bone is
a common problem, as people especially women get older.
But more and more research is suggesting that vitamin D might also help prevent many diseases; the
easiest way to get vitamin D is from sun light; the sun´s ultraviolet rays react with skin cells to
produce vitamin D; but many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun.
As a result they cover their skin or wear sunblock or stay out of the sun; also darker skinned people
produce less vitamin D than lighter skinned people; production also decreases in older people and
those living in northern areas that get less sun light; not many foods naturally contain vitamin D.
Foods high in this vitamin include oil fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel and fish liver oils;
Boston University researchers reported last year that farmed salmon had only about one-fourth as
much vitamin D as wild salmon; small amounts of D are found in beef liver, cheese and eggs yolks.
And some people take dietary supplements containing the vitamin; but most of the vitamin D in the
American diet comes from food with D added like milk in 1997 the United States institute of
medicine established levels for how much vitamin D healthy people need.
It set the daily amount at 200 international units from birth through age fifty; it set the level at 400
are used through age seventy and 600 for age 71 and older; but some groups say these amounts are
not high enough; they are hoping that the new research findings will lead to new recommendations.
Research in the last several years has shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of
heart attacks in men and deaths from some cancers; other studies have shown that people with
rheumatic diseases often have low levels of vitamin D.
More doctors are known having their patients tested for their vitamin D levels but as research
continues some experts worry that if people take too much vitamin D it might act as a poison; also
skin doctors warn people to be careful with sun exposure because of the risk of skin cancer.
Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy; low levels of vitamin D can lead to
problems such as rickets a deforming mainly found in children; osteoporosis defining of bone is a
common problem as people especially women get older.
But more and more researchers suggesting that vitamin D might also help prevent many diseases;
the easiest way to get vitamin D is from sunlight; the sun´s ultraviolet rays react with skin cells to
produce vitamin D; but many people worry about getting skin cancer and skin damage from the sun
As the result they cover their skin or wear sunblock or stay out of the sun; also darker skinned
people produced less vitamin D than lighter skinned people; production also decreases in older
people and those living in northern areas that get less sunlight; not many foods naturally contain
vitamin D.
Foods high in this vitamin include oil fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel and fish liver oils;
Boston University researchers reported last year that farmed salmon had only about one-fourth as
much vitamin D as wild salmon; small amounts of D are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks.
And some people take dietary supplements containing the vitamin; but most of the vitamin D in the
American diet comes from food with D added like milk; in 1997 the United States institute of
medicine established levels for how much vitamin D, healthy people need.
It set the daily amount at 200 international units; from birth through age fifty; it set the level at 400
are used through age 70 and 600 for age 71 and older; but some groups say these amounts are not
high enough; they are hoping that the new research findings will lead to new recommendations.
Research in the last several years have shown that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of
heart attacks in men and deaths from some cancers; others studies have shown that people with
rheumatic diseases often have low levels of vitamin D.
More doctors are now having the patient tested for the vitamin D levels; but as research continuous;
some experts worry that if people take too much vitamin D it might act as a poison; also skin
doctors; warn people to be careful with sun exposer because of the risk of skin cancer.
The food and agriculture organization estimates that poor countries will spend up to 170 billion
dollars this year to import food this is an increase of 40% from last year the united nations agency
says the rising price of food over the past year is a serious problem.
Because most hungry people also live in poverty, a humanitarian organization based in Washington
DC has a new anti-hunger project; women for women international is teaching poor women in
Sudan and Rwanda a new food production system called commercial integrated farming.
The women are trained to grow crops that not only feed their families but also earn them a profit;
Pat Morris is program director at women for women international; the group launched its
commercial integrated farming program in Rwanda.
Female farmers receive information about what kind of seeds to use. How to farm without chemicals
and when to harvest? The program also provide business skills training; Miss Morris says women
being trained in Rwanda could more than triple the amount of money they earn from farming.
With integrated farming, the women raise animals and different crops on one piece of land; animal
waste provides fertilizer; some of the crops can be used as animal feed in Rwanda the women have
been able to grow traditional crops like bananas and sorghum grain along side higher value crops.
Such as pineapples; a hectare of farm land in Rwanda used earn about 420 $ a year but a family
using integrated farming techniques on the same piece of land can earn as much as 3500 $ a year;
women for women international works with local community.
Partners to design and carry out its integrated farming program; Grace Fisiy is an agricultural
business expert work in Rwanda and Sudan; she says the local media in both countries have helped
educate people about integrated farming.
Women for women international plan to train at least 3.000 women in Sudan and Rwanda; Miss
Fissiy hopes the program will expand to other countries as well.
The food and agriculture organization estimates that poor countries will spend up to 170 billion
dollars this year to import food this is an increase of 40% from last year; the United Nations agency
says the rising price of food over the past year is a serious problem.
Because most hungry people also live in poverty, a humanitarian organization based in Washington
DC has a new anti-hunger project, women for women international is teaching poor woman in
Sudan and Rwanda on new food production system called commercial integrated farming.
The woman are trained to grow crops that not only feed their families but also earn them a profit;
Pat Morris is a program director at woman for woman international; the group launched its
commercial integrated farming program in Rwanda.
Female farmers receive information about what kind of seeds to use how to farm without chemicals
and when to harvest the program also provides business skills training; Miss Morry says women
being trained in Rwanda could more than triple the amount of money they earned from farming.
With integrated Farming, the women raise animals and different crops on one piece of land; animal
waste provides fertilizer; some of the crops can be used as animal feed, in Rwanda the woman have
been able to grow traditional crops like bananas and sorghum grain.
Along side higher value crops such as pineapples; a hectare of farmland in Rwanda used earn about
420$ a year but a family using integrated farming techniques on the same piece of land can earn as
much as 3.500$ a year.
Woman for woman international work with local community partners to design and carry out its
integrated farming program; Grace Fisssy is an agricultural business expert working in Rwanda and
She says the local media in both countries have helped educate people about integrated farming.
Women for women international plans to train at least 3.000 women in Sudan and Rwanda; Miss
Fissy hopes the program will expand to other countries as well.
People can get sick if they eat food touched by floodwaters; floodwater may contain human and
animal wastes and other pollutants like agricultural and industrial chemicals; after a flood; throw
away anything not stored in a waterproof container if there was a chance of contact.
That is the advice of food safety specialists at the United States agriculture department; food
containers that are not waterproof they say; include those with screw caps, snap lids, pull tops and
crimped caps.
Also throw away boxes of juice, milk or baby formula if they have come into contact with
floodwater; the Minnesota department of health says to throw away anything in soft packaging and
the extension service at North Dakota State University says not too save plastic bags of food.
Even if boxes and containers inside the bags appear dry. Also do not eat fresh produce from the
garden if it has come in contact with floodwater to be safe have the soil tested; the extension service
also says to throw away screw topped or crimped topped jars and bottles.
Even if they have never been opened, glass jars and bottles of home canned foods should be thrown
out as well; experts say the containers cannot be effectively cleaned after a flood; throw away
damage metal cans or hard plastic containers.
Do not use cans that are swollen or leaking, or that are rusted or crushed; but experts say that some
unopened, undamaged all metal cans can be saved; first remove any labels; the paper may contain
dirt and germs from the floodwater; wash the cans with soap and water and brush or wipe away dirt.
Use hot water and water that is safe for drinking if they are available; next place the cans again in
water and heat the water to 100ºC; boil the cans for 2 minutes; another way to disinfected them is in
a freshly made solution of chlorine bleach; use 1 tablespoon of unscented liquid bleach for every 4
liters of water.
Use drinking water or the cleanest, clearest water available; place the cans in the solution for 15
minutes; once cans are cleaned, let them air dry for at least 1 hour before opening or storing them;
relabel them with a marking pen to list their contents and any dates when they are best used by;
experts advice using the cans as soon as possible
People can get sick if they eat food touched by floodwaters; floodwater may contain human and
animal wastes and other pollutants like agricultural and industrial chemicals after; a flood throw
away anything not stored in a waterproof container if there was a chance of contact.
That is the advice of food safety specialists at the United States Agriculture Department; food
containers that are not waterproof they say, include those with screw caps, snap lids, pull tops and
crimped caps, also throw away boxes of juice, milk or baby formula.
If they have come into contact with floodwater; the Minnesota Department of health says to throw
away anything in soft packaging; and the extension service at north Dakota State University says not
to save plastic bags of food even if boxes and containers inside the bags appear dry.
Also do not eat fresh produce from the garden if it has come in contact with floodwater; to be safe
have the soil tested; the extensions service also says to throw away screw topped or crimp topped
jars and bottles even if they have never been opened.
Glass jars and bottles of home canned foods should be thrown out as well; experts say the containers
cannot be effectible cleaned after a flood; throw away damaged metal cans or hard plastic
containers; do not use cans that are swollen or leaking or there are rusted or crushed.
But experts say that some unopened, undamaged all metal cans can be saved; first remove any
labels; the paper may contain dirt and germs from the floodwater; wash the cans with soap and water
and brush or wipe away dirt; use hot water and water that is safe for drinking if they are available.
Next place the cans again in water and heat the water to 100ºC; boil the cans for 2 minutes; another
way to disinfect them is in a freshly made solution of chlorine bleach; use 1 tablespoon of unscented
liquid bleach for every 4 liters of water; use drinking water or the cleanest clearest water available.
Place the cans in the solution for 15 minutes; once cans are clean let them air dry at least 1 hour
before opening or storing them; relabel them with a marking pen to list their contents and any dates
when they are best used by; experts’ advice using the cans as soon as possible.
Australia wants to show that exiting power stations can be refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner
way; a demonstration project will seek to develop new technology over the next 4 years that makes
it easier to capture CO2; CO2 is the main gas that many scientists say helps cause global warming.
In traditional coal fired power stations; the coal is burned in air in a big furnace and the CO2 is
realized into the atmosphere; in the new system the coal is burned in pure oxygen instead of air; the
captured CO2 gas is then made into a liquid and buried deep underground.
The process is called Geo-sequestration

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