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Caverns of Booooooooo!

Sitting in the Thumping Drum tavern you are down to your last drink, pie and coin.
Looking around you see other travellers in the same sorry state.
The door swings open and in strides a scared looking local with a ragged parchment
in his hand. “He is going to kill us, we have to run”.
The tavern owner, a big serious veteran, limps across the room. They hold a
whispered conversation over the parchment pointing and arguing. A decision is
made and they both walk across the room towards you.
“You look like you can handle trouble” says the innkeeper “how do you feel about
making some coin?” You try not to think about the thinness of your purse as you nod
The scared looking man hurries to explain “Just North of town is a series of caverns,
The Caverns of Booooooooo. Until recently they were mostly empty, a strange
place. Then last month a cold came over the whole village, echoing footsteps were
heard heading away from the village to the Caverns. We sent the guards to
investigate but they never returned. And now this”. He hands over the note

Your guards are now my guards. Tomorrow I come for

more servants. Prepare my throne. King Threearms,
Lord of all Zombies.
Which is why, as night is falling, you find yourself moving carefully towards the
entrance to the Caverns of Booooooooo

How to Play
I. Enter the room and roll dice, which determine the challenges you face. You
can change the difficulty : 2 dice is learner, 3 normal, 4 is veteran and 5 is

II. A Room must be clear before you can move on.

III. If can’t move on then you can discard a card to count as any 1 symbol.

IV. If your deck runs out you can only prod things with a pointy stick. 1 dmg per

V. Monsters defeated with axes, traps with bolts, puzzles with knowledge.

VI. Treasures can be used once to gain an extra symbols

VII. Special ability counts count as any 3 symbols

Caverns of Booooooooo!
VIII. After all players have had their turn everyone takes one damage for each
enemy still standing.


Pile of
Mysterious Treasure
Cave Chamber


Throne Room

Set Up and Play

Cut out the room tables and lay them face down in order
Read the introduction
Lay out the cavern map using a meeple to show where the party are
Decide on the difficulty level
Roll the dice in each room using markers to track on the room tables what challenges the
players face.
Caverns of Booooooooo!
Challenge Rules
1 Pit trap Either take 3 damage or use 2 bolts
2 or 3 Giant rat To defeat 2 axe and take 1 damage or 3 axes
4 Giant mousetrap 1 bolt and take 1 damage or 2 bolts
5 or 6 Locked door 3 books or 6 axes to open

Pile of Challenge Rules

1, 2 or Dire wolf To defeat 2 axes and take 2 damage or 4 axes
4 Hollow bone Treasure : lock pick +2 bolts
5 Shiny bone No use, but it is yours, your very own souvenir
6 Locked door 3 books or 6 axes to open

Mysteriou Challenge Rules

s Cave
1 Confusion trap Either take 3 damage or use 4 bolts / books
2 Puzzle box Use 4 axes, bolts or books to open. Treasure :
Magic scroll of smarty pants +3 books
3 or 4 Green Ooze To defeat 5 axes and take 2 damage or 4 axes,
1 book and 1 bolt.
5 or 6 Symbols in an ancient 3 books to translate, everyone puts 3 random
language discards back in their deck

Treasure Challenge Rules

1 Small treasure chest Any symbol to open, take 2 cards out of your
discard pile
2 Large treasure chest Hammer of Smashy smashy, +6 axes
3 Mimic To defeat 6 axes or 2 books and 2 bolts.
4 Giant Rat To defeat 1 axe and take 2 damage or 4 axes
5 Painting of King Threearms, The eyes seem to follow you around the room
the three armed Zombie causing your knees to quiver. 2 axes and take 2
King damage or everyone discards 2 cards.
6 Skeleton To defeat 2 axes and take 1 damage or 3 axes
Caverns of Booooooooo!
Guard Challenge Rules
Don’t Skeleton Guard To defeat 3 axes and take 2 damage or 5 axes.
Roll Lost potion of healing +3 hearts to all characters.
Secret Knock The door to the Throne Room will only open to
the guards secret knock. 4 books or bolts to
figure out.
Skeleton Archer To defeat 2 axes and take 3 damage or 3 axes
and 1 shield.

As the throne room door creaks open you find yourself staring into the mad red eyes of a small
zombie monkey. It screeches and swings across the room to a stacked pile of rocks. Lounging
against them is a huge zombie.

“Do you come to serve? No matter, you will !”

An arrow pings of the wall by your head and two armoured zombies shamble towards you. King
Threearms steps behind them holding three rusty but vicious swords.

Throne Challenge Rules

Don’t King Threearms, the three To defeat roll D6 x difficulty level symbols in any
Roll armed Zombie King combination as you hack, blast and smash the
Zombie King.
Skeleton Archer To defeat 2 axes and take 3 damage or 3 axes
and 1 shield.
Pet Zombie Monkey To defeat 1 axe and take 2 damage or 3 axes
Zombie Guard To defeat 4 axes and take 2 damage or 5 axes
and 2 bolts.
Zombie Guard To defeat 4 axes and take 2 damage or 5 axes
and 2 bolts.

Ending 1 : You die!

In death you serve in King Threearms growing army. A small voice inside shouts
angrily at your fate but as time goes on that voice becomes smaller and smaller.

Ending 2 : Victory
You emerge blinking into the sunlight to find a small crowd of villagers gathered.
The Innkeeper raises a large crossbow “Are you zombies?” It takes a while to
convince everyone that you are not and that King Threearms is no more but
once you do celebrations break out. Next morning you find yourself walking the
roads again but this time with coin in your purse, ale in your belly and a fresh pie
in your pack.

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