Mentor Teacher Evaluation 1

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Evaluation Results
Requirement : Mentor Teacher: Mentor Teacher Observation 1

AUTHOR: Mary Kelly

DATE EVALUATED: 10/03/2019 10:20:54 AM (EST)

DRF TEMPLATE: Student Teaching Fall 2019
Meets Requirement
PROGRAM: Student Teaching Fall 2019


Detailed Results ( Form used : Teacher-Friendly Observation 1 Form as of Fall 2019)

Response is required

1. Observation Form
This form will be available for review and printing upon completion. Once entered into Taskstream as meeting requirements, the student
teacher and college supervisor can view evaluation completed.

2. Student teacher name

Student teacher first name Student teacher last name

Mary Kelly

3. Lesson title and number of students in attendance

Lesson title Number of students

Finding Parts of 8 16

4. Today's Date


5. Lesson planning: content (D1a InTASC #4)

Please pull down the choice that comes closest to what you observed

Printed on: 01/26/2020 03:25:55 PM (EST)

3-Solid command of content knowledge

Comments about lesson planning content

Miss Kelly planned her lesson to reach all students with different levels of learning. The lesson plan was
clear as to how she would accomplish a level of understanding for the students.

6. Lesson planning: student needs (D1b InTASC 1,2,7)

Please pull down the choice that comes closest to what you observed

3-Addressed a variety of student needs, abilities and cultural heritage

Comments about lesson planning student needs

Miss Kelly knows the students well. She knows their strengths and weaknesses. She was prepared to
accommodate each level of learning.

7. Creating the classroom environment (D1c, InTASC 1)

3-Established respect and rapport with students

Comments about creating the classroom environment

From the first day of school, Miss Kelly has been viewed as a teacher. She has made a connection to each
child and they care about her and treat her with respect and affection. They feel the same from her.

8. Managing student behavior (D2b InTASC 3)

Please pull down the choice that comes closest to what you observed

3-Managed student behavior consistently

Comments about managing student behavior

As a new teacher it is impressive how well Miss Kelly manages student behavior. She does it in a stern
and loving way. The students respond well to Miss Kelly's management and are clear of her expectations.

9. Communicating clearly (D3a InTASC 5)

Please pull down the choice that comes closest to what you observed

3-Communication is consistently clear and accurate

Comments on communicating clearly

Miss Kelly is clear when communicating to students her expectations of what they will learn in the lesson.
She gives them time to learn the concept, practice the concept with hands on learning, allows them
independent work to check for understanding, and works individually with struggling students.

10. Using questions (D3b InTASC 8)

Please pull down the choice that comes closest to what you observed

3-Asked consistent, often aligned and/or challenging questions of most students

Printed on: 01/26/2020 03:25:55 PM (EST)

Comments on using questions

Miss Kelly uses higher-order questioning in her lesson. She not only sees that the students may have
answered the questions correctly, she also wants them to explain the how and why.

11. Reflecting on teaching (D4a InTASC9)

Please pull down the choice that comes closest to what you observed

2-Generally accurate impression and some suggestions to improve

Comments on student teacher's reflecting

Miss Kelly reflected on her lesson. Although the lesson went well, Miss Kelly wanted to find ways to
improve her delivery of the lesson. We discussed minor changes that would make the lesson run more

Technology Integration (Describe)

Please identify any technology used by the student teacher including detail on how it was utilized. (*If software, please provide
name.) If used during instruction, please indicate how it was used to engage learners.

Miss Kelly used the Promethean Board for the main lesson and student practice. After the students
completed their independent work they used their iPad to reinforce the concept taught.

Other comments

Miss Kelly has naturally fit into this school, team, and classroom. She attends all planning meetings and
contributes her ideas and opinions. She shows professionalism and care for the the staff and the


Response Legend:
5 = Very Well Prepared 4 = Well Prepared 3 = Prepared 2 = Somewhat Prepared 1 = Not Prepared At All

5 4 3 2 1
At this time, how prepared is your teacher candidate to
collaborate with other teachers or colleagues on curriculum,
lesson planning, or student issues?
At this time, how prepared is your teacher candidate to
teach the subject matter?
At this time, how prepared is your teacher candidate to plan
instruction based on the individual needs of the students in
the class?
At this time, how prepared is your teacher candidate to use
a variety of instructional methods?
At this time how prepared is your teacher candidate to
handle a range of classroom management or discipline

Preparedness Comments

We have a good group of students. They are talkers but do not have major discipline problems. Miss Kelly
Printed on: 01/26/2020 03:25:55 PM (EST)
manages the classroom very well but has not had to encounter extreme discipline situations.

Printed on: 01/26/2020 03:25:55 PM (EST)

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