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I.S.E. S.r.l.


Via L. Einaudi, 7 – 00012 Guidonia Montecelio (RM) - Italy Rev. A of 05/06/12

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Customer Bulletin

Chemistry Systems: Miura Single and Double Sampler ARM (all versions) and
Miura One (all versions)

Date: June 5, 2012

Issue: New Cleaner solution – System Upgrade
Author: G.Grifoni

This bulletin applies to MIURA, Miura 200 and MIURA ONE systems.
As announced in the previous bulletin code CBL-11074-01-A, the New MIURA systems (single and
double sampler Arm) and the new MIURA ONE systems adopt a new cuvette Washing Station
required for the use of the last Cleaner Solution. That new solution has been just released and it
gives advantages in terms of cost and packaging because it is cheaper and easier to ship.
This document describes the upgrades to be made on older systems, that are using the previous
cuvette Washing Station version, to make them compatible with the new Cleaner Solution.

The upgrade must be performed on instruments manufactured and shipped before August 2011.
In case of doubts it is possible to control if the instrument has been modified or not, just check the
red waste connector on the external waste tank wiring:
• In case it is elbow (90°) valved type, the instrument must be upgraded.
• In case it is straight in-line non-valved, the instrument is ready.

Waste connector (red) Old connector type New connector type


The upgrade kit, that can be received by I.S.E. S.r.l., includes:
• Q.ty 1 connector, straight in-line hose barbed, non-valved, for 1/8” ID tubing size.

Content of this document is property of I.S.E. S.r.l. and neither the document nor part of it
can be reproduced, copied or disclosed without the authorization of I.S.E. S.r.l.
Unauthorized copies, total or partial, could cause legal actions in order to preserve owner’s interests.
I.S.E. S.r.l.

Via L. Einaudi, 7 – 00012 Guidonia Montecelio (RM) - Italy Rev. A of 05/06/12

pag. 2 / 3
Customer Bulletin

The upgrade of the system consists in replacing the floating waste connector, swap the waste
internal tubes and change one washing station parameter on the Server software.
The upgrade procedure is the following:
1. On the internal output manifold inlets, SWAP the tubing end coming from the Aspiration
Needle Pump [A] with the tubing end coming from the Aspiration Tip Pump [T]. This way,
obtained by directing the Aspiration Needle waste tubing to the manifold central inlet,
provides much more direct flow to the output tubing (manifold outlet).

OLD configuration SWAP Tubes NEW configuration

2. REPLACE the floating connector on the external Waste tank wiring, which is an elbow valved
type, with the new connector, provided in the kit, that is STRAIGHT and NON-VALVED (no
shutoff on disconnection). This new connector, being Non-valved, maintains a low flow
impedance into the waste outlet path.

Waste connector (red) Replace this Old with This New

connector type connector type

3. In the Server service software change the following parameter:

a. Miura and Miura 200:
• Enter the Server software
• Enter the Washing Station Panel,
• SET the parameter “First Dispension Time” = 5.
b. Miura One:
• Enter the Server software
• Enter the Washing Station Panel,
• SET the parameter “First Dispension Time” = 4.
Save and restart the system.
4. Keep outside surface of the washing station needles clean and degreased. Inner must be
always free from obstructions.

Content of this document is property of I.S.E. S.r.l. and neither the document nor part of it
can be reproduced, copied or disclosed without the authorization of I.S.E. S.r.l.
Unauthorized copies, total or partial, could cause legal actions in order to preserve owner’s interests.
I.S.E. S.r.l.

Via L. Einaudi, 7 – 00012 Guidonia Montecelio (RM) - Italy Rev. A of 05/06/12

pag. 3 / 3
Customer Bulletin


Upon the changes above described, the system can use the new Cleaner Solution, just released,
that can be purchased with the code: P3140000282 (Cleaner Solution for Miura 2x100 mL).
It must be prepared by mixing one 100mL vial of solution into 5L of bi-distilled water (conductivity
below 1.6µS/cm) directly into the external 5L blue tank of the system.

Note: the previous Cleaner solution can be anyway used also in system that have been upgraded.

Content of this document is property of I.S.E. S.r.l. and neither the document nor part of it
can be reproduced, copied or disclosed without the authorization of I.S.E. S.r.l.
Unauthorized copies, total or partial, could cause legal actions in order to preserve owner’s interests.

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