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Particle Swarm Optimization: Algorithm and its Codes in MATLAB

Research · March 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4985.3206


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1 author:

Mahamad Nabab Alam

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


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Particle Swarm Optimization: Algorithm and its Codes in MATLAB

Mahamad Nabab Alama

a Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee-247667, India


In this work, an algorithm for classical particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been discussed. Also, its
codes in MATLAB environment have been included. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been analyzed
with the help of an example of three variable optimization problem. Also, the convergence characteristic
of the algorithm has been discussed.
Keywords: Algorithm, Codes, MATLAB, Particle swarm optimization, Program.

1. Introdunction

Particle swarm optimization is one of the most popular nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization
algorithm developed by James Kennedy and Russell Eberhart in 1995 [1, 2]. Since its development, namy
variates have also been develop for solving practical issues of related to optimization [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].
Recently, PSO has emerged as a promising algorithm in solving various optimization problems in the field
of science and engineering [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25].

2. Particle Swarm Optimization: Algorithm [25]

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is inspired by social and cooperative behavior displayed by various
species to fill their needs in the search space. The algorithm is guided by personal experience (Pbest),
overall experience (Gbest) and the present movement of the particles to decide their next positions in
the search space. Further, the experiences are accelerated by two factors c1 and c2 , and two random
numbers generated between [0, 1] whereas the present movement is multiplied by an inertia factor w
varying between [wmin , wmax ].
The initial population (swarm) of size N and dimension D is denoted as X = [X1 ,X2 ,...,XN ]T ,
where 0 T 0 denotes the transpose operator. Each individual (particle) Xi (i = 1, 2, ..., N ) is given as
Xi =[Xi,1 , Xi,2 , ..., Xi,D ]. Also, the initial velocity of the population is denoted as V = [V1 ,V2 ,...,VN ]T .
Thus, the velocity of each particle Xi (i = 1, 2, ..., N ) is given as Vi =[Vi,1 , Vi,2 , ..., Vi,D ]. The index i
varies from 1 to N whereas the index j varies from 1 to D. The detailed algorithms of various methods
are described below for completeness.

∗ Mahamad Nabab Alam

Email address: (Mahamad Nabab Alam)

Preprint submitted to Open Access Article March 8, 2016

Vi,j k
= w × Vi,j + c1 × r1 × (P bestki,j − Xi,j
) + c2 × r2 × (Gbestkj − Xi,j
) (1)
k+1 k k+1
Xi,j = Xi,j + Vi,j (2)

In eqn. (1) Pbestki,j represents personal best j th component of ith individual, whereas Gbestkj repre-
sents j th component of the best individual of population upto iteration k. Figure (1) shows the search
mechanism of PSO in multidimensional search space.




Xik ViPbest

Figure 1: PSO search mechanism in multidimentional search space.

The different steps of PSO are as follows [25]:

1. Set parameter wmin , wmax , c1 and c2 of PSO

2. Initialize population of particles having positions X and velocities V
3. Set iteration k = 1
4. Calculate fitness of particles F ki = f (Xki ), ∀i and find the index of the best particle b
5. Select Pbestki = Xki , ∀i and Gbestk = Xkb
6. w = wmax − k × (wmax − wmin )/Maxite
7. Update velocity and position of particles
V k+1 k k k k k
i,j = w × V i,j + c1 × rand() × (P besti,j − X i,j ) + c2 × rand() × (Gbestj − Xi,j ); ∀j and ∀i
k+1 k k+1
Xi,j = Xi,j + Vi,j ; ∀j and ∀i
8. Evaluate fitness Fik+1 = f (Xk+1
i ), ∀i and find the index of the best particle b1
9. Update Pbest of population ∀i
If Fik+1 < Fik then Pbestk+1
i = Xk+1
i else Pbestk+1
i = Pbestki

10. Update Gbest of population
If Fb1 < Fbk then Gbestk+1 = Pbestk+1
b1 and set b = b1 else Gbestk+1 = Gbestk
11. If k < Maxite then k = k + 1 and goto step 6 else goto step 12
12. Print optimum solution as Gbestk

The most commonly used parameters of PSO algorithm are considered as follows:

• Inertial weight: 0.9 to 0.4

• Acceleration factors (c1 and c2 ): 2 to 2.05

• Population size: 10 to 100

• Maximum iteration (Maxite): 500 to 10000

• Initial velocity: 10 % of position

A detailed flowchart of PSO considering the above steps is shown in Figure (2).

Set parameters of PSO

Initialize population of particles with position and velocity

Evaluate initial fitness of each particle and select Pbest and Gbest

Set iteration count k = 1

Update velocity and position

of each particle

Evaluate fitness of each particle

and update Pbest and Gbest

k = k+1 If k <= Maxite ?


Print optimum values of variables

Figure 2: Flowchart of PSO.

3. Problem Formulation of Optimization Problem: An example

The objective function (OF) required here must be a minimization problem. Let us suppose that
there is a problem defined below is need to be optimized. The OF is of minimization type subjected to
inequality type constraints. The statement of the problem is as follows:

OF = min [ 10 × (1 − x(1))2 + 20 × (2 − x(2))2 + 30 × (3 − x(3))2 ] (3)

Subjected to
x(1) + x(2) + x(3) <= 5 (4)

x(1)2 + 2 × x(2) <= x(3) (5)

The optimum value of the OF (defined by Eq. 3) is 9.3941 at x(1) = 0.4377, x(2) = 1.4569 and
x(3) = 3.1054. In the next section, MATLAB codes are developed for solving this problem.

4. Particle Swarm Optimization: Codes in MATLAB environment

Two MATLAB script files (*. m file) are needed to fully write the codes. In the first file, the objective
function is defined, whereas in the second file, the main PSO program is developed [26].
Now, this problem will be solved by using the PSO algorithm. The objective function file and main
program file can be written as follows:

4.1. Objective function file

The problem defined in the last section can be expressed in MATLAB script file (*.m) as follows:

Save the above codes as ofun.m. The ”ofun.m” file defines the problem discussed above. In main
program file this function will be called again and again as per the requirement.

4.2. Main program file

The main program file can be expressed as folows:

Subsections 4.1 and 4.2 represent the complete codes for PSO to solve the optimization problems
defined in Section 3. Now, to solve the problem using PSO, it is only required to run the main program
file developed in subsection 4.2. It is to be noted that the same codes are availabe in my older work [26]
uploaded on the ResearchGate.

5. Particle Swarm Optimization: Optimized results of the problem considered

The snapshot of the optimized solution of the problem is shown in Figure 3. From this figure, it is
observed that the best value of the objective function obtained after 10 independent runs is 9.3941. This
value is obtained at x(1) = 0.4377, x(2) = 1.4569 and x(3) = 3.1054. Out of the 10 runs, 7th run gives
this best results. The simulation total time taken is 22.9852 seconds. It is to be noted that the simulation
time depends on computer configuration. Further, Figure 4 shows the convergence characteristic of PSO.

Figure 3: Results displayed in command window of MATLAB.

PSO convergence characteristic



Fitness function value 50





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Figure 4: PSO convergence characteristic

6. Conclusion

In this paper, the concepts of particle swarm optimization have been discussed in a very simple way.
Further, its algorithm has been developed. Also, PSO programming codes in MATLAB environment
have been given and an example has been solved successfully which demonstrate the effectiveness of the
algorithm. The following conclusions can be drawn from this work:

(i) The MATLAB codes discussed here can be extended to solve any type of optimization problem of
any size.
(ii) Any equality constraint needs to convert into corresponding two inequality constraints.
(iii) The codes discussed here are generalized for solving any optimization problem with inequality
constraints of any size.


If X is a set of equality constraint need to be converted into a set inequality constraint , the following
procedures need to be followed:
Equality constraint:

X=0 (6)

The corresponding set of inequality constraint can be represented as follows:

X <= 0 (7)

−X <= 0 (8)


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