Technology Experience

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Block 4; Theresa Perez

Pentatonic Scale activity

Experience design
For this experience I will be setting up 4 stations for students to play around with the pentatonic
scale. They will be given the five notes and the octaves. The centers are as follows:

Singing - Have this group work with a labeled piano: Do Re Mi So La Do

Recorder - Provide fingering charts: C D E G A C
Xylophone - Pre-set with ONLY: C D E G A C
Tech! - Pentatonic makey-makey guitar. Pre-programed to play C D E G A C

In the centers students will all play through the pentatonic scale and then try to play through a
notated version of hot crossed buns (EDG EDG GGGG DDDD EDG). Once they have
completed that, they will be given time to experiment and improvise. By the end of class
students should be able to play through their improvisation and have it notated in a way that
they understand.

Example and Benefits of the Technology

Example of the programed cardboard guitar: ​

This will be done utilizing a laptop, some conductive material, a cardboard cutout, and a
programming software. It will play like shown in the short video as long as a student holds the
ground cable to complete the circuit.

This is beneficial because the students cannot damage a cardboard guitar irreparably like they
could potentially do with a more expensive instrument. It is also extremely inexpensive to
produce and allows for exposure to different musical technology for students. Finally, this new
platform will hopefully attract student interest and get them excited to experience the content.

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