EPI Upon DEMOS People LOGOS Study: Epidemiology

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CPH WEEK 3: * father of modern medicine

EPIDEMIOLOGY (PART 1) * the canon of medicine (1020’s), discovered the contagious

nature of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted disease, and
the distribution of disease through water and soil
* Stated that bodily secretion is contaminated by foul foreign
- EPI = upon earthly bodies before being infected
- DEMOS = people
- LOGOS = study Ibn al-Khatib
- J.P. PARKIN, 1873: “A branch of medical * wrote a treatise called on the plague
services which treats of epidemics.” * stated how infectious disease can be transmitted through
- McMAHON & PUGH: “The study of the bodily contact and through garments, vessels and earrings”
distribution and determinants of disease Anton van leeuwenhoek
* the development of a sufficiently powerful microscope in
frequency in man.”
1675 provided visual evidence of living particles consstent
- Distribution: Describes the disease in terms with a germ theory of disease
of time, person and place. John Graunt
- JOHN LAST, 2001: “Scientific study of the * “Natural and poltical observations made upon the bills of
distribution and determinants of health-related mortality”
states or events in specified populations and * used analysis of the mortality rolls in London nefore the great
the application of this study to control health plague to present one of the first life tables and report time
problems.” trends for many dseases, new and old

* The natural experiment to identify waterborne transmission
of cholera (John Snow-1854)
* ”branch of medical services which treats of epidemics” (J.P.
* the intervention trial among sailors helped identify nutritional
deficiency as the cause of scurvy and use of oranges and
* ”the study of the distribution and determinants of disease
lemons to cure it (James Lind- 1747)
frequency in man” (McMahon & Pugh, 1970)
* the identification of the transmission, incubation period and
* ”Scientific study of the distribution and determinants of
infectious period of measles (Peter Panum-1846)
health-related states or events in specified populations, and
* discovery of a cause of cancer- observed chimney sweeps in
the application of this study to control health problems” (John
London and found deposition of soot in the scrotum to be the
Last 2001)
cause of their high levels of scrotal cancer (Percival Pott-
* “The science of community and public health that deals with
the distribution by time, place, and person of condition,
* the discovery that pellagra was caused by diet and germs
behaviors, and factors related to health of populations so that
(Joseph Goldberger- 1914)
prevention and control interventions can be planned”
* pellagra - deficiency of B3
* attributes
* the streptomycin trial for the treatment of pulmonary
* population
tuberculosis (Medical research council- 1948)
* distribution by time, place, and person
* the delineation of the link between smoking and tobacco use
* epidemiology is a science
and cancers, heart diseases and other diseases that linked
* bass of community and public health
smoking to lung cancer (Doll and Hill- 1950)
* About conditions, behaviors, and factors related to health
* the identification of the causative factors for heart disease
* interested in identification of antecedents and causes
through the Framingham Heart Study (Dawber, Meadors and
responsible for health
Moore- 1951)
* deals with populations as opposed to individuals
* the explication of transmission and causation of HIV/AIDS
* to help with the planning and control interventions
(CDC- 2006)
* the identification of workplace hazards such as lead, abestos
John Snow
and dioxins (Schoenbach & Rosamond- 2000)
* father of modern epidemiology
* The increased understanding of the benefits and effects of
* investigations into the causes of the 19th century cholera
physical activity and exercise (Paffenbarger- 1988)
* The establishment of surveillance systems for tracking
* perceived as the major event in the history of public health
diseases and other health conditions such as health behaviors
and can be regarded as the founding event of the science of
and drug-use
* the development of valid measures and survey
methodologies for a variety of health conditions
* first person known to have examined the relationships
between the occurence of disease and environmental
* coined the terms endemic (for diseases usuAlly found in
some places but not in others) and epidemic (for disease that
are seen at some times but not others)


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