2010 Sep

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SEPTEMBER 2010 / compositesworld.


■ One-piece supercar passenger cell

■ Private space race: Composites win
■ SQRTM profile/Antiballistics update
■ Airshows: Farnborough & Oshkosh
High Flying Quality.



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24 Farnborough International 7 From the Editor
Airshow 2010 HPC editor-in-chief Jeff Sloan
Although uncertainties remain, air- comments on the impact that
craft OEMs see recovery in order military drawdowns in the Mid-
numbers. dle East might have on the U.S.
composites industry.
By Sara Black & Eddie Kania
8 Market Q&A
26 EAA AirVenture 2010
Investment banker Paul Weis-
Rain on Wittman Field runways can’t brich gauges the aerospace/
dampen Oshkosh Fly-In enthusiasm. defense M&A market in an ex-
By Sara Black clusive interview.

9 Testing Tech
28 The Private Space Race
NASA passes the development 38 Dr. Donald Adams appraises
existing methods for testing
torch to legacy contractors and the performance of fasteners
NewSpace entrepreneurs, igniting a loaded in transverse shear.
new competition in space transport.
By Karen Wood
64 Out of the Mold
HPC’s technical editor Sara
Black says recessionary scorn
38 Structural Armor or of private flight unnecessarily
Armored Structures? harmed the economically vital
Either way, antiballistics engineers general aviation industry.
seek structural integrity and ballistic
deterrence from a single design.
By Michael R. LeGault
13 News
44 SQRTM Enables
Net-shape Parts 44 51
New out-of-autoclave process com-
bines resin transfer molding with 54 New Products
prepregs for a complex helicopter 57 Ad Index
part prototype.
58 Marketplace
By Sara Black 59 Showcase

volume: eighteen
number: five 2010


60 F1-inspired MonoCell: The McLaren MonoCell marks the first
Racing Safety for the Road use in a street-legal automobile of the
McLaren Automotive’s Claudio one-piece carbon fiber/epoxy driver’s
Santoni leads the production-car cell pioneered by McLaren Racing
arm of the famed McLaren Rac- (Woking, Surrey, U.K.) in Formula 1
ing team in a successful effort to race cars. The complex part, produced
adapt race car chassis technology at a rate of 4,000 units per annum via
(pictured on the cover) for a new resin transfer molding, is the rolling-
family of exotic road cars. chassis centerpiece of McLaren Auto-
motive’s new MP4-12C supercar.
By Bob Griffiths Source: McLaren Automotive

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 1
Gardner Publications Inc. CompositesWorld
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Karen Wood

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 3


O ne of my job respon-
sibilities is to gather
composites industry
news each week for publica-
tion in our CompositesWorld
the U.S. has announced the de-
parture from Iraq of its last com-
bat brigade. Only 50,000 troops
remain to help keep the peace,
train Iraqi solders and continue
Weekly e-newsletter. I use rebuilding the country. In Af-
keyword searches on the ghanistan, a U.S. troop draw-
Internet to stay on top of down could begin as soon as
news and announcements next summer. As these conflicts
and have a stable of about jeff@compositesworld.com end their “hot” phases, demand
30 keywords I use, includ- for some composite parts and
ing company names, such as structures will wane as well. No
Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Air- surprise, then, that U.S. Department of Defense Secre-
bus, Sikorsky, etc. tary Robert Gates has proposed military spending cuts
One thing I’ve learned, poring over search results, totalling $100 billion (USD) over the next five years.
is that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been And that’s on top of the Pentagon’s decision in 2009 to
very lucrative for military contractors. I see, almost cut the F-22 fighter jet program. Will other high-profile
every day, announcements of federal defense con- projects also get the ax? The bottom line is that money
tracts, and a resulting increase in demand for com- will not flow to defense projects like it once did, and
posite parts and structures — unmanned aerial vehi- there will be consequences.
It would be helpful if there were other
Facing drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan emerging end markets to pick up the lost de-
mand. Wind energy, for one, shows promise to
that will reduce demand for military com- consume large quantities of composite ma-
posites, we must seek new opportunities. terials for many years, but it’s been hobbled
severely by the recession and accompanying
credit crunch. The auto industry, also laid low
cles, aircraft and helicopter components, naval patrol by the recession, is reorganizing itself to emphasize
boats, vehicle and personal armor, soldier housing electric drivetrain technology that may attract several
and more. (A good example of the armor R&D can be new uses of composites, but this looks to be a slow-
found on p. 38 of this issue, where contributor Mike evolving transition out of a very deep ditch.
LeGault explores the latest antiballistic composites We’ve become accustomed over the past nine years
technologies for battlefield application.) to tapping a full military funding pipeline for a variety
Setting aside for the moment the arguments for of products and projects and must now wean ourselves
and against our presence in these countries, the fact of this dependence as the war-funding flow slows to
that we have been in Afghanistan since 2001 and Iraq a trickle. We are faced with a classic challenge-vs.-op-
since 2003 has created a vigorous and well-funded portunity conundrum. It seems like an opportunity to
military economy that employs thousands of people me, and now is the time to think creatively about how
and consumes millions of pounds of composite ma- composites can be further adapted to replace metals
terials each year. It has spurred creativity and inno- and other legacy materials throughout the manufac-
vation in application of composite products that we turing world.
might otherwise not have seen. Use of military hard-
ware in combat has exposed many limitations, forc-
ing the military community to think more seriously
about composites as a means of lightweighting and
corrosion-prevention in its warfighting structures and
for protection of troops in harm’s way.
All of this has been wonderful for the composites Jeff Sloan
community, but like it or not, such gravy trains don’t
run forever. As I write this editorial in mid-August,

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 5
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was a noticeable spring in the step of the With smaller deals, say, less than $5
Paul Weisbrich is Boeing suppliers who are involved in the million of EBITDA, lending is tight. That
the senior man- 787. And Airbus’ A350 XWB is certainly said, I think large strategic buyers would
aging director of
following closely behind. still do a small deal if there is a unique
McGladrey Capital
Markets LLC (Cos- The show demonstrated that com- customer or key strategic technology
ta Mesa, Calif.). A mercial aerospace is definitely on the involved. Further, it is a seller’s market,
20-year investment- upswing now, while the military aero- with significantly more interested buy-
banking veteran, he space side is becoming less attractive. ers than sellers in the composites space.
frequently lectures This shift is due to several factors: Global That makes it hard for buyers to find bar-
on that subject in
debt worries will result in military budget gains. Buyers continue to pay premiums
North America and
Europe, and he is an adjunct professor
cuts worldwide — I think cuts could be for composites companies. So if the
of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) at the from 10 to 20 percent — and the U.S.’s target company has design/build capa-
University of Southern California’s (USC) announced intention to pull back from bility on top of its fabrication expertise,
Marshall School of Business. He has a BA its military theaters will reduce up-tempo expect a scarcity premium on the overall
in business from Loyola Marymount Uni- spending. That is, there will be cutbacks composite space premium.
versity, an MA in business administration in consumable war materiel. So compa- HPC: What trends do you see that leaders of
from USC and holds Series 7, 24 and 63
nies that are heavily invested in military composites companies should be watching?
securities licenses.
programs right now are going to be less PW: Everyone is thinking, What is the
attractive as M&A targets and, logically, next game-changer technology? In my mind,
valuation here will moderate. it’s going to be something that facilitates

Composites continue to be a domi- a drop in the price of composite parts to
PC recently talked with investment nant theme right now in aerospace and further displace metals. It will likely be
banker Paul Weisbrich about the defense — and it’s not going away. There an out-of-autoclave process and could
financial health of the aerospace are a lot of composite parts that need to involve a technology marriage between a
and defense composites arena as well as be designed, fabricated and eventually resin manufacturer and a fiber supplier,
his take on the current M&A market and repaired — presently a largely ignored creating a new, faster process. There’s a
market trends worth watching. area — or replaced on a large aircraft like lot of discussion about automated tape
the 787 or the A350, so more and more laying [ATL], and it’s great for large parts,
HPC: You recently attended the Farnbor- but ATL isn’t optimized for smaller
ough Airshow in the U.K. What did you take parts [or] shorter runs, and its capital
away from that event, relevant to the com- Commercial aerospace is cost is very high. A new area for com-
posites market? posites to conquer should be compos-
definitely on the upswing now,
PW: Well, the most obvious thing ites for jet engine parts, in both the
was the magnitude of aircraft orders. while the military aerospace cold and hot sections.
Companies reported about $40 billion side is becoming less attractive. HPC: What is your advice to a composites
in orders, but that is half the orders of company that is looking for an investor part-
2008, when the show was last held, and ner or a sale?
equal to the orders in 2006. While it was companies are becoming involved in the PW: Know where you fit in the spec-
certainly a good event, it points out that composites stream. trum. Are you content with being a Tier
we are recovered only to 2006 levels. That HPC: Speaking of M&A activity, what is 3 or 4 supplier, or should you up-tier by
said, there was tremendous excitement your perspective relative to companies involved investing in R&D [research and develop-
generated by the appearance of the Boe- in composites? ment], new equipment and additional
ing 787 Dreamliner — it was very palpable. PW: Aerospace and defense compa- processes for larger parts and go after
To illustrate, on late Tuesday afternoon, nies are very desirable in the M&A space bigger contracts? Is commercial aero-
when the 787 departed the show, nearly right now, despite the fact that the capi- space your game, or are you willing to
all the visitors stayed to watch the fly- tal markets have experienced an increase pursue military work? Pick your spot and
over, despite the fact that they knew they in volatility. Large companies are look- optimize the technology and processes
would be caught in the notoriously bad ing for large deals — often the larger the that work for your targeted spot.
London traffic. The plane’s appearance better — in the range of $20 million or Editor’s Note: See HPC’s coverage of 2010
underscored the fact that its production more EBITDA [earnings before interest, Farnborough Airshow composites news in this is-
build cycle is imminent — finally. There taxes, depreciation and amortization]. sue, on p. 24.

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 7
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Obviously, the fastener can carry twice

Dr. Donald F.
as much load if it is subjected to double
Adams is the
president of Wyo-
shear. Also, double shear results in sym-
ming Test Fixtures metrical loading, which minimizes bend-
Inc. (Salt Lake ing effects in both the fastener and the
City, Utah). He structure. But a structural design may
holds a BS and an not permit this configuration.
MS in mechanical In double-shear testing, the fixture is,
engineering and
a Ph.D in theo-
by far, most commonly some version of
retical and applied that shown in Fig. 2. This particular fix-
mechanics. Following a total of 12 years ture conforms to NASM Standard 1312-
a) Single-Shear b) Double-Shear
with Northrop Aircraft Corp., the Aero- 131, often (and properly) still referred to
nutronic Div. of Ford Motor Co. and the as MIL-STD-1312-13. No scale is indi- Fig. 1 Fastener loaded in single-shear vs.
Rand Corp., he joined the University of cated in the photograph because each double-shear.
Wyoming, directing its Composite Mate-
fixture is sized to fit a specific fastener di-
rials Research Group for 27 years before
retiring from that post in 1999. Dr. Adams ameter. The diameter of the fastener can
continues to write, teach and serve with range from a few millimeters to several
numerous industry groups, including the centimeters. Therefore, some fixtures for
test methods committees of ASTM and testing large-diameter fasteners are rela-
the Composite Materials Handbook 17. tively massive — and expensive.
The NASM design in Fig. 2 is a three-
piece configuration consisting of a base,

an anvil and a blade. Although it provides Fig. 2 Disassembled fastener double-shear
echanical fasteners, such as additional stability, it is questionable ttestt fi
t (NASM 1312
screws, bolts, pins and rivets, have what other function the base performs,
been used for hundreds of years so it could probably be eliminated. In
to assemble wood and metal structures. fact, it is missing in some fixture designs
As composites have replaced other ma- (e.g., the fixture in Boeing Corp. Specifi-
terials in structural applications, the cation D2-28602).
use of mechanical fastening systems of In the NASM Standard 1312-13 de-
various types has continued, and occa- sign, the fastener is placed across the
sionally these systems even employ fas- supporting anvil and sheared into three
teners made from composite materials. pieces by a compressive force applied to
Although one goal of the composite ma- the blade. The relative thicknesses of the
terials community is to use fewer fasten- anvil supports and the blade, as well as 0’’ 3’’ 6’’
ers and rely more on adhesive bonding the tolerances of various other critical
Fig. 3 Single-shear
Fi Si l h test fixture
when assembling components, fasteners dimensions, are defined in the standard. (NASM 1312-20).
remain in widespread use and, therefore, This fixture has existed for many years
require testing. and performs well. One emerging prob-
In service, the typical fastener is lem, however, is that metallic fasteners,
loaded primarily in one of two ways: particularly some of those now used in
axial tension or transverse shear. Shear the aerospace industry, are being made
loading is much more common. Axial of progressively stronger materials. It
tensile testing of fasteners is relatively is increasingly difficult to find materi-
straightforward and requires minimal als from which to fabricate an anvil and
Source (all photos): Don Adams

specialized fixturing. This is not true for blade that are stronger and tougher than
shear testing; therefore, considerable the fastener material. Currently, fixtures
development work has been conducted are most commonly made from high-
over the years. Depending on the design hardness tool steel. 0’’ 3’’ 6’’
of the joint, the shear loading is single Less frequently used are double-shear Fig.
ig. 4 Example of a nonstandard
or double shear, as indicated in Fig. 1. designs in which the fastener passes single-shear
single shear test fixture

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 9

through holes in the anvil and blade in- held very close to the specific fastener 2
Boeing Corp. Specification D2-2860, The Boe-
stead of resting in semicircular cutouts. diameters. ing Co. (Seattle, Wash).
This fixture configuration is specified in In addition to standardized designs, 3
ASTM Standard B 769, “Shear Testing of Alu-
ASTM Standard B 7693, sometimes referred such as that shown in Fig. 3, there are minum Alloys,” ASTM International (W. Consho-
to as the Amsler Shear Fixture, and in Brit- a number of other single-shear fixture hocken, Pa.), 2008 (originally published 1987).
ish Standard BS EN 28749 (ISO 8749).4 designs that have been developed for 4
British Standard BS EN 28749 (ISO 8749:1986),
Although single-shear testing of joints specific applications. A representative “Pins and Grooved Pins — Shear Test,” approved
by CEN Technical Committee 185, 1992.
is frequently conducted, single-shear example is shown in Fig. 4. In this case,
testing of the fastener itself is less com- the fastener specimen is clamped in the NASM 1312-20, “Method 20 — Single Shear,
National Aerospace Standard,” Aerospace Indus-
mon. In one method, NASM Standard base after insertion into the close-fitting
tries Assn. of America Inc. (Arlington, Va.), 1997.
1312-205, three single-shear test fixtures hole in the loading head. The box-shaped This standard supersedes MIL-STD-1312-20,
are described in detail. All three use the opening in the base constrains the load- but the test method designation remains MIL-
same shear plates, but two use a large ing head to keep the shearing edges in STD-1312-20.
number of ball bearings to minimize fric- close proximity. Although the fixture
tion between the moving parts. The third details differ, the basic test principle —
fixture is more practical, using a parallel- application of a single-shear load to the @
bars linkage to load the closely spaced fastener — is in operation. This is true of
shear plates without allowing them to most other ad hoc fixtures as well. To read Dr. Adams’ previous discussions of
come into contact with each other. This At the present time, the NASM Stan- fastener-related testing of composites, see the
fixture is shown in Fig. 3. There are no dard 1312-13 double-shear fixture shown following articles in the “Testing Tech” series:
sliding surfaces, only pivot rotations, in Fig. 2 is probably the best available
“Single-fastener, double-shear laminate
thus minimizing frictional effects. In all shear fixture for testing fasteners. bearing strength by tensile testing,” HPC
three of the fixture designs, the fastener January 2008 (p. 9) or visit http://short.
is inserted in the center hole of a pair of References compositesworld.com/zMzTkAlT.
shear plates, as indicated in Fig. 3. The NASM 1312-13, “Method 13-Double Shear,”
National Aerospace Standard, Aerospace Indus- “Multiple-fastener, single-shear laminate
overall dimensions of the shear plates bearing strength testing,” HPC March 2008 (p.
tries Association of America Inc. (Arlington, Va.),
are held constant so they fit in the fixture. 1997. This standard supersedes MIL-STD-1312- 11) or visit http://short.compositesworld.com/
The center holes vary to accommodate 13A, but the test method designation remains LyvILnfM.
the specific fastener. Hole diameters are MIL-STD-1312-13.

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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 11
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Spirit AeroSystems opens Kinston composite aerostructures plant
New facility to produce Airbus A350 fuselage panels, front wing spars

O n July 2, Wichita, Kan.-based Spir-

Source: Spirit AeroSystems

it AeroSystems officially opened
its 682,000-ft2/63,360m2 facility in
Kinston, N.C. Initially the plant will be
dedicated to the production of center
fuselage panels and the front wing spar
for the forthcoming Airbus (Toulouse,
France) A350 XWB.
Awarded the A350 parts contract in
May 2008, Spirit broke ground at the
Kinston site in September of that year.
Site selection was motivated, in part,
by its proximity to the coast and an
11,500-ft/3,505m runway, giving the
company air and sea options for trans-
atlantic shipping. Also influential was
North Carolina’s $125 million (USD) in
incentives, including a $5 million grant
and more than $20 million payable over
12 years, tied to job creation.
The Kinston plant will manufacture
six composite panels for Section 15,
the 65-ft/20m long, 20-ft/6m wide,
9,000-lb/4,082-kg fuselage barrel (see Completed pan-
diagram) adjacent to the wing. Four els will ship by sea
panels have constant-contour surfaces, to Spirit’s 60,000-ft2
but two are lateral junction panels, with (5,574m2) assembly
both convex and concave curvatures facility in Saint-
that provide an aerodynamic fairing Nazaire, France (it
and structural connection to the all- opened July 23 and
composite wingbox. Each panel’s layup is scheduled for first
is tailored to meet unique stresses. An production by the
Electroimpact (Mukilteo, Wash.) S-15 end of 2010), where they will be joined to edly capable of 60m/min (2,362 inches/
dual-head automated fiber placement form Section 15. From there, the barrel min) layup rates, an order of magnitude
(AFP) machine (photo) will form the will move next door to the Airbus Saint- greater than previously possible, thus
panels from Hexcel’s (Stamford, Conn.) Nazaire plant for mating with the A350’s making spar production economically
Hexply M-21 carbon fiber/toughened center wingbox, then it will move on to viable. The machines manage both the
epoxy prepreg on a male Invar tool, using Toulouse for final aircraft assembly. tight U-shaped geometry along the spar
machine paths developed with CGTech’s Spirit’s Kinston plant also will pro- component edges — where issues arise
(Irvine, Calif.) VERICUT 3-D simulation duce the A350’s forward wing spar, a 102- as 45° material is applied over 90° cor-
software. Feed rates as high as 2,000 ft/31.2m long structure (Spirit’s largest ners — and provide the higher tempera-
inches/min (50.8m/min) — necessary to and first-ever all-composite spar). The ture and greater compaction required
make the large parts affordable — were structure comprises a 7m/23-ft long inner for the lower-viscosity Hexply. Each ma-
achieved by re-engineering its guillotine- spar, a 12.7m/42-ft long middle spar and chine can lay up two spars simultane-
type cutter and optimizing the feed-, an 11.5m/38-ft long outer spar. The spar ously on 15m/49-ft composite mandrels.
tow path-, creel- and machine-control parts are made with up to 100 plies of After autoclave cure, spar sections will
systems. The panels’ integrated carbon- CFRP, tapering from a width of 6 ft/1.8m be shipped to Spirit’s Prestwick, Scot-
composite stringers will be made by a at the finished spar’s root to roughly 1 land, facility for assembly, where they
cantilever-type 2-D AFP machine built by ft/3.3m at its tip. will be mated with the fixed leading edge
MTorres (Torres de Elorz, Spain). Stringer A partner in the spar’s process de- and other fixtures and then transported
layups will be placed on the panels and velopment, MTorres supplied two TOR- to the Airbus U.K. facility in Broughton,
cocured in an autoclave at 121°C/250°F. RESFIBERLAYUP AFP systems, report- Wales, for assembly with the A350 wing.

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 13

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Automated Dynamics (Schenectady, N.Y.) has delivered
a new piece of high-performance composite processing
equipment to GKN Aerospace (Isle of Wight, U.K.). The
July 29 announcement notes that the machine was in-
stalled in GKN’s new preproduction facility, which will
support the Environmental Lightweight Fan (ELF) re-
search program. The program’s goal is to develop an all-
composite jet engine fan blade that will improve aircraft
performance and reduce emissions. Automated Dynam-
ics’ equipment reportedly will help GKN effectively manu-
facture the complex, often-curved jet engine structures.
CGTech (Irvine, Calif.), the developer of VERICUT CNC
verification and simulation software, has formed a subsid- High precision laser template projection
iary in Brazil. Headquartered in São Paulo, CGTech-Brasil and laser measurement on flat and cur-
is responsible for marketing, sales, technical support ved surfaces. Red, green or multicolor.
and reseller support throughout South America. “There
is a growing demand for simulation of complex machine www.LAP - LASER.com
tools,” says company president Jon Prun. “CGTech is well
positioned to provide manufacturers with the skills and
technologies they need to be successful.” In conjunction
with the office opening, CGTech has launched a Web site
in Portuguese: http://vericut.com.br.


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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 15
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composite UAS sets
flight duration record
Source: ACG


Q inetiQ Group PLC (Farnborough,

Hampshire, U.K.) reported in July
that its composite-airframed Zephyr,
a solar-powered, high-altitude/long-en-
durance (HALE) unmanned air system
(UAS), stayed aloft for more than two
weeks, exceeding by a large margin the
previous UAS record of 30 hours, 24 min-
utes set in 2001 by Northrop Grumman’s
RQ-4A Global Hawk. Launched by hand
(see photo) on July 9 at the U.S. Army’s
Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, Zephyr
landed on July 23.
QinetiQ claims its “eternal” aircraft has
the potential to provide low-cost, persis-
tent surveillance capability over a period
of months rather than days, supporting
Earth observation and communications
relay in a range of defense, security and
commercial applications. According to
the company, this potential owes much
to a breakthrough design that incorpo-
rates an entirely new, uniquely shaped
22.5m/74-ft wing and “T” tail.
Advanced Composites Group Ltd.
(ACG, Heanor, Derbyshire, U.K.) supplied
MTM45-1 carbon fiber/epoxy prepregs for
the wing and fuselage frames. This vari-
able-cure-temperature toughened epoxy
system, which is optimized for low-pres-
sure vacuum bag processing, also can be
When you want your product to stand out in a crowd, start with a material that
autoclave-cured. Zephyr’s two propellers
are driven by electric motors, powered by stands out. Introducing Barracuda®, a fabric with the looks of moldable steel and the
day via wing-mounted, paper-thin amor- strong, durable, lightweight characteristics of traditional high-performance fabrics.
phous silicon solar arrays. The arrays Together, these attributes provide a unique combination of beauty and strength that
also recharge lithium-sulphur batteries,
will transform any composite product into something that dares to be different.
supplied by Sion Power Inc. (Tucson,
Ariz.), which power the motors at night.
The solar power system and lightweight
composite structure (total weight slight- Learn more about Barracuda® at
ly more than 50 kg/110 lb) results in an barracuda-bgf.com or call 1-800-476-4845.
extremely high power-to-weight ratio
throughout the day/night cycle, deliver- Barracuda is a registered trademark of BGF Industries, Inc.

ing persistent on-station capabilities.

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 17

3M revives composites focus as part of recent renewable energy initiative

F ormally commissioned in February

2009, the Renewable Energy Division
at 3M (St. Paul, MInn.) briefed the
trade press in July on numerous division
developments during the past 18 months.
ogy, June 2010, p. 17, or visit http://short.
compositesworld.com/QfqQapD5). But
Michael Roman, VP/GM of 3M’s Renew-
able Energy Div., notes that 3M’s contacts
with “all the major wind energy players”
Bluem, will exhibit a 40 percent reduc-
tion in exotherm and a better matchup
of coefficient of thermal expansion, com-
pared to conventional blade adhesives,
thus reducing the risk of microcracking in
Launched during the depths of the recent indicate a great need for laminating res- joined blade shells.
recession, the new task group has redirect- ins and adhesives tailored to meet spe- 3M Renewables reportedly is already
ed and recombined the efforts of select cific needs in rotor blade fabrication. 3M’s fastest-growing division, thanks, in
scientists and engineers within a number Among the first products commercial- part, to grants from the U.S. Departments
of 3M’s 45 existing core product develop- ized by the Energy Generation group is a of Energy and Defense totaling $30 mil-
ment areas to provide solutions for the matrix resin optimized for resin infusion lion (USD). Roman noted that 3M already
burgeoning market. The new division has of carbon-fiber-reinforced spars in wind had five divisions involved in the renew-
two areas of concentration: Energy Gen- turbine blades (see entry in “New Prod- ables arena, focusing on fuel cell/battery
eration and Energy Management. ucts,” p. 55). Energy Generation business technologies, the ACCR cable, and wind,
One consequence of the move is the director Tracy Anderson says the nano- solar and bio-fuels research. In January
resuscitation of 3M’s composites focus. enhanced thermoset meets a growing 2009, teams at manufacturing and labo-
Once a strong 3M emphasis, the com- need for weight reduction as blades get ratory sites worldwide were organized
posites market was overshadowed in longer, particularly for offshore turbine and formally folded into the new division
the past few years by R&D in 3M’s more placements, where blade manufacturers under Roman’s leadership. As a result of
traditional web materials (tape and film) feel hard-pressed to “reduce the cost per their previous related work, the teams
emphasis. The one exception was 3M’s kilowatt hour.” The company soon plans were able to hit the ground running. 3M
ACCR metal-matrix composite trans- to release a new two-part epoxy adhe- expects that in 2010 the new division will
mission cable product, which was intro- sive tailored for joining molded infused account for 30 percent of the company’s
duced to the electric power industry (see blade halves. The adhesive, according to new product introductions. By 2014, 3M
HPC’s sister magazine, Composites Technol- 3M advanced production engineer Greg hopes that margin will reach 40 percent.

General aviation aircraft builder selects Maine site

Source: HPC/Photo: Scott Stephenson
aine Governor John
E. Baldacci and
Kestrel Aircraft At a ribbon cutting ceremony on
Co. (Brunswick Landing, July 28, officials at Lockheed Mar-
Maine) announced on tin’s Marietta, Ga., facility formally
July 23 the selection of announced the start of the plant’s
the soon-to-be decom- F-35 Lightning II center wing pro-
missioned Naval Air Sta- duction. Center wing assembly for
tion Brunswick (NASB) as the multirole fifth-generation air-
the company’s new head- craft began July 30 in a 320,000-ft2
quarters. Kestrel plans to (29,730m2) space in the Marietta
develop, certify and man- site’s B-1 aircraft building. The as-
ufacture its $2.5 million sembly activity could employ more
Kestrel JP10 at the site. The move report- chairman, Alan Klapmeier, is commit- than 600 workers by 2016 as the pro-
edly involves a more than $100 million ted to the JP10’s FAA certification, with gram ramps up to full-rate produc-
investment and is expected to support Farnborough as a partner. (Klapmeier, tion of one aircraft per workday. The
more than 300 jobs in full production. with his brother Dale, cofounded Duluth, program’s center wing assembly op-
The JP10, a carbon fiber composites- Minn.-based Cirrus Aircraft Co.) Kestrel’s eration was established in Marietta
intensive six- to eight-seat turboprop, development, certification and initial to alleviate capacity constraints at
is the latest embodiment of a concept production are scheduled to begin this the F-35’s final assembly site in Fort
originally developed by Richard Noble, fall with the aid of Farnborough Aircraft Worth, Texas, and to take advantage
whose Thrust SSC jet car once held the alumnus Anthony Galley. of available manufacturing capacity
world land speed record. Although No- Powered by a 1,000-shp Pratt & Whitney and existing fifth-generation aircraft
ble’s first air effort, at Farnborough Air- Canada PT6A-67B, the JP10 is expected to production expertise in Marietta,
craft in 1998, failed to make the concept deliver 350-knot speed, short-field takeoff says the company.
work as an air taxi, Kestrel’s CEO and capability, and a 1,500 nautical mile range.

Goodrich announces initiatives
The Core for Sandwich Solutions

U nder a three-year memorandum of agreement signed

in July, Goodrich Corp. (Charlotte, N.C.) will design, de-
velop and qualify prototype polymer matrix composite
(PMC) landing gear drag braces for F-35 Lightning II fighter jet
prime contractor Lockheed Martin Aeronautics (Ft. Worth,
Texas). Goodrich will work with Fokker Landing Gear (Hel-
mond, The Netherlands). The braces could be incorporated
into the main F-35 landing gear for conventional takeoff/
landing (CTOL) and short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL)
variants. Fokker will do detailed component design and
qualification. Goodrich will perform system-level design and
integration. The goal is a single, lighter, low-maintenanace
brace common to the CTOL and STOVL variants.
At the Farnborough Airshow (see HPC’s show notes on p.
24), Goodrich revealed that it will work with the University of
Dayton Research Institute (UDRI, Dayton, Ohio) to produce a
nanomaterial with metal-like conductive properties. Under an
award from the State of Ohio’s Third Frontier initiative, UDRI,
Goodrich and two other firms will build and equip a facility
capable of producing the “fuzzy fiber” nanomaterial known
as NAHF-X (see HPC July 2010, p. 17, or visit http://short.
compositesworld.com/DWqBOgWR). Goodrich has commit-
ted $1 million in funding, intending the hybrid composite for
jet engine nacelles, and will explore aircraft structural health
monitoring, wheel/brake and deicing applications. ROHACELL® is a closed cell polymethacrylimide rigid foam,
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Nanotechnology company gets new

funding for graphene research

A July 12 agreement between Seoul, South Korea-based

conglomerate Hanwha Group and XG Sciences Inc.
(East Lansing, Mich.) will lead to $1 million in funding
for further research on the latter’s trademarked xGnP Gra-
phene Nanoplatelets.
A spinoff from Michigan State University (MSU), XG Sci-
ences was formed in 2006. Initial funding for graphene nano-
platelet research was provided by MSU and a grant from the
Michigan Economic Development Corp.’s 21st Century Jobs
Fund. XG developed a fast, inexpensive process for sepa-
rating layers of graphite (graphene) into stacks less than
Airtech vacuum bagging 10-nm thick but with plate diameters of 100 nm to several
microns. XG also can tailor the particle surface chemistry to
films can be made up to make it compatible with water, resin or plastic systems. Low
12 meters (40ft) wide! concentrations of xGnP nanoplatelets in polymers result in
multifunctional nanocomposites that, the company claims,
possess an array of enhanced strength properties and signifi-
cantly increased electrical and thermal conductivity.
Commenting on the agreement, Larry Drzal, a distinguished
professor of chemical engineering and materials science at
MSU and one of the founders of XG Sciences, noted, “This
collaboration represents a major milestone in our develop-
ment and an important recognition of the significance of our
technology by a worldwide leader in advanced materials.”

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Hanwha, the ninth largest conglomerate in Korea, with sales
of more than $25 billion, produces plastics and other chemical
products. The company made a major commitment to growth
in the U.S. with its 2007 acquisition of AZDEL Inc. (Forest, Va.),
a manufacturer of thermoplastic composites for interior and 400 tons 120" x 60"
transportation applications. Hanwha reportedly will establish down-acting platens
a research facility near Detroit, Mich.

HITCO Carbon Composites (Gardena, Calif.), a subsid-
iary of SGL Group (Weisbaden, Germany), announced on
July 19 a contract from Boeing Research & Technology
(BR&T), the R&D arm of The Boeing Co. (Seattle, Wash.).
BR&T is developing technology and processes for out-
of-autoclave manufacturing of composite structures for The leader in compression molding!
next-generation aircraft. Specifically, HITCO will fabri-
cate three large composite spars using prepreg supplied Wabash produces a wide range of hydraulic presses
for composite molding. We offer standard and cus-
by Cytec Engineered Materials (Tempe, Ariz.). Process-
tom designs from 15-1000 tons with various heated
ing will involve hot drape forming and a combination of platen sizes and control options. Visit our website at
automated tape laying and hand layup. The effort is part www.wabashmpi.com.
of the U.S. Air Force-directed Non-Autoclave (Prepreg)
Manufacturing Technology Program, cofunded by Boe- 1569 Morris Street, P.O. Box 298
ing and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Wabash, IN 46992-0298 USA
HITCO expects to complete this phase of the manufac- Phone 260-563-1184 • FAX 260-563-1396
E-mail: wabashmpi@corpemail.com
turing technology program by the end of this year. Internet: www.wabashmpi.com

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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 21

Carbon fiber production plants:

SGL breaks ground in Moses Lake,
MRC resumes build, AKSA starts up

igh Temperature Bond Tools
x BMI hree July announcements from carbon fiber producers
x Epoxy testified to renewed activity and post-recession growth
Mill Fixtures in the worldwide carbon fiber market.
SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers (Munich, Germany) — a
Pressure Intensifiers / Cauls joint venture of the Munich-based BMW Group and SGL
Group (Wiesbaden, Germany) — broke ground on July 7 for
Backup Structure Materials its $100 million (USD) carbon fiber manufacturing facility in
x Panels, Tubes, Angles

Moses Lake, Wash. Washington Governor Chris Gregoire, Mo-

Backup Structure Kits ses Lake Mayor Jon Lane and more than 90 local guests were
in attendance for the festivities.
Initially, the plant will run two carbon fiber lines, each
with an annual capacity of 1,500 metric tonnes (more than
3.3 million lb), with the first scheduled for commissioning in
the third quarter of 2011. The fiber will be used exclusively
by BMW, with the first application in its upcoming Megacity
vehicle, an urban commuter car scheduled for launch in 2013
under a BMW subbrand. (For background, see HPC May 2010,
p. 28, or visit http://short.compositesworld.com/wzW8lIsZ.)
6262 W. 34th Street South Ɣ Wichita, KS 67215 On July 9, Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd. (MRC, Tokyo, Japan)
Phone: 316-946-5900 Ɣ Email: Sales@BurnhamCS.com said it had resumed construction of a new carbon fiber plant at
its Otake production center in the Hiroshima prefecture. The
facility will commence production of P330-series large-tow

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(50K to 60K) carbon fiber in the second quarter of 2011. Origi-
nally the plant was intended to meet increased demand from
growing wind, pressure vessel and automotive segments, all
of which were expected to sustain long-term growth. MRC
suspended construction in March 2009 when many custom-
ers’ projects were delayed or sidelined in response to global
economic conditions. But demand from sports and leisure
applications increased significantly early this year. That and
the resumption of several large industrial projects prompted
MRC’s decision to restart construction.
The facility will have an annual production capacity of
2,700 metric tonnes (>5.95 million lb) — the company claims
it will be the largest carbon fiber plant in the world, with a
capital investment of ¥12 billion ($135.7 million USD). Pend-
ing startup of the new plant, MRC will manufacture P330 at
its U.S. company, Grafil Inc. (Sacramento, Calif.), for initial
customer evaluation and marketing.
Hürriyet Daily News and Economic Review, Turkey’s English-
language daily newspaper, reported on July 25 that acrylic
fiber manufacturer AKSA (Istanbul, Turkey) had opened the
country’s first carbon fiber production facility in the north-
western province of Yalova, during a ceremony attended by
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other top
officials. With an AKSA line now in full production, Turkey
has become one of only 10 countries where carbon fiber
is made. AKSA says it is aiming for a 10 percent share in
the global market. (See the interview with AKSA’s general
manager, Mustafa Yilmaz, in HPC January 2009, p. 20, or visit

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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 23

Although uncertainties remain,
aircraft OEMs see recovery in
order numbers.

Source: HPC/Photo: Eddie Kania

N ot quite as impressive as 2008’s

boom-year event, the 2010 edition
of the biennial Farnborough Inter-
national Airshow (July 19-25) neverthe-
less hosted 1,450 exhibitors, 57 more
briefing that despite some continued un-
certainties, Boeing’s view of the commer-
cial aircraft market is increasingly posi-
tive as the world regains its economic
footing. The market is “clearly” coming
Composites in commercial jets:
The newest and biggest
Farnborough was the stage for the midsize
Boeing 787’s European debut, and a return
appearance of the massive Airbus A380.
than in 2008, and 280,000 attendees, says back, he claimed, citing more than 3,304
event organizer Farnborough Interna- unfilled orders for Boeing aircraft as of Boeing also announced its new eco-
tional Ltd. (Farnborough, North Hamp- June 30. For single-aisle aircraft, Albaugh Demonstrator program, a platform that
shire, U.K.). Although considerable buzz said, “Boeing will set a strategic direc- will integrate new technologies for reduc-
was generated by the international debut tion with respect to further developing ing fuel consumption and aircraft noise.
of The Boeing Co.’s (Chicago, Ill.) Dream- the 737 and new airplane designs within Helped by a $25 million matching-fund
liner and appearances of other aircraft a few months. Our decision will be deter- award from the U.S. Federal Aviation
that have dominated aviation news (see mined by the best way to meet the future Admin., Boeing plans to field advanced
photos, this page), the big news was that needs of our customers.” engines with composite components,
the huge trade fair attracted buyers from On the show’s first day, events under- adaptive wing trailing-edge flaps, fuel
44 countries who placed orders totaling scored Boeing’s confidence. GE Capi- cell technology and other innovations
a postrecession-respectable $47 billion tal Aviation Services (Stamford, Conn.) on a next-generation 737 in 2012 and a
(USD) — no match for 2008’s $88.7 bil- placed a $3 billion order for 40 next-gen- twin-aisle aircraft in 2013.
lion but on par with 2006, at $46 billion. eration 737-800 jets. An order for 15 more Airbus (Toulouse, France) affirmed
came from Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA its confidence in the airline industry’s
Aircraft sales: Hot (and not) (Fornebu, Norway). Beijing, China-based comeback, with 133 firm orders and 122
Boeing Commercial Airplanes president/ Okay Airways followed with an order for commitments booked at the show (re-
CEO Jim Albaugh explained in his press 10 — its first-ever Boeing purchase. portedly worth $28 billion) in addition to Source: Boeing
Source: Airbus

Back from the military brink Manned-to-unmanned conversion

Long delayed and, during the worst of the global recession, thought to On display at The Boeing Co. (Chicago, Ill.) stand, the Dominator
be endangered, the A400M cargo airlifter from Airbus Military (Madrid, unmanned aircraft system is based on a manned DA-42 composite
Spain) performed impressive daily flights at the Farnborough Airshow. airframe from Diamond Aircraft (London, Ontario, Canada)

Emirates Airline’s (Dubai, U.A.E.) order opmental flaps will be delivered early in Israel), the manufacturer of the Watch-
for 32 additional A380 aircraft announced 2011. GKN Aerospace already has pro- keeper 450 UAV on display at the Thales
in June. “The recession is definitely over,” duction composite-assemblies contracts Group (Neuilly-sur-Seine, France) stand.
declared John Leahy, Airbus’ chief oper- for the rear spar and fixed trailing edge ACG’s MTM46 out-of-autoclave prepreg
ating officer, citing renewed liquidity in on the plane’s wings. permits fabrication on lower-cost tooling
the marketplace, increased air traffic and Among the composite material suppli- while producing parts that are still capa-
gross domestic product (GDP) growth as ers at the show, Advanced Composites ble of achieving the performance speci-
factors in “strong growth.” Group Ltd. (ACG, Heanor, Derbyshire, fications. EAST-4D Carbon Technology
As Airbus and Boeing basked in the U.K.) exhibited its epoxy, bismaleimide GmbH (Dresden, Germany) showcased
new-orders glow, Bombardier (Montreal, and phenolic prepregs for civil aircraft in- its expertise in carbon composite com-
Quebec, Canada), an aspiring competitor teriors and structural components. ACG ponents for aviation and other markets
in the 100- to 149-passenger commercial highlighted its status as a qualified epoxy via filament winding and resin transfer
aircraft niche, reportedly came away from prepreg supplier to Elbit Systems (Haifa, molding.
Farnborough without a single new order
for its composites-intensive CSeries jet.
Preshow expectations were high: Bom-
bardier had collected 90 firm orders and
an equal number of options, and had
reported ongoing conversations with 11
airlines. Various media reports focused
blame on the plane’s shorter-than-com-
mon range (2,200 nautical miles) and its
engines. Bombardier did not come up
empty-handed, however. Orders for 16
business jets came through in the week
preceding the event and during show
week, valued at ~$800 million USD.

The ever-expanding UAV market

Also in the spotlight were unmanned aer-
ial vehicles (UAVs) of all types and sizes.
Notable among them was Turkish Aero-
space Industries’ (Ankara, Turkey) new
“operative-class” medium-altitude, long-
endurance (MALE) UAV. Dubbed ANKA,
the craft was unveiled in Ankara a few
days prior to the show and showcased at
a Farnborough press event. Its 56-ft/17m
wingspan is similar to that of General
Atomics’ (San Diego, Calif.) Predator and
its airframe design likewise incorporates
Boeing announced a memorandum
of understanding with Aeronautics Ltd.
(Yavne, Israel) to market the Dominator
(see photo. p. 24), a UAV adaptation of
a piloted Diamond Aircraft (London, On-
tario, Canada) all-composite twin-engine
DA42. According to Boeing’s Chris Chad-
wick, president of Boeing Military Aircraft
(St. Louis, Mo.), the MALE segment of
the UAV market is expanding rapidly.

Aircraft composites contracts

GKN Aerospace (Redditch, Worcester,
U.K.) revealed that it had won contracts
to develop and produce all the compos-
ite components for the inboard and out-
board landing flaps of the Airbus A350
XWB. The first components for devel-

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 25

2010 Source: HPC/Photo: Eddie Kania

Rain on the Wittman Field runways can’t

Source: www.aopa.org
dampen Oshkosh Fly-In enthusiasm.

D espite heavy rains early on — some

wags dubbed the event “Galosh-
kosh” — the Experimental Aircraft
Assn.’s (EAA) AirVenture show, held July
25-Aug. 1 in Oshkosh, Wis., still attract-
Terrafugia (Woburn, Mass.), mean-
while, unveiled its next-generation Tran-
sition flying car on July 26, with the news
that it expects the craft to fly publicly for
the first time at next year’s AirVenture New sport-plane competitor
ed 535,000 visitors. That total was about 2011. The new model is a more refined & sporty entry for land or sea
7 percent less than 2009, as expected by version of the twin-boom, folding-wing The composite airframed, five-seat Co50
organizers, but EAA president Tom Po- pusher the company originally designed (top photo, minus it’s canard front wing)
berezny says exhibitor numbers and par- in 2006, but it will fly with the same 100- is Cobalt Aircraft Industries’ (Toussus-le-
ticipants’ spirits were flying high. “This hp Rotax engine. The original proof-of- Noble, France) answer to high-performance
year’s weather challenges had an effect,” concept vehicle, on display at the show, piston-engined planes, such as the Cessna
he noted, “but the second half of the made 28 flights near the company’s 400 and Cirrus SR22. Tied up at the EAA
AirVenture’s Seaplane venue at nearby
week was outstanding.” headquarters before it was retired. Terra-
Lake Winnebago, the amphibious ICON
Aviation and aerospace news abound- fugia CEO Carl Dietrich said the Transition A5 (bottom photo) from ICON Aircraft (Los
ed. Especially notable was a new, all- will incorporate aircraft and automobile Angeles, Calif.) features a sportscar-inspired
composite aircraft from Cobalt Aircraft safety features and become “one of the two-seat interior, a carbon-composite
Industries (Toussus-le-Noble, France). safest light sport aircraft in the world.” airframe and pusher-prop propulsion.
Unveiled at a press conference on Wed- The company obtained FAA permission
nesday, July 28, the five-seat Co50 fea- for a 110-lb/50-kg weight increase from
tures a front canard wing and will be the normal light sport aircraft (LSA) limit duction aircraft design (which will permit
propelled by a 350-hp twin-turbocharged of 1,320 lb/599 kg. The company hasn’t owners to trailer the plane like a boat)
Continental in a pusher configuration, set a retail price for the redesigned Tran- and control all final assembly, system in-
said company CEO David Loury. With a sition, although the original was more tegration and testing.
projected maximum cruise speed of 245 than $180,000. Company officials report ICON also revealed that former Boe-
KTAS (282 mph), the new plane will be a 80 orders so far. ing CEO Phil Condit has joined its board
fast, high-performance piston prop plane Another LSA manufacturer, ICON Air- of advisors, bringing with him more than
similar to a Cessna 400 or a Cirrus SR22. craft (Los Angeles, Calif.), announced 40 years of aviation experience. “There
“We are planning to fly the prototype that it will outsource structural compos- are few individuals with the breadth of
before the end of the year,” Loury report- ite assemblies for its ICON A5 to Liberty experience, expertise and influence in
ed, adding that Cobalt is targeting certifi- Aerospace (Melbourne, Fla.) and Flytech our industry as Phil Condit, and we’re
cation in two years, but he acknowledged Kft. (Szombathely, Hungary). The deci- honored to have him,” said ICON found-
that the process could take three or four. sion marks an important milestone on er/CEO Kirk Hawkins. (See photos and
Noting that 90 percent of sales leads the way to production of the amphibious background in HPC November 2008, p.
for the $650,000 (USD) aircraft are, so far, aircraft. It also illustrates ICON’s resolve 38, or visit http://short.compositesworld.
from the U.S., Loury says Cobalt is set- to take advantage of existing capabilities com/FKYd0M4b.)
ting up a U.S. office in San Francisco, Ca- in the certified aircraft sector rather than Honda Aircraft Co. Inc. (Greensboro,
lif., and by early 2011, it will select a U.S. recreating them, said the company. This N.C.) released a program update at the
manufacturing site to support dual U.S./ frees ICON engineers to focus solely on show that highlighted achievement of
France production. the remaining development of the pro- two HondaJet program goals: power-on

for the first conforming flight test and the day/night cycle in August, in anticipation ite airframe has a very low empty weight
successful consolidation of fuselage and of a planned around-the-world flight of 561 lb/171.5 kg, half of which is its bat-
wing assemblies for the first static-test (see http://short.compositesworld.com/ tery pack. Its maximum take-off weight is
aircraft, which will enter structural test- HOgSOljn). not quite twice that figure. With a wing-
ing this month. Also on hand was the E430, a 54-hp span of 45.2 ft/13.8m, the 22.9-ft/7m long,
“The success of our power-on tests is two-seat electric plane from Yuneec In- V-tailed craft is capable of up to three
an important step in the completion of ternational of Potters Bar, U.K. Selected hours of flight on a charge, and recharges
the first conforming flight-test aircraft,” by the Symposium as this year’s Best in three hours for about $5 (USD). Re-
said Honda Aircraft president and CEO Electric Aircraft, its development has portedly already FAA-certified, the E430
Michimasa Fujino. “With this significant been financed personally by Yuneec CEO will be available in the U.S. in the LSA
milestone achieved, we are now focused Tian Yu and will be built in a recently fin- category, at a mere $89,000.
on the integration of avionics and other ished 260,000-ft2/25,000m2 factory near Next year’s EAA AirVenture show will
electrical systems in anticipation of first Shanghai, China. The craft’s all-compos- be held July 25-31, 2011.
flight later this year.”
Ongoing stress tests at Honda Aircraft’s
R&D facility in Greensboro employ a new
system that incorporates 61 hydraulic ac-
tuators and a 2,600-channel data acquisi-
tion system within a structural test fixture
designed exclusively for the HondaJet. This
system enables testing of the entire air-
craft simultaneously to prove static and
fatigue strength under various flight and EXCELLENCE IN
ground load conditions. Honda’s test fa-
cility includes an environmental chamber www.corematerials.3AComposites.com
that can simulate the hot-wet conditions
required for the validation of composite For today’s vacuum infusion, use
structures. Since U.S. HondaJet sales com- today’s choice cores.
menced in October 2006, the company
has accumulated orders for more than
100 of the $4.5 million planes, Honda’s
first-ever production aircraft. The HondaJet
is scheduled for first delivery in the third
quarter of 2012.
As HPC reported previously (HPC Janu-
ary 2006, p. 34 or visit http://short.com-
positesworld.com/EpI7s5qY), the Honda-
Jet has a composite fuselage, with metal
wings and tail. Left and right fuselage
halves feature a carbon/toughened epoxy
solid laminate, likely made from prepreg
supplied by Cytec Engineered Materials
(Tempe, Ariz.) with Toho Tenax (Tokyo,
Japan) intermediate-modulus fiber. Fuse-
lage skins are cocured with press-formed
stringers and frames. The cockpit and ta- Innovative building methods infusion applications. The result:
pered tail section will be cored compos- contribute to a cleaner environment, No voids and highly-efficient use of
ites, with aramid honeycomb core and higher-quality laminates and faster materials.
production. Our advanced GPS-type For detailed information on resin
carbon/epoxy skins. AIREX® foams and BALTEK® balsa infusion methods and compatible cores
At the event’s day-long Electric Aircraft cores, as well as Lantor SORIC® and as well as technical support, contact
Symposium, keynoted by general aviation FINISHMAT® materials have been the experts at 3A Composites Core
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perimental craft, the Solar Impulse, which Visit us at IBEX Booth #1814
Borschberg piloted through a complete

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 27


NASA passes the development torch to legacy contractors and NewSpace
entrepreneurs, igniting a new competition in space transport. BY KAREN WOOD

ince the Obama Administration’s deputy administrator Lori Garver, mercial system will represent the criti-
cancellation of NASA’s Constella- speaking at the U.S. Federal Aviation cal path,” says Garver. “We’re going to
tion program, the spotlight — and Admin.’s Commercial Space Transpor- see the most exciting space race that
government space policy — has tation Conference in February. “We will NASA’s seen in a long time, and there’s
focused on the private space in- provide serious seed money ... and a likely to be more than one winner.”
dustry. More importantly, so have gov- firm commitment to buy crew trans- NASA has made good on the first
ernment development dollars. portation services on the market side.” promise, doling out funds not only to
“We will be providing industry with To diversify its risk, NASA is funding expected players — Boeing, Lockheed
NASA technical expertise,” said NASA’s competitive systems. “No single com- Martin, United Launch Alliance — but

launch (opening photo) of its 180-ft/55m The interstage is oven-cured in-house
tall two-stage Falcon 9 rocket. Although over the course of one day, according to
SpaceX founder/CEO Elon Musk declared Thompson, and includes a rigorous ramp-
the event “a major milestone not only up procedure. “With the number of plies
for SpaceX but the increasingly bright that we’re dealing with, our decision not
future of space flight,” other milestones to use an autoclave initially led to some
await. The Falcon 9 and its Dragon orbital challenges in terms of learning how to get
craft (see photo, p. 31) must first dem- necessary compaction to avoid large sur-
onstrate their capabilities under a $278 face area voids between the core material
million Commercial Orbital Transporta- and the facesheets,” explains Thompson.
tion Services (COTS) agreement before “We were able to work through these chal-
SpaceX can use them to supply the Inter- lenges during coupon testing.”
national Space Station (ISS) under a $1.6 The rocket’s nine SpaceX-built Merlin
billion Commercial Resupply Services jet fuel/liquid oxygen (LOX) engines gen-
(CRS) contract for a minimum of 12 car- erate nearly 1 million lb of thrust. They’re
go flights. But since the launch, SpaceX integrated into a truss structure that dis-
signed what is reportedly the largest-ever tributes the thrust upwards into the first
commercial and, more importantly, non- stage tank. Above the truss, a carbon
NASA launch deal for $492 million with composite skirt houses the plumbing
Iridium Communications Inc. (McLean, that feeds LOX and fuel to the engines.
Va.) to replace the latter’s existing satel- There are no immediate plans to convert
lites between 2015 and 2017. first- or second-stage tanks to composites,
Intended to be fully recoverable, the says Thompson. “Because we’re dealing
Falcon 9 is capable of inserting an 11-ton with a cryogenic tank in the first stage, it
payload into low Earth orbit (LEO). Al- becomes more complicated to move to
though the first and second stage barrels composites,” he explains, adding that “it
and domes are aluminum, a carbon com- takes us less than three weeks to build
posite interstage structure joins the stag- the first-stage tank in aluminum. Without
es and houses the second stage’s engines a multimillion dollar tape laying machine
and four parachutes that return the first and other automated equipment, it would
stage to Earth. The interstage is 3.6m/12- be nearly impossible to do this in compos-
Source: SpaceX/Photo: Chris Thompson

ft in diameter and ~8m/~26-ft tall. ites efficiently and economically.”

A switch from an aluminum to a com- Thompson does, however, see a “tre-
posite interstage was made during devel- mendous amount of opportunity for
opment of the company’s Falcon 1 rocket, composites in the right applications.”
which began in 2002. “Falcon 1 was es- The company has installed a thermo-
sentially a materials proving ground for forming press to more quickly produce
the Falcon 9,” says Chris Thompson, VP, smaller composite components that
Structures and Development Operations were produced previously by hand layup.
NewSpace venture rockets to at SpaceX, noting that “the composite in- “Also, we have a 5.2m/17-ft fairing pro-
private launch prominence terstage reduces mass by between 1,000 gram kicking off later this year that will
lb and 1,500 lb.” use composites,” he adds.
The Falcon 9 two-stage launch vehicle
developed by SpaceX (Hawthorne, Calif.)
Toray Industries’ (Tokyo, Japan) T-700 Initially designed for composites, the
lifts off from Cape Canaveral, Fla., for a multidirectional carbon fiber material Dragon’s pressure vessel was built with
successful insertion of the second stage is used for the facesheets, with vented aluminum to ensure success under the
and Dragon spacecraft qualification unit aluminum honeycomb for the core. “Ply company’s delivery deadlines. However,
into a 250-km/155-mile-high circular orientations are dependent upon load its thermal protection system’s carrier
Earth orbit. paths, positioning of cutouts, and re- structures and its primary heat shield are
quirements of additional loading, such made from bismaleimide (BMI) prepregs.
as in and around the safe-separation fit- The former are fabricated with materials
tings,” explains Thompson. from Advanced Composites Group Ltd.
several “NewSpace” companies, the term SpaceX installed laser projection sys- (ACG, Tulsa, Okla.) and Cytec Industries
now used of firms run by entrepreneurs tems from Laser Projection Technologies (Woodland Park, N.J.). The latter is a BMI
willing to risk their own money to devel- (LPT, Londonderry, N.H.) and Assem- sandwich structure with a Rohacell foam
op private avenues into space. bly Guidance Systems Inc. (Chelmsford, core from Evonik Foams Inc. (South Mag-
Mass.), and the company uses FiberSIM nolia, Ark.).
Affordable, reusable launch system software from VISTAGY (Waltham, Mass.) When the Dragon reenters Earth’s at-
SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies to produce the fiber layup drawings. “The mosphere at around 15,660 mph (25,200
Corp., Hawthorne, Calif.) recently leaped projection systems have cut layup time by kmh), heating the shield’s exterior to
into contention with the successful June 7 nearly half,” says Thompson. 1850°C/3362°F, the capsule’s interior

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 29


Prepare yourself to meet the business opportunities and technical

challenges that lie ahead in the field of high-performance fibers.
“The Influence of Weaving, Ballistics and Environment on Fiber Strength”

R E G I S T E R T O D AY AT C O M P O S I T E S W O R L D . C O M / H P F
will be kept at room temperature by a
few inches of PICA-X heat-shield ablator,
a rigid, lightweight epoxy-impregnated
carbon foam developed by SpaceX’s
Capsule to carry cargo, crew or both
propulsion group with the assistance of
NASA, the originator of the phenolic- The pressurized Dragon spacecraft,
impregnated carbon ablator (PICA). The developed by SpaceX, employs a flexible
cargo and crew configuration, and is able to
material also is used as a heat shield on
accommodate up to seven crew members per
the Falcon 9 second stage, on its return

Source: SpaceX
flight. Unpressurized cargo can be transported
from orbit for recovery and reuse. in the “trunk,” which is designed to support
“We tested three different variants,” the pressurized capsule during ascent and
said Tom Mueller, VP of propulsion at contains a truss structure to hold cargo.
SpaceX. “Compared to the PICA heat
shield flown successfully on NASA’s Star- Building on small orbital successes The new two-stage, medium-class Tau-
dust sample return capsule, our SpaceX Orbital Sciences Corp. (Dulles, Va.) also rus II builds on its smaller predecessors
versions equaled or improved the perfor- has been tapped to resupply the ISS. Its and is capable of delivering single or
mance of the heritage material.” $1.9 billion CRS contract calls for eight multiple payloads weighing up to 7,000
SpaceX has more than 40 flights on flights from 2011 to 2015, and Orbital lb/3,175 kg. Prime contractor Orbital’s
manifest, including three demonstration is leveraging its experience to build an experienced Taurus II team includes Ap-
flights by spring 2011 for NASA’s COTS unmanned Cygnus space freighter and a plied Aerospace Structures Corp. (AASC,
program. And, as a free-flying spacecraft, new rocket, the Taurus II, to launch it. Stockton, Calif.), which is responsible
Dragon also provides a platform for in- Founded in 1982, Orbital has a proven for composite primary structures. These
space technology demonstrations and track record with small-to-medium rocket include a 3.9m/12.7-ft diameter by
scientific instrument testing. SpaceX is launches for commercial customers, the 9.9m/32.4-ft-long payload fairing (alumi-
currently pursuing commercial, non-ISS U.S. military and NASA. Orbital’s small num honeycomb core between carbon/
Dragon flights under the name “Dragon- Pegasus XL and Taurus XL rockets have epoxy facesheets), and several shorter
Lab.” Further, Falcon 9 and Dragon report- drawn 30 NASA scientific and technolo- barrel components of 1.8m/6 ft in length
edly meet NASA’s standards for astronaut gy-demonstration mission assignments or less: a fairing adapter, the stage 2 mo-
transport, allowing for a comparatively since 1990. NASA has selected the com- tor adapter, the stage 2 interstage, the
rapid transition from cargo to crew ca- pany to launch the Carbon Observatory-2 payload adapter, and the avionics cylin-
pability within three years of receiving a (OCO-2) satellite on a Taurus XL in 2013, der. The initial launch for the Taurus II is
crew transport contract. despite a failed attempt in 2009. scheduled for 2011.


Building on CCM lessons learned

In space, every pound of weight affects mission The NESC worked with a number of NASA and internal components) with a membrane-lobed
capacity and overall project cost, which makes industry partners on the CCM project (see “Learn floor and pressure-shell walls, which reduced
the use of composites very attractive. That’s More,” p. 37). mass by approximately 150 lb/68 kg.
why the NASA Engineering and Safety Center Fabricated at Alliant Techsystems (ATK, Iuka, “As loads and environments change with pro-
(NESC, Hampton, Va.) designed, built and tested Miss.), the CCM incorporated an innovative gram maturation, inner mold line tooling offers the
a composite crew module (CCM) in parallel with approach to joining composites developed by opportunity to optimize or change design through
the Constellation program’s Orion crew module Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (Re- tailoring of layups or core density,” reports the
development. Some of the lessons learned were dondo Beach, Calif.) and carbon fiber tooling firm NESC. “Composite solutions offer opportunity for
applied to Orion and are now benefiting other Janicki Industries (Sedro-Woolley, Wash.). The lower piece-part numbers, resulting in a lower
programs within NASA and beyond. top and bottom halves of the CCM were hand drawing count, which helps minimize overall
“Members of the composite crew module layed sandwich structures with an aluminum lifecycle costs. Also, a minimal number of tools are
team have had technical discussions with Blue honeycomb core and carbon fiber-reinforced required to manufacture the primary structure.”
Origin and Sierra Nevada regarding how we facesheets. During layup, critical orthogonal The module was pressurized to twice Earth’s
used composites, including our design, analysis, joints were assembled, using preformed three- atmosphere to “demonstrate the ultimate design
manufacturing and test processes,” says Mike dimensional weaving technology. After they were capability of the structure,” explains Kirsch. This
Kirsch, NESC principal engineer and CCM project autoclave-cured, the two halves were spliced was followed by push-pull tests to simulate the
manager. “We have been asked to participate in together, using local heaters and vacuum bags, on-mission forces. In all, the CCM showed that it
design reviews of their systems,” he adds, con- reports the NESC. According to the NESC, the use could complete its mission, even with the kind of
firming that both companies are using composites of complex composite shapes allowed the integra- damage that is likely to occur in space.
in their primary structures. tion of the packaging backbone (used to secure — Karen Wood

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 31

& Suppliers Fair 2010



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999T#'41%10(g75#T%1/ 999T#'41%10(g75#T%1/
AASC also will manufacture and test
the 12-sided, 2.6m/103-inch diameter by
1.27m/50-in tall Cygnus structure, which
is based on Orbital’s STAR 2 platform. It
will comprise forward and aft aluminum
rings and carbon facesheets with alumi-
num honeycomb core for the forward/
aft decks, bulkhead and gussets (the re-
maining parts will be metal-bonded alu-
minum facesheet panels). The composite
structure will house the spacecraft’s mo-
tors and maneuvering control system.
Although the Orbital contract does not
include ISS crew transport, the company
believes it is well positioned to provide it,
given its experience developing NASA’s
Orion capsule launch abort system.

Designing an LEO crew vehicle LEO-capable space freighter

One crew transport is under development Orbital Sciences Corp. (Dulles, Va.) is
at Denver, Colo.-based Sierra Nevada leveraging its previous space vehicle
Corp. (SNC) Space Systems. Awarded the experience to build an unmanned space
biggest chunk of NASA Commercial Crew freighter called the Cygnus. After launch into
Development (CCDev) program funds — LEO atop the Taurus II rocket (see inset),
Cygnus will maneuver to and dock with the
$20 million — SNC Space Systems was
International Space Station.
established in 2009 to join SNC subsid-
iary MicroSat Systems and SpaceDev and
realize the latter’s Dream Chaser. Modeled
after NASA’s early 1990s HL-20 lifting a private spaceport in West Texas, where,
body concept and designed to ferry a under a shroud of secrecy, it is develop-
crew of six and cargo to the ISS or other ing New Shepard, a vertical takeoff/vertical
LEO destinations, Dream Chaser is a pi- landing (VTVL) suborbital vehicle. The

Source: Orbital Sciences

loted solution. Fitted with SpaceDev’s firm has received $3.7 million in NASA
hybrid rocket technology for orbital ma- CCDev funds to support development of
neuvers (the same employed by Mojave, an astronaut escape system and build a
Calif.-based Scaled Composites’ Space- composite pressure vessel prototype for
ShipOne when it won the Ansari X Prize ground-based structural testing.
in 2004), the craft launches vertically and This NewSpace firm finds itself in
lands horizontally on a conventional run- good company. Along with SNC, other which the company says doesn’t repre-
way. SNC is working with Denver, Colo.- recipients of NASA funds for crew de- sent the final launch vehicle, but it has
based United Launch Alliance to launch velopment include the Houston, Texas- been a source of many lessons learned.
Dream Chaser atop an Atlas V rocket. based Boeing Space Exploration Div. of What is known is that the New Shepard
SNC plans to upgrade the design with The Boeing Co. ($18 million) and United reusable launch vehicle (RLV) stacks the
composites and believes the cylindrical Launch Alliance ($6.7 million). crew capsule on top of the propulsion
shape of its pressure vessel may make The “push” escape system would em- module and will be capable of separat-
it more suitable for composites than a ploy thrusters under the crew cabin to lift ing and operating autonomously during
more complex capsule shape. Report- it away from the launcher in the event of flight. The company is currently targeting
edly, AdamWorks (Centennial, Colo.) will a malfunction, rather than using a con- the research and education market, as
develop internal structures for structural ventional NASA “tractor” type escape well as space tourism.
testing. Boeing Phantom Works (St. Lou- system, mounted on top of the crew cap- Under development is a standard cab-
is, Mo.) will build the test article. Also, sule to pull it away. A composite pressure in payload system to host experiments
Straight Flight (Englewood, Colo.), an vessel would reduce the crew capsule’s inside the New Shepard crew capsule. The
SNC aircraft repair subsidiary, is report- weight, and Blue Origin is reportedly company has identified three programs
edly building the tooling and some of the working with NASA to leverage lessons for its Phase 1 research flight demonstra-
exterior body panels. SNC plans to have a learned on the composite crew module tion project. Test flights could occur as
an orbital vehicle in service by 2014. (CCM) pressure vessel developed along- early as 2011, with unmanned commer-
side NASA’s baseline and mostly metal cial operations shortly thereafter. New
Providing the crew escape system Orion design (see sidebar, p. 31). Shepard reportedly could house three or
Backed by Amazon.com founder Jeff Be- Blue Origin began test flights in 2006 more astronauts, but no date has been
zos, Blue Origin (Kent, Wash.) operates with its Goddard demonstration vehicle, set for manned commercial flights.

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 33

Retooling for suborbital tourism Renamed Eve, the launch air- cure-temperature toughened epoxy ma-
HPC has followed closely the develop- craft’s one-piece wing spar measures trix optimized for low-pressure vacuum
ment of fledgling space tourism firm 140-ft/43m long — the longest carbon bag processing in both prepreg and film
Virgin Galactic’s all-composite captive- composite aviation part ever manufac- infusion formats. MTM45-1 may be cured
carry launch system (see “Learn More”). tured. The first of several planned sub- at temperatures as low as 80°C/176°F,
Built by The Spaceship Co. (Mojave, orbital craft, the Virgin Space Ship (VSS) allowing the use of low-cost tooling for
Calif.), a joint venture of Scaled Com- Enterprise, is designed to carry two pi- prototypes and short production runs.
posites and London, U.K.-based Virgin lots and six passengers. Both Eve and Eve has substantially completed its
Group, the SpaceShipTwo suborbital craft Enterprise were hand built, using new flight-test program (27 fights so far), and
and the WhiteKnightTwo launch aircraft MTM45-1 out-of-autoclave prepregs Enterprise, rolled out in December 2009,
(see photo, p. 35) are scaled-up ver- developed by Advanced Composites has completed two captive-carry flights.
sions of Scaled systems that claimed Group Ltd. (ACG, Heanor, Derbyshire, Full-scale test firings of its hybrid rocket
the Ansari X Prize. U.K.). The prepreg features a variable- motor began at SNC this summer, with a
followup drop/glide tests program. The
first powered test of Enterprise is expected
in early 2011. Reportedly, Enterprise (and

Track Smarter
Whether you have a laser tracker or
several forthcoming clones) will be capa-
ble of flying twice daily, and Eve will sup-
port four spaceflights a day. Virgin Galac-
tic aims to fly 500 passengers in the first
about to purchase one, the Verisurf-X year of commercial operations.
model-based metrology software suite
is the intelligent choice. Selling a ticket for one to space
Smaller in scale, the Lynx suborbital
Supports virtually all other devices spacecraft from Mojave-based XCOR
Not only does Verisurf work with any laser Aerospace is a small rocket-powered air-
tracker right out of the box, it provides an craft designed to take off from a runway
economical shared-software platform and then make a steep ascent, accelerat-
that lowers training and support costs. ing to Mach 2 (~1,522 mph/~2,450 kmh)
Improves your productivity with 2.5 G-force within three minutes. Ca-
With intuitive, user-friendly menus and newly enhanced features like additional pable of carrying a pilot and one passen-
device interfaces, improved inspection guidance and laser-tracker Smart Tools, ger with a payload on a suborbital path,
Verisurf software will increase your tracker’s productivity, while reducing the Lynx Mark I will reportedly fly to 61
manpower costs. km/200,000 ft and provide one minute of
microgravity, while the Lynx Mark II will be
Take our “Improve Your Productivity” challenge able to reach 100 km/330,000 ft and pro-
No matter what you’re making or measuring, Verisurf will improve vide nearly three minutes of microgravity.
your productivity by making your metrology devices track smarter XCOR has a contract to provide subor-
and work harder. bital space launch services via the Lynx
Visit www.verisurf.com/tracker today and let us prove it. Mark II for the Yecheon Astro Space Cen-
Verisurf. Very Smart. ter in South Korea under a “wet lease”
model (XCOR will provide the spacecraft,
crew, maintenance and insurance). The
Lynx is currently under construction in-
house. Test flights are expected to begin
in the second half of 2011 and should last
9 to 18 months.
The Lynx Mark I employs a carbon/
epoxy construction with a thermal pro-
tection system for its leading edge. The
Lynx Mark II is made from carbon/cyanate
ester with a nickel alloy for the nose and
leading-edge thermal protection.
“Composites … allow us to work with
seamless complex shapes, such as the
cabin pressure vessel and outer mold
line of the vehicle,” explains XCOR’s Mike
Massee. “In the production version ... the
Booth 3827 or E3840 outer skin of the composite LOX tank
and inner skin of the fuselage are one in

Source: Virgin Galactic/Photo: Thierry Boccon-Gibod

Eight-seat, all-composite “tour bus”

The six-passenger VSS Enterprise fuselage
is assembled at Scaled Composites (Mojave,
Calif.). To achieve suborbital flight, the
launch aircraft Eve will carry the Enterprise
to approximately 45,000 ft/14 km, at
which point the latter will be released to
fire its rocket motor and climb. After motor
shutdown, it will travel a wide arc, peaking
at 361,000 ft/110 km, before descent. At
70,000 ft/21.5 km, the ship’s unique wing
action turns its body into the airstream,
rapidly slowing the spacecraft, without heat
buildup, for a conventional wheeled landing.

Source: Virgin Galactic/Photo: Mark Greenberg

the same, saving quite a bit of weight in

structural support.”
For this purpose, XCOR is develop-
ing a cryo-compatible composite mate-
rial, trademarked Nonburnite. “Unlike
ordinary composites, Nonburnite is not
flammable in an oxygen-rich environ-
ment and resists microcracking at the
very cold temperatures required for LOX
storage,” says Massee.
Typically, LOX tanks are made of alu-
minum or stainless steel. XCOR uses a
thermoplastic fluoropolymer composite
material with a foam core that serves as
thermal insulation as well as structure.
XCOR reports that “compared to carbon/
epoxy, it is noncombustible, and com-
pared to aluminum, it has lower density,
lower coefficient of thermal expansion
and higher strength.”

Cutting costs via trial and error

With fully reusable VTVL suborbital re-
search and passenger flights in its sights,
Armadillo Aerospace’s (Rockwall, Texas)
technology is similar to NASA’s but re-
portedly will be built at a price that will
eventually put space travel within reach
of other than the wealthy. The company’s
existing MOD and Super-MOD vehicles
reach lower altitudes using LOX-ethanol
and LOX-methane engines, but two pro-
gressively more advanced systems — the
Tube and the SOST — are under construc-
tion. The four rockets are an outgrowth of
what Armadillo’s communications team
sees in terms of step-by-step progress:
“We approach rocket design much like
software design. We build ... incremental
designs that we can test constantly and
work out all the kinks as we go.”

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 35

MOD was awarded first prize in Level sists of a four-tank arrangement with The first of Bigelow’s orbital stations —
1 of NASA’s Lunar Lander Challenge in a capsule for manned and unmanned the mini Genesis I and II — have been orbiting
2008. Super-MOD has additional out- flights. Test flights are scheduled for 300 miles/483 km above Earth since launch-
board composite high-pressure tanks. 2011, and commercial passenger flights es in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Next up is
Armadillo is currently offering payload could begin as early as the end of 2012. a full-scale 180m3/6,357 ft3 module, Sun-
opportunities and is reconfiguring both dancer. Designed to house three people,
vehicles to a target maximum altitude Inflatable space stations long-term, and as many as six for short-
of 50 km/164,042 ft. The Tube, sched- Bigelow Aerospace (Las Vegas, Nev.) is term stays, Sundancer has its own power,
uled to begin carrying commercial pay- looking beyond the ISS to next-generation environmental-control and life-support
loads in third-quarter 2010, employs a space stations. The company hopes to house systems and avionics. Bigelow also has
conventional rocket-style vehicle and astronauts, scientists and even tourists in its developed the BA-330 module, with
is designed to travel to heights of 100 expandable space modules, which use thick nearly twice the volume of Sundancer.
km/328,084 ft. The SOST transport con- composite walls to protect inhabitants. Expandable space modules were first
proposed and designed by NASA un-
der the TransHab program as potential
ISS crew quarters. After TransHab was
Advanced Composites canceled, Bigelow acquired the rights
Advanced Armor to commercialize several of NASA’s key
module technologies.
According to one Bigelow patent,
Leaders in Thermoplastic “typical materials used to form the Tran-
sHab module’s walls include Nomex,
and Thermoset Prepregs Kevlar, and a variety of other fabric or
sheet materials. Sponge-like materials,
such as open cell elastomers, are layered
between these sheets. These elastomer
Epoxy Prepregs layers are compressed prior to launch.
t "QQMJDBUJPOTJODMVEFNJMJUBSZ6"7TBOEHFOFSBMBWJBUJPO allowed to expand, the module is pres-
surized, and the space module expands
CETEX® Thermoplastic Prepregs into its deployed configuration. The elas-
t 1&&, 114 PS1&* 6MUFN
MBNJOBUFTBOEQSFQSFHT tomer layers act to form the wall of the
t -PX'45 MPXNPJTUVSFBOEIJHIJNQBDUSFTJTUBODF module and also provide insulation.”
sign, adding windows and selecting
Vectran fiber over Kevlar for ballistic
Space & Satellite Prepregs
protection. Vectran (multifilament poly-
 QSFQSFHTTZTUFNT ester-polyarylate yarn spun from liquid
crystal polymer) is supplied by Houston,
Bigelow is said to be in talks with
Low Dielectric Prepregs for Radomes NASA about adding inflatable modules
 DBSCPOGSFFGBDJMJUZ dancer in 2014. Three launches will place
million in NASA CCDev funds to begin
High Temperature Prepregs preliminary development of a crew mod-
t "'31&BOE#.*QSFQSFHTGPS¡'TFSWJDF ule concept, a possible means to trans-
t $ZBOBUFFTUFSCBTFEQSFQSFHTGPSIFBUTIJFMET  port space station crews and other Big-
 OPTFDPOFTBOEBCMBUJWFBQQMJDBUJPOT elow clients to the LEO stations. Bigelow
See us at:
is working with Boeing Space Explora-
Aircraft Interiors Expo System Solutions & Services tion as a subcontractor on the project,
Long Beach, CA t .PMEJOHDPNQPVOETBOEDPNQSFTTJPONPMEFEQBSUT providing additional funding and devel-
Booth #843 t )BSEBSNPSGPSNJMJUBSZBOEMBXFOGPSDFNFOU opment support. Designated CST-100,
SAMPE Boeing’s crew module will be compatible
Salt Lake City, UT www.tencate.com with multiple launch vehicles, capable of
Booth #305 &NBJMUDBDVT!UFODBUFDPN carrying a mixture of crew and cargo, and
based on the company’s previous work:
“The tight development time line and fo-

cus on cost containment … will put more cations companies and tourists to foot ments, should be able to develop and
emphasis on the use of proven systems the bill for suborbital trips and orbital demonstrate safe and reliable crew
that require little or no unique devel- insertions. Most certain is that, hence- transportation systems for International
opment,” says Tom Andrews, Boeing’s forth, composites will play a significant Space Station support by 2015,” he pre-
structures design lead for CCDev, based role in whatever transpires. dicted, but warned that to do so, New-
in Huntington Beach, Calif. In recent testimony before the Senate Space and NASA must yield autonomy. “I
Although composites will contribute Commerce, Science and Transportation do not envisage commercially provided
to program success and are under con- Committee’s Subcommittee on Science crew services being conducted entirely
sideration for primary structure to reduce and Space, Orbital’s senior VP Frank Cul- by industry with a hands-off approach
weight and cost and boost performance, bertson echoed the confidence common from NASA. Nor can these commercial
Andrews says such benefits must be to legacy contractors and NewSpace rac- services be provided efficiently with tra-
weighed against the fact that “the space ers alike. “U.S. industry, given the right ditional levels of government involve-
environment presents challenges that conditions, relationships and invest- ment and oversight at every turn.”
are not there with nonspace systems.”
These include atomic oxygen, which can

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debris. “These challenges require addi- fixtures in stock,

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With the help of Bigelow, Boeing is
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more cost-effective. Bigelow’s develop-

ment schedule calls for a series of test We BELIEVE we make the best fixtures in the world
flights in 2014 with commercial opera- and strive to provide the best customer service.
tion to begin in 2015 — a year earlier
than NASA’s launch target in 2016. Let us make you a BELIEVER too!
Bigelow is marketing principally to sov-
ereign nations and corporations. Report-
edly, a 30-day stay on its station would
cost $25 million per person. With a four-
year commitment, a six-person module
can be leased for slightly less than $395
million per year. Bigelow is expanding its
Nevada manufacturing plant by 185,000
ft2/17,187m2) to enable mass production.

Reaching space together

Time alone will reveal whether or not
these programs are viable and sustain-
able. Much will depend on the U.S. gov-
ernment’s ability to provide funding and
the willingness of researchers, communi-

www.compositesworld.com Our Business Manager, Cate O'Hare Adams,
For more about NASA’s composite crew module,
with our Ceramic Flexural Strength Test Fixtures.
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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 37


Either way, antiballistics engineers

ntil recently, there were good
antiballistic materials and good
seek structural integrity and ballistic structural materials, and — ma-
terials engineers and end-users
deterrence from a single design. have usually assumed — never
the twain shall meet. For example, a fiber
reinforcement and matrix must, by de-
sign, capture and stop projectiles. Anti-
ballistic materials, reinforced with aramid
or various types of polyolefin fibers with
superior elongation-to-break character-
istics, absorb and dissipate the energy of
a high-velocity impact through a number
of energy-absorbing mechanisms. These
include spall formation, tensile fiber fail-
ure of primary yarns, fiber debonding, fi-
ber pullout and interlayer delamination.
Unfortunately, each is a failure mechanism
that all good structural materials are sup-
posed to avoid. Carbon-fiber/epoxy, one
of the best structural materials available
due to carbon’s stiffness, high tensile
strength and extremely low elongation,
is therefore a poor performer from a bal-
listics standpoint. “When a high-speed
projectile strikes a carbon-fiber panel,
that point of impact becomes a localized
point of failure,” says David Fecko, new
business development manager at AGY
Huntingdon (Aiken, S.C.).
This difference is by no means trivial. In
practical terms, it means that structures
and the armor for those structures often
are engineered and produced separately:

Structural glass:
Antiballistics with less mass
Part of the United Kingdom’s Light Protected
Patrol Vehicle Program, the new SPV400
all-terrain military vehicle built by Supacat
Source: Supacat

(Devon, U.K.), maximizes roadside blast

protection with an all-composite crew pod
constructed of prepreg panels reinforced
with S-2 Glass from AGY (Aiken, S.C.).

Ground vehicles and stationary shelters sult of changes to the fiber architecture, (its higher silica content, in particular)
are designed and built conventionally. namely smaller diameter filaments with imparts higher tensile and compressive
Then armor is added (often literally, in kit more fibers per bundle. strength, which makes it ideal for struc-
form) at extra expense. Add-on armor, of Fecko believes there is potential for tural applications, but it is not always
course, contributes significantly to over- greater improvement. During the past the best choice for ballistic protection.
all weight. In the case of vehicles, there four years, in fact, AGY and the Army He suggests, however, that there might
is a corresponding reduction in mobility, Research Laboratory (ARL, Adelphi, be ways to change the glass chemistry
maneuverability and fuel efficiency. Md.) have collaborated to investigate to enhance antiballistic performance, yet
This dichotomy is changing, however, ways the performance properties of S-2 it retains some features that make it at-
as engineers take steps to bridge the Glass might be modified, using sizing tractive for structural hard armor. Beyond
performance gap with new materials and technology developed by ARL. The pur- modifications to chemistry, AGY also will
hybrid constructions that meet multiple pose of the project is to maximize the investigate the fiber/matrix interface,
performance demands while increasing structural performance of armor pan- fabric architecture and other factors that
manufacturing efficiency and reducing els during low-strain conditions (e.g., have an impact on performance.
cost. The goal is a finished composite typical road vibrations) and optimize Elsewhere on the materials front, Mil-
component that has sufficient structural energy absorption during high-strain liken and Co.’s (Spartanburg, S.C.) new
strength for the intended use and exhib- conditions (e.g., ballistic impact). Re- version of its Tegris self-reinforced poly-
its the required antiballistic properties. searchers found that ARL’s multicom- propylene (PP) composite, trademarked
ponent sizing imparts higher structural Tegris LM, shows promise for structural
Armor-worthy structural glass integrity to an S-2 Glass/epoxy compos- antiballistic applications when com-
One candidate for a viable structural ite while doubling the Mode II (in shear) bined with other fibers. Tegris is based
antiballistic material is S-glass fiber, fracture toughness of the system, with- on the company’s (pat. pend.) PURE
which has taken a significant leap into out damaging fibers or increasing mois- technology, a three-layer coextruded
the limelight in a new all-terrain mili- ture uptake. Further, drop-tower testing tape consisting of a polymer skin of PP
tary vehicle for the U.K.’s Light Protected showed that the damaged area of the fibers with a relatively low melting point,
Patrol Vehicle (LPPV) Program (open- composite was greatly reduced when a highly-drawn PP fiber core and another
ing photo). The SPV400 is designed for compared to samples made with tradi- layer of low-melt PP skin. Drawing axially
maximum roadside-blast protection, tional sizing. orients the core fibers, creating a highly
says Nick Ames, managing director of Although the sizing is not yet com- reinforcing material that acts, in a com-
SPV400 manufacturer Supacat (Devon, mercial, AGY’s Fecko says the research posite, like glass fiber, but contributes
U.K.), who claims that its construction results are promising enough to compel much less weight. Typically, Tegris yarn is
offers LPPV “protection levels far beyond “a full-blown research project to launch woven into fabrics and consolidated into
those [currently] available in other ve- the next-generation S-glass fiber.” Fecko sheets that subsequently are thermo-
hicles in the 7.5-ton class.” The vehicle says the unique chemistry of S-2 Glass formed or compression molded. The
incorporates a V-shaped armored hull
for underside protection and an all-com- SIDE STORY
posite crew pod made from woven-glass
prepreg panels. Supacat has formed an
alliance agreement with NP Aerospace New MIL antiballistics standard
(Coventry, U.K.) to supply armor for the
vehicle. AGY supplies its proprietary S-2 New military specifications for unidirectional The specifications include details of how
Glass for the composite panels. thermoplastic laminates used in antiballistics to make and mold test panels, as well as
Although AGY’s S-2 Glass product applications are circulating in draft form for criteria for passing the Fragment Simulating
is armor capable, glass fiber generally comments and should be completed by year’s Projectile Ballistic 50 antiballistic performance
outweighs the aramids and other ther- end. Materials suppliers assisted the Army standard. The FSPB50 protocol specifies the
moplastic fibers classically employed Research Laboratory (Adelphi, Md.) in drafting velocity at which 50 percent of the projectiles
in armor applications. For that reason, the MIL specifications, which cover four classes are expected to penetrate a panel while the
AGY introduced Featherlight S-2 Glass of fiber used to reinforce in thermoplastic remainder is stopped.
fiber to the market in 2008. The fiber matrices: aramid, polypropylene, ultrahigh- Dr. Chang points out that the new MIL
was developed in response to the U.S. molecular-weight polyethylene and glass. specification should not be interpreted to mean
military’s initiative to build lighter ve- Dr. Karl Chang, research associate at DuPont the military is getting substandard laminates.
hicles with better structural and antibal- Protection Technologies (Wilmington, Del.), says What’s at issue is uniform application of
listic performance. The new fiber has a the MIL specifications will not require armor requirements. “It’s a classic problem. If there
5 to 10 percent greater tensile strength manufacturers to change their practices, but is a requirement but no specification, that
than conventional S-2 Glass. Therefore, rather, the intent is to provide those responsible requirement is open to interpretation,” he
Featherlight can be used either to make for military procurement with a high degree of explains. “There is no other way to interpret a
composite armor of the same weight certainty that the product they buy today is the specification than how it is written.”
with improved ballistic performance, or same as the product they bought last month. — Michael R. LeGault
to make lighter armor with identical bal-
listic properties. Featherlight is the re-

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 39
rmoured hull
ubframes broader processing window makes Tegris
V-shaped armoured hull LM compatible with autoclave process-
pod and ing and infusion molding, which enhanc-

Source: Supacat
tection kit subframes
es, in turn, the material’s suitability for
e modules
Composite pod and comolding with carbon, aramid and/or
ballistic protection kit polyethylene fiber forms to create hybrid
Replaceable modules structures that combine good structural
and ballistic properties.
Blast Eric Brockman, Milliken’s national sales
manager, says the impetus for Tegris LM
was customer requests. “When we first in-
troduced the Tegris product, you basically
had to compression mold to make a part,”
says Brockman. “We heard, over and over
again, ‘Great material. Love that it’s fairly
structural. But if you could broaden the
processing window it would increase the
opportunity to use the material.’” Milliken
already has demonstrated and qualified
Tegris LM for one military body armor ap-
Maximum protection, modular design plication and has submitted the material
for two other applications.
The SPV400’s modular design enables easier
Brockman allows that Tegris LM is un-
system upgrades to meet new threats. Its
V-shaped hull protects the crew sitting above
likely to be the only product used in an ar-
it from an underbelly mine strike. Sacrificial mor design, but he contends that used in
subframes, such as the axle systems, can conjunction with other antiballistic fibers,
be blown away in the event of a wheel mine it can save weight, control delamination
strike, enhancing protection. and reduce cost. In a typical body armor
design, a layer of Tegris LM can replace
low-melting skins become the polymer vehicles for enhanced protection against the layer of Kevlar- or polyethylene-fiber-
matrix when heat sufficient to melt the Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs). reinforced polymer immediately behind
sheath but not hot enough to melt the In the standard Tegris product, matrix the ceramic strike face to support the
fiber core is applied during the molding formation is initiated at ~300°F/~149°C ceramic and help control back-face de-
process. Milliken recently shipped 20,000 and pressures of 300 psi and greater. formation. Brockman says testing shows
Tegris armor kits for vehicles deployed in But Tegris LM can be molded at tem- that this configuration can improve multi-
Iraq and Afghanistan. Predominantly flat peratures ranging from 225°F to 300°F hit performance at a lower cost.
panel systems for spall liners, the kits (107°C to 149°C) and pressures from as Milliken is looking for Tegris LM to
are used, for the most part, to retrofit low as 30 psi to a high of 300 psi. This expand the company’s presence in body


Hybrid Enhanced Combat Helmet enters final testing phase

The U.S. Army and Marine Corps are conduct- the ECH comprises a carbon-fiber inner cage carbon inner cage is designed to resist deforma-
ing final validation testing of the U.S. military’s overmolded with a preform made from Spectra tion, offering better local-impact protection for
next-generation — and radically new — com- ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHM- the wearer. The design reportedly results in a 10
bat helmet at the Army Research Laboratory’s WPE), supplied by helmet development partner percent improvement in ballistic protection while
Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. Testing on Honeywell Advanced Fibers and Composites reducing helmet weight.
the Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH), is expected (Colonial Heights, Va.). The military is expected to issue production
to last 6 to 12 months. The previous-generation “The ECH involves a change in materials, contracts to several manufacturers. The helmet
Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) — currently a change in the manufacturing process and a will be made using an out-of-autoclave, auto-
in use by most U.S. combat troops — is made change in the specifications,” says Honeywell’s mated compression-style press. Automation is
primarily of Kevlar and phenolic resin. The ECH armor industry technical leader Lori Wagner. expected to reduce the cost of making the ECH by
will be the first to incorporate thermoplastic resin While the UHMWPE outer hemisphere imparts 10 to 15 percent compared to the ACH.
in its construction. Military sources tell HPC that the energy-absorbing antiballistic behavior, the — Michael R. LeGault

Source Polystrand Inc.
armor, including products with complex
geometries, such as combat helmets. Al-
though the U.S. military’s new Enhanced
Combat Helmet (ECH) will be a hybrid
construction made of a carbon-fiber
shell or cage overmolded with high-mo-
lecular-weight polyethylene (see sidebar,
p. 40), Brockman believes Tegris could
find a place in future helmet designs. The
ECH’s carbon-fiber shell is needed to add
structural integrity and control ear-to-ear
compression or dynamic deflection, but
he suggests that future helmets could in-
corporate a layer of Tegris and eliminate
the need for more costly fibers. “If you
took the playing field of materials before Ballistic protection and structural function
Tegris, you had a group [that] was struc- After-test views (front and back) of Polystrand Inc.’s (Montrose, Colo.) patented new
tural and included glass and carbon, then antiballistic panel, comprising layers of S-glass, E-glass and aramid tapes that together
you had an area of antiballistic-type ma- fulfill design expectations for both antiballistic and structural performance.
terials, such as brands of ultrahigh-mo-
lecular-weight polyethylene [UHMWPE], glass-fiber mat, followed by an outer ce- a proprietary epoxy adhesive system.
and aramid materials that were weak in ramic layer. The inner thermoplastic lay- Pressures used to consolidate the pan-
terms of structural performance,” notes er acts as a spall liner, the impregnated els depend on the types of individual
Brockman. “Tegris fits the niche between glass fiber provides structural strength layers in the construction. Panels con-
these materials.” and the ceramic outer adds protection taining just glass fiber and ceramics can
Polystrand Inc. (Montrose, Colo.) has from armor-piercing rounds, says Alan be consolidated at pressures as low as
focused on the integration of multiple Johnson, director of business develop- 250 psi/17.24 bar, while pressures as
materials in a single hybrid design. The ment at Norplex-Micarta. The individual high as 3,000 psi/206.84 bar are used to
company received formal approval on layers are consolidated and bonded with consolidate panels that also include
a patent for hybrid thermoplastic com-
posite ballistic panels (Patent No. U.S.
7,598,185 B2). Polystrand is best known
for its ThermoBallistic family of materi-
als, which combine continuous strands
of glass or aramid fibers with proprietary
polypropylene or polyethylene fibers in
the form of sheets or layered tape lami-
nates. The new hybrid panel combines
layers of S-glass, E-glass and aramid fi-
bers. ThermoBallistic reinforcing tapes
are used in a 0°/90° cross-ply layup that
is subsequently compression molded at
360°F/182°C with pressures as low as 100
psi/6.89 bar. Polystrand president Ed Pil-
pel says the hybrid panel fulfills antibal-
listic and structural functions: “Our test-
ing ... showed this construction could
effectively be used on future military ve-
hicle platforms to reduce costs.”
Similarly, Norplex-Micarta (Postville,
Iowa), manufactures laminated panels as
large as 4 ft by 9 ft (1.2m by 2.7m), consist-
ing of a number of different layers of ma-
terials that are placed in a press and con-
solidated in a single step under heat and
pressure. A typical construction might
consist of an inner layer of UHMWPE
— either Honeywell’s Spectra or DSM’s 1.800.2.MCLUBE
(Geleen, The Netherlands) Dyneema —
info@mclube.com mclube.com
followed by a layer of infused, semicured

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 41

the inner thermoplastic layer. Norplex- ization of hybrid constructions over the uum-assisted RTM (VARTM), for antibal-
Micarta also has developed a grout that past decade. First, advances in materials listic applications. “When we first started
reduces damage in the event of a strike. other than fibers have led to increased testing composite materials,” he recalls,
Typically, when a round hits, it not only processing flexibility and have provided “whenever you would add anything to
damages the ceramic tile it strikes but manufacturers with more manufacturing an epoxy to reduce viscosity, say, for a
the surrounding tiles as well, says John- options. Dana Granville, senior materials pultrusion application, we always sacri-
son. “This grouting material ... surrounds engineer at the ARL’s Weapons and Ma- ficed performance.” Granville also says
each individual tile so when a round hits terials Research Directorate (Aberdeen, advances in sizing technology, such as
it doesn’t shatter the adjacent tiles.” Md.), says improvements in the quality the AGY/ARL effort discussed earlier, are
of low-viscosity vinyl esters and epoxies enhancing antiballistic composites.
Materials & intangibles drive change have played a crucial role in the growing A second factor has been a post-9/11
Two factors have coalesced to acceler- use of out-of-autoclave processes, such emphasis on lightweighting and cost
ate change and hasten the commercial- as resin transfer molding (RTM) and vac- reduction as testing under real-world
conditions (e.g., in Iraq and Afghanistan)
exposed limitations of then state-of-the-
art hard- and soft-armor, providing the
Better composites require better impetus for end-users and suppliers to
seek and fund radical change. “You need
autoclave thermocouples. drivers to push the industry to come up
with technology that will advance the
We make the best. I can prove it. Try one FREE. use of composites in ballistics design,”
says Lori Wagner, armor industry techni-
cal leader at Honeywell Advanced Fibers
and Composites (Colonial Heights, Va.).
Wagner says that at one time, ballistics
engineers considered “a modification of
the type of water-repellent treatment,
or going from a 24x24 plain weave to a
25x25 plain weave” to be a significant
change to body armor construction. Now,
she believes, the industry is becoming
less conservative, citing for example a
manufacturer of body armor for law en-
forcement that switched its entire line
from woven fabric, once considered the
standard, to Honeywell’s unidirectional
Spectra Shield composite after testing
showed the latter would improve perfor-
mance. Spectra gel-spun extended-chain
polyethylene fibers, according to Honey-
well, have one of the highest strength-to-
weight ratios among man-made fibers.
Lightweighting has been a U.S. Army
research priority since the 2003 launch
of a formal program dedicated to reduc-
ing land vehicle mass of Future Combat
Systems (FCS) manned ground vehicles
Try our AccuClave® Thermocouple (MGVs). Overseen by ARL, the FCS pro-
gram was to create a family of lighter,
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faster, more flexible vehicles based on
performance and value. a common tracked-vehicle chassis. The
Log on to tewire.com to learn more. original directive called for develop-
ment of three generations of compos-
AccuClave® Thermocouples 3FMJBCMFt5SBDFBCMFt$PTU4BWJOH ite armor, culminating in panels that
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TE Wire & Cable LLC This third-generation armor was to have
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AccuClave is Patent Pending. AccuClave is a registered trademark of TE Wire & Cable LLC. Autoclave photo courtesy of Taricco Corp.
weight. In April 2009, the Pentagon can-
celed the MGV, rolling the FCS initia-

tive into a new effort, the Army Brigade tored the resin flow front simultaneously tions, the quest for new multifunctional
Combat Team Modernization Program. at multiple locations and automatically materials is certain to continue. “There
Shortly thereafter, the army launched the controlled injection gating as the front are a lot of different materials out there,”
Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV) program, progressed. Granville contends that pre- observes Honeywell’s Wagner, “and we
seeking a replacement for the Bradley forms could be a key to cost control: “The are still in our infancy of understanding
Fighting Vehicle. The GCV program calls cost of a fiber preform can be less than the way they can be used in systems to
for a 50- to 70-ton vehicle with the un- two times the cost of the raw material, exploit the advantages each might have.”
derbelly protection of a mine-resistant, which is a lot cheaper than ... tape laying Manufacturers’ willingness to consider
ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle and a part with those materials.” not only a broader array of fibers but
better side resistance than a Bradley. also a greater variety of fabrication pro-
Defense firms submitted proposals for More change to come cesses should ensure a lively period of
the first phase of the GCV in May of this Pushed by demands for better perform- innovation and profitable application of
year, and program officials are expected ing and more cost-effective armor solu- composites in antiballistic products.
to award as many as three development
contracts this month. Although research-
ers are still working out GCV design de-
tails, lightweighting appears to be the
prime objective: Army chief of staff Gen.
George Casey recently said that the GCV
needs to be closer to the weight of a
MRAP (about 23 tons).
Cost reduction is more important than
ever before because today’s armor solu-
tions are more complex. “A typical armor
construction today is a combination of
materials — steel, ceramic and com-
posites,” says Granville. The principal
question is how to combine and bond
them cost-effectively, yet maximize per-
formance. Consequently, there is greater
openness to alternative methods. Gran-
ville recalls a method that arose out of
an ARL effort, with collaborator United
Defense Industries (now BAE Systems,
Monroe, N.C.), to develop a composite
hull for a now-defunct vehicle platform.
Granville says the program’s purpose
was to demonstrate a 50 to 60 percent re-
duction in the cost to manufacture thick-
section, multifunctional armor. Although
the program was not completed, some
of its technology could be applicable to
future ground combat vehicles. The pro-
gram envisioned automatic delivery of
a vinyl ester resin, or the A and B com-
ponents of an epoxy, to infuse preforms
in a low-pressure molding process. A
network of programmed sensors moni-


Read this article online at

Read more in HPC’s sister magazine
Composites Technology: “Composites in the
cross hairs,” CT December 2009 (p. 34) or visit

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 43

New out-of-autoclave
process combines resin
transfer molding with

prepregs for complex

ius E

helicopter part prototype.

e: Rrc


he current trend toward out-of- Hybrid RTM/prepreg process produces complex one-piece part
autoclave (OOA) processing is This net-shape unitized part, fabricated by Radius Engineering (Salt Lake City, Utah), is a
driven by manufacturers’ com- prototype rotorcraft roof component produced as part of the SARAP (Survivable Affordable
peting needs to produce larger Repairable Airframe Program) initiative. This underside view of the ~250 lb/~120 kg “grid-
parts to help decrease fabrica- stiffened” part shows its four thick, integrated longitudinal beams and several lighter
tion costs. Although many OOA materi- perpendicular frames as well as the integral upper-skin stiffeners.
als and methods have been introduced
over the past few years, few exceed the
elegance of SQRTM, an acronym for qualified autoclave process while offer- is an integral part, achieved aggressive
Same Qualified Resin Transfer Molding. ing significant advantages.” The SQRTM weight-reduction and cost-reduction tar-
Developed and now in the process of method has been employed successfully gets. The successful effort on the cabin
commercialization by Radius Engineer- in several aerospace projects, includ- roof helped the SARAP Virtual Prototype
ing Inc. (Salt Lake City, Utah), SQRTM is ing the wingtip extensions for the RQ- and Validation Development Team win
a closed molding method that combines 1B Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle the American Helicopter Society Interna-
prepreg processing and liquid molding (UAV). But its toughest test, to date, was tional’s 2008 Robert L. Pinckney Award
to produce true net-shape, highly unit- an extremely complex, one-piece pro- (named in honor of an eminent Boeing
ized aerospace parts. In short, SQRTM is totype helicopter cabin roof, produced manufacturing engineer), which recog-
designed to produce an autoclave-quali- under the Survivable Affordable Repair- nizes notable achievements in manu-
ty part without the autoclave. able Airframe Program (SARAP), a coop- facturing research and development for
“The scale and the complexity of com- erative agreement between Sikorsky Air- vertical flight aircraft or components.
posite aerospace parts has significantly craft (Stratford, Conn.) and the U.S. Army
increased over the past several years,” Aviation Applied Technology Directorate Liquid molding + prepreg
says Radius Engineering’s president, (AATD, Ft. Eustis, Va.). The innovative de- What sets SQRTM apart from standard
Dimitrije Milovich. “We have designed sign and manufacture of the SARAP fuse- resin transfer molding (RTM) is that, in
a viable alternative that duplicates the lage, of which the SQRTM-fabricated roof place of a dry fiber preform, it substi-

tutes a prepreg layup. Prepreg plies are the bags are inflated, forcing the lower heating and cool down, the SQRTM cure
arranged within the mold, the mold is bolster up against the tool and the up- cycle can be as much as two hours short-
closed, and then, somewhat counterin- per bolster to optimize clamping force, er than an autoclave cycle.
tuitively, liquid resin is injected into the notes Milovich. There are other advantages compared
tool. “It’s what makes the process similar Both the upper and lower bolsters are to conventional RTM. Part thickness is
to an autoclave process,” says Milovich, electrically heated and water cooled by controlled by matched tooling, avoid-
noting that the injected resin is the same zone, enabling temperature adjustments ing the potential thickness variation in-
as that used in the prepreg, and, there- during cure, says Coughlin. “If a tool has herent in the vacuum bagging process.
fore, those who adopt the process need a variable mass, based upon the part Starting with fully impregnated, quali-
not requalify materials. configuration, with one area thicker than fied, toughened prepreg eliminates the
Precision-designed gating and chan- another,” he explains, “the zonal heating risk of dry spots during injection and the
nels within the tool facilitate evacuation allows the press, after a complete heat need to introduce toughening agents to
of air from the layup prior to injection profile is completed for the tool, to apply the part via the liquid resin. Further,
and also enable the injected resin to fill more heat in the thicker area so the part because the process so closely follows
all of the cavities along the edges of the always sees a consistent heat cycle.” standard autoclave processing steps us-
entire part at a uniform fluid pressure SQRTM is similar to RTM in that a vac- ing previously qualified materials, there
of approximately 100 psi/6.89 bar. “The uum is drawn on the tool and the press is less risk and a much higher comfort
resin isn’t intended to impregnate the and tool are heated. With SQRTM, how- level for the customer. Although the pro-
prepreg,” Milovich explains, but “only ever, heat is applied at the same ramp cess lends itself somewhat better to pla-
to maintain a steady hydrostatic pres- rate as specified for the prepreg under nar-type parts, Milovich says the SARAP
sure within the mold. The pressure keeps autoclave conditions, and resin is in- cabin roof demonstrates that very large-
volatiles and water vapor in solution to jected via a process controller that also scale, complex parts are well within
prevent void formation.” monitors and adjusts the press tempera- its scope.
Indeed, traditional autoclave process- ture. Also unique to the SQRTM process
es sometimes use high-temperature rub- is the level of vacuum used, Coughlin Net-shape, grid-stiffened part
ber edge dams or other materials as part adds, pointing out that Radius develops “Our focus is on net-shape parts,” says
of the layup and bagging to keep resin its vacuum pumps to create <0.5 mm/Hg, Milovich. “We’re looking for ways to in-
from escaping from the prepreg under which is “more vacuum than a standard tegrate multiple parts, for less assembly
the autoclave’s pressure — if enough shop pump can produce.” labor, lower costs and lighter weight.”
resin squeezes out and the laminate hy- Because the higher thermal conduc- That philosophy drove the development
drostatic pressure drops, any air or tivity of the press and tool permit faster of SQRTM for the SARAP program,
volatiles that come out of the
resin within the layup can
create voids. In the SQRTM Integrated upper skin
process, then, the injected,
This top view of the finished roof shows the
pressurized resin acts as a integral upper skin as well as the opening
“fluid dam,” preventing resin and integral supports for the rotor trans-
squeeze-out while replicating mission. With rough dimensions of 9.5
an autoclave’s consolidation ft by 6.2 ft by 1 ft (2.9m by 1.9m by
pressure during cure. 0.3m), the roof is combined with
“Laminate quality is more easily other fuselage components
controlled with SQRTM rather than (see photo on p. 48). The
roof section models a
an autoclave,” claims Tom Coughlin, prospective method
head of business development for for reducing the
Radius, “because the resin hydrostatic fuselage part
pressure is directly controlled by the count and
resin injector instead of being dependent weight.
on variables inside the autoclave vessel
and laminate under the bag.”
To accommodate its SQRTM process,
Radius has designed and manufac-
tured a large platen press system that is
equipped with upper and lower bolsters
of welded steel ground flat to high tol-

erance. When a loaded two-sided tool is


placed within the press, the lower bol-


ster is supported on a series of air bags


similar to fire hoses. Prior to injection,


SEPTEMBER 2010 | 45

Step 4
The layup has been completed, multiple tool inserts installed, and
the mold closed. At this point, injection take place, using the same
Step 1 resin as that incorporated into the the prepregs, to maintain steady
hydrostatic pressure within the mold.
Layup of the complex roof part, shown here in the early stages,
involved placement of a combination of debulked prepreg materials
and dry preforms (described in step 3) on the lower mold half. Same-Qualified Resin Transfer Molding (SQRTM)
Processing - Cycle is Shorter Than Autoclave Cure



2 oF/min 2 oF/min
300 5 oF/min

250 5 oF/min

1 oF/min

5 oF/min
120 minutes

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390
TIME (minutes)


Step 2
Step 5
The roof skin’s prepreg layup is in place, and the network of tooling
inserts that will form the faces of the roof section’s beams and After injection, cure begins. As this chart demonstrates, SQRTM
perpendicular frames are in position. enables faster processing, because the greater thermal conductivity
of the press and tool permit faster heating and cool down. RTM
cure can be two hours shorter than an autoclave cycle.

All are Source: Radius Engineering

Step 3
This closeup shows the “pi” preforms used at the intersections of
vertical and horizontal elements. Everywhere a vertical stiffener web
Step 6
meets a beam flange or the part skin, the two legs of the pi preform
form a slot that accepts the web while the perpendicular preform A cured roof part is shown as it is lifted from the tooling base. Visible
element lays flat against the horizontal flange or skin. The preforms to the left of the tool is the heated platen press with upper and lower
functioned to fill the radii between web and caps or flanges for each bolsters of welded steel, ground flat to high tolerance, that heat and
of the part’s numerous beams and frames. clamp the tool.

which focused on finding innovative ways
to reduce structural weight and fastener
count and increase damage tolerance in
rotorcraft parts. In addition to Radius,
the SARAP team included Automated
Dynamics (Schenectady, N.Y.) and GKN
Aerospace Services Alabama (Tallassee,
Ala.). Automated Dynamics fabricated a
thermoplastic composite lower fuselage
component, and GKN built the fuselage
frames, side skins and aft bulkhead, and
assembled the final SARAP Technology
Validation Article.
Proof-of-concept trials for the cabin
roof began in 2006, and full-scale tool
design was undertaken in 2007. Radius
was responsible for developing the roof’s
manufacturing process, based on the
design and finite element analysis (FEA)
modeling provided by Sikorsky.
According to Milovich, the roof proto-
type was one of the most complex net-
shape unitized structures undertaken to
date. With rough dimensions of 9.5 ft by
6.2 ft by 1 ft (2.9m by 1.9m by 0.3m) and
a weight of approximately 250 lb/120 kg,
the “grid-stiffened” part integrates four
thick longitudinal beams and several
lighter perpendicular frames, an integral
upper skin with stiffeners and integral
supports for the rotor transmission, all
in a single cocured component. Clearly,
design of the tool, performed in-house
by Radius, was critical and ultimately
“very complex,” Milovich admits.
The 10.8-ft by 7.5-ft by 1.5-ft (3.3m
by 2.3m by 0.5m) aluminum tool, fabri-
cated by a proprietary tooling supplier,
consisted of two large outer tool halves
that form the inner and outer surfaces of
the cabin roof. Milovich notes that hard-
anodized aluminum is typical for most
of the company’s large SQRTM projects
because it is reasonably priced, lighter
than steel, takes less energy to heat and
is significantly easier to handle.
More than 250 separate tooling de-
tails, either mandrels or inserts, were
machined and fit together to form all
of the interior faces of the part. The fit
tolerances are less than ±0.005 inch
(±0.125 mm).
“Our approach was to create a single,
multipart tool with lots of removable
inserts,” states Milovich. “Each insert
is registered to the large outer tools to
ensure exact dimensions.” Although the
tool was clearly intricate and expensive,
it eliminated the multiple tools that
otherwise would have been required

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 47

for separate parts, had Sikorsky elected

to go with a multipart solution that re-
quires secondary postcure assembly. “It
is complicated to make,” Milovich ad-
mits, “but in the end it creates a single
part, with no assembly tooling required
and no labor required for fastening mul-
tiple parts together.”
To fabricate the roof article, prepreg
was first cut to shape to form the major-
ity of the part. The prepreg used in the
roof article was Cytec 5250-4 from Cytec
Engineered Materials Inc. (Tempe, Ariz.),
which was selected due to its inher-
ent chemical compatibility with Cytec’s
5250-4 liquid RTM resin.
Pregreg/injection resin matchup was
an important consideration for the
Source: Radius Engineering

SARAP roof article because the typical

SQRTM process was altered somewhat
to include the infusion of some dry tex-
tile materials, discussed below, in com-
bination with the prepreg. The use of the
same base resin system eliminated con-
Complete fuselage section holds promise for future rotorcraft cerns about intermingling resins and the
A completed SARAP fuselage prototype, on exhibit at a helicopter industry trade event. The potential changes in mechanical proper-
SQRTM-fabricated roof component is visible as part of the assembly, which also includes other ties that might result, notes Sikorsky’s
innovative composite designs. Sikorsky is reportedly considering the SQRTM technology for Tom Carstensen, chief of Airframe Devel-
future helicopter manufacturing programs. opment Programs.


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The kitted unidirectional carbon/ep- viated, says Milovich, by demolding the “It’s becoming accepted and will lead the
oxy tape and woven fabric prepreg was part while the tool was still hot, at about way for other applications for integrating
debulked separately outside the tool to 70°F (21°C) below the cure temperature. multiple parts into a single assembly,
remove any entrapped air or local areas saving considerable resources,” con-
of resin concentration — a step normally From prototypes to programs cludes Milovich.
specified for the material. The cut plies To date, three roof assemblies have been Editor’s note: The Survivable Affordable Repair-
were layed on a heated flat caul plate or produced successfully with SQRTM. able Airframe Program (SARAP) was partially
table, bagged and placed under vacuum, All surfaces on the parts show tight di- funded by the Aviation Applied Technology Di-
according to the material specifications. mensional control, within ±0.005 inch rectorate (AATD) and Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.
An 11-ply prepreg stack was debulked in (±0.125 mm), thanks to the tight toler- under Technology Investment Agreement No.
about one hour after reaching a maxi- ances of the matched tooling. Only mi- DAAH10-03-2-0003. Use of this information
mum temperature based on the level nor trimming of the edges and the ends does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Govern-
of debulk required. Then the debulked of the beams was required after cure. As ment or Department of the Army.
layup plies, or “books,” were transferred a result, Sikorsky is considering the tech-
to the tool and layup commenced, a pro- nology for future upgrades to the U.S.
cess that took two technicians nearly two Army’s UH-60 helicopter platform and LEARN MORE
weeks to complete. plans to evaluate the technology in other @
In the layup, the prepreg formed the programs as well.
webs and flanges of the part. These were Sikorsky is not the only aerospace
Read this article online at http://short.
joined by woven three-dimensional dry OEM interested in SQRTM. The Boeing
“pi” preforms, so named for their resem- Co. (Seattle, Wash.) recently released a
blance to the Greek letter π (see “Learn process specification to cover the Pi preform technology was developed
More,” this page). These were manufac- SQRTM process, using BMS-8-276 by Lockheed Martin (Ft. Worth, Texas)
and demonstrated under the Composites
tured by Bally Ribbon Mills (Bally, Pa.) toughened prepreg in a closed molding
Affordability Initiative (CAI) program funded by
and Albany Engineered Composites process. Radius reports that Boeing and the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy. See “Market
(Rochester, N.H.). Everywhere a vertical at least one of its Tier 1 suppliers have Trends: The Composites Affordability Initiative,
stiffener web met a beam flange or the tested panels, subelements and full- Part I,” HPC March 2007 (p. 9) or visit http://
part skin, the two legs of the pi preform scale parts made via SQRTM and found short.compositesworld.com/rck4hBDu.
formed a slot that accepted the web while equivalence to autoclave processing.
the perpendicular preform element lay
flat against the horizontal flange or skin.
The preforms functioned to fill the radii
between the web and caps or flanges for
each of the part’s numerous beams and
frames, providing needed stiffness and
As the tool was assembled, the pre-
cisely machined tooling inserts and de-
tails compressed and consolidated each
of these preform details, creating “net
beveled edges,” says Milovich. At three-
way intersections, the preforms were
hand cut prior to insertion into the tool
to form mitered joints. “We have devel-
oped methods to miter the preformed
intersections to create clean and func-
tional joints. The big benefit is that the
need for edge dressing is eliminated and
subsequent part machining is greatly re-
duced after cure.”
After instrumentation was attached
and a vacuum was drawn on the tool,
the press was heated at the autoclave-
specified ramp rate, and the resin was
injected during a dwell in the ramp pro-
cess. Injection took about 45 minutes,
and cure was accomplished in approxi-
mately four hours. Any concerns about
coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
issues with the aluminum tool were alle-

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 49
Business Development Conference:
More than 20 market and technical presentations by industry leaders
Conference Co-Chairs:
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With key contributions by: Gary Lownsdale | Engineering Advancing Supply Chains”
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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 51

Deepsea submersible incorporates composite pressure capsule

Prior to his untimely death in 2007, DeepFlight Challenger’s inner carbon/epoxy laminate via bonded titanium rings. The
record-setting aviator and adventurer composite pressure capsule. A filament- tube wall thickness had to be sufficient to
Steve Fossett — the first balloonist to fly wound cylinder, the capsule has a thick resist a biaxial stress field exerted by the
nonstop around the world — was prepar- glass viewing dome on one end and a tita- deep ocean pressure of approximately
ing to make a solo journey to the bottom nium foot dome on the other. The domes 16,000 psi/1,100 bar, with a 1.5 factor of
of the Challenger Deep in the Pacific would be attached to the composite safety. According to Spencer Composites’
Ocean’s Mariana Trench, the deep- principal Brian Spencer, all other
est point in the undersea world. design factors, which included
He aimed to exceed a 36,000 water ingress, temperature per-
ft/19,500m dive made in 1960 formance and ability to withstand
in the same location by Jacques handling loads in and out of the
Piccard and U.S. Navy lieutenant water, were insignificant compared
Don Walsh in the bathyscaphe Tri- to the external pressure load.
este. His self-financed, one-person “A vessel for containing inter-
winged submersible vessel, the nal pressure, such as a hydrogen
DeepFlight Challenger, was designed storage tank, puts carbon fiber

Source: Spencer Composites

by Hawkes Ocean Technologies in tension, which is the preferred
(HOT, San Francisco, Calif.). loading state to achieve maximum
HOT subcontractor Spen- composite performance. A pres-
cer Composites Corp. (Sacra- sure vessel for external pressure is
mento, Calif.) was given the task more demanding because the com-
of designing and fabricating the posite strength in compression is


Source: Spencer Composites

much less than in tension.” Fiber volume, sure, the hoop compressive strain capa- ment winding. The machine layed down
voids and delaminations become much bility was targeted at 0.45 percent. a 2-inch/50-mm wide band of carbon
more important, he adds, because these Spencer built a number of half-scale fiber supplied by Grafil Inc. (Sacramento,
characteristics significantly impact the tubes to test several designs, including Calif.). The toughened epoxy resin matrix
composite’s compressive strength and different hoop-to-axial fiber ratios, varia- was custom formulated by Spencer. The
buckling resistance. tions of fiber type and fibers of different resulting oven-cured laminate, 5.15
Using the finite element software code moduli in the laminate. Tests were con- inches/130 mm thick, has a fiber volume
COSMOS/M from Structural Research ducted at Pennsylvania State University’s of 67 percent and “essentially zero voids,”
and Analysis Corp. (Santa Monica, Calif.), (State College, Pa.) test laboratory, one claims the company. The finished capsule
Spencer developed and optimized a lami- of a handful in the U.S. able to generate was delivered to HOT shortly before Fos-
nate that uses only hoop and axial plies, the necessary compressive stress loads. sett’s 2007 airplane accident.
in a ratio of about two hoops for every Results were compared to the finite ele- The capsule is oriented at an angle
axial, using a repeated sequence that ment model and anticipated failure within the 17.67 ft/5.4m long, 13 ft/4m
reduces strain variation through the lam- modes. Spencer reports that the subscale wide, 5.5 ft/1.7m high submersible craft
inate wall. “To reduce the strain variation samples withstood a maximum fiber com- (see renderings above). The total weight
and allow a higher overall applied load, pressive stress of more than 125 ksi/1,250 is 4,730 lb/2,150 kg.
we varied the hoop modulus through the MPa and exhibited compressive strain Currently owned by the Fossett estate,
wall thickness,” he explains. “The inner capability that exceeded 0.48 percent. DeepFlight Challenger is capable of diving to
laminate has higher hoop stiffness than The full-scale capsule was fabricated deeper than 36,000 ft and returning to the
the outer laminate.” To ensure that the using a Spencer Composites-designed surface in about five hours, claims HOT
capsule would withstand full ocean pres- 4-axis CNC machine adapted for fila- founder Graham Hawkes.

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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 53

Filament winding pattern generation software
Seifert and Skinner & Assoc. Inc. (Salt Lake City, Utah and Brussels, Bel-
gium) has introduced ComposicaD software, designed to generate winding
patterns for filament winding machines. The program reportedly enables the
part programmer to build the desired laminate table — the different layers of
circumferential, helical and transition winding — for each type of part (pipes
and tubes, tanks and vessels, pipe tees and elbows and spars and other geo-
metric shapes). It then enables production of each part type in a range of sizes
by varying the part length and/or diameter. The software produces symmetric
laminates, produces a “time optimal trajectory,” controls the fiber speed and
acceleration, automatically generates minimum length transitions and more.
The software also maintains a database of commonly used fiber band setups
that includes bandwidth, band thickness, band density, maximum slip potential,
cost and other parameters. These parameters are used to calculate laminate
weights, length of fiber consumed, and costs, as well as the winding time, not
only on a total-part basis but also for the individual lamina. ComposicaD produc-
es machine output for up to six axes of motion (spindle, carriage, cross carriage,
rotating eye, yaw axis and perpendicular axis) and automatically calculates the machine. The system produces output for all types of CNC winding machines
thickness buildup and adjusts the winding contour. Winding speeds are con- and has the capability to control other variables associated with the winding
trolled by the machine accelerations and velocities, including the fiber speed, process, such as fiber tension, resin bath temperature and mandrel pressure.
and can be varied up to the limits, which are specific to the particular winding www.composicad.com

Robotic trimming/machining center Hybrid composite for lightweight armor

KMT Robotic Solutions (Auburn Hills, Mich.) has developed RoboTrim DRT- LCOA Composites (Lake Forest, Calif.) has expanded its product line with a
802 for the machining and trimming of composite parts up to 8 ft by 8 ft by new ballistic hybrid NIJ Level IIIA composite for ballistic shields, body armor,
3 ft (2.4m by 2.4m by 0.9m). The DRT (dual rotating table) system uses a automotive armor and any application where lightweight Level IIIA protection
rotating table mounted to each side of a two-position indexing wall. A part- is required. The solution weighs less than 1 lb/ft2 and is reportedly priced less
holding fixture mounted on each rotating table enables the system operator than a standard woven aramid fiber solution weighing 1.5 lb/ft2. The manufac-
to load or unload parts on one side of the wall while the robot is trimming on turer reports that this hybrid material is priced at approximately 20 percent less
the other side. In its standard configuration, the system comes with a single than a UHMWP and 5 percent less than a woven aramid product.
KMT AccuTrim R-110 robot and two servo-controlled rotating tables capable of www.lcoacomposites.com
coordinated motion with the robot. For customers who need increased system
throughput, a dual robot configuration is available. www.kmtrobotic.com

Release film, pressure-sensitive tape

Airtech International (Huntington Beach, Calif.) recently introduced Wrightlon
3700, a release film designed for low-cost applications. The film properties
are said to include elongation to 550 percent with a tensile strength of 7,000
psi/48.26 MPa. Designed to release from epoxy, polyester and vinyl ester resin
systems, the film also is available in P16 perforation style for infusion applica-
tions. Also new is Teflease MG2E Yellow pressure-sensitive tape, an extruded
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film coated with silicone adhesive. It will release
from most resin systems and is designed for use on tooling blocks and any
other application in which high elongation and release is necessary. It report-
edly conforms to critical contours and mold surfaces while offering multiple
releases. www.airtechonline.com


Nano-enhanced matrix resin Polyester prepreg for radomes

for CF wind blade spars New from Lewcott Corp. (Millbury, Mass.) is FM5LF, a polyester prepreg sys-
3M’s (St. Paul, Minn.) resurgence in the composite market was recently tem for tubular radome applications. It is said to offer structural toughness in
underscored by the release of 3M Matrix Resin 3381, a high-performance, finished parts as well as handling characteristics during layup that facilitate
nanoparticle-enhanced epoxy designed for use in carbon-fiber composites. high-volume component production. The company says the new prepreg joins
Compatible with prepreg processes, the resin, according to the company, has a a stable of products that can be tailored, in terms of manufacturing and dielec-
unique chemistry that, in combination with a proprietary nano-granule additive, tric performance, to benefit laminators, molders and end-users in a variety of
makes it possible for 3M formulators to avoid the traditional tradeoff between radome and antenna applications. Tailored formulations that incorporate epoxy
toughness/flexibility and stiffness/hardness; instead, the resin improves perfor- or polyester resin systems include general-purpose prepregs for solid lami-
mance properties on both ends of the scale. Although slightly more dense than nates, self-adhesive prepregs for cored laminates, autoclavable and/or oven-
standard epoxies (1.48 g/cm2 vs. 1.25 g/cm2 in ASTM D792 testing), the resin curable prepregs and wrapable tapes for tubular radomes. The cure tempera-
reduces linear shrinkage (0.58 percent vs. 1 percent for standard epoxy), yet it tures range from 150°F to 250°F (66°C to 121°C). www.lewcott.com
increases fracture toughness by almost 50 percent with a Barcol hardness of
67, compared to 59 for standard epoxy. Moreover, the filler helps reduce the
coefficient of thermal expansion (44.6 μm/m per °C vs. 59.5 μm/m per °C for
standard epoxy). First applied in carbon composite fishing rods because of its
effect on rod compression strength (rod owners report unprecedented flexural
strength and resistance to breakage), the resin is set for commercialization
in construction of carbon fiber-reinforced spar caps for wind turbine blades.
Because spars on long wind blades necessarily involve thick laminates, the
resin also provides the added benefit of reducing exotherm during cure by up
to 40 percent. The resin cures at temperatures from 250°F to 300°F (121°C
to 149°C), depending on the service requirements. The recommended cure
cycle involves a vacuum at a minimum of 22 inches/Hg (85 psi/5.86 bar), a
ramp to 260°F/127°C at 10°F (±5°F) per minute, followed by a two-hour hold
at 260°F. www.3m.com

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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 55

Out-of-autoclave carbon fiber prepreg Noncontact laser inspection system

Amber Composites’ (Nottingham, U.K.) Multipreg E520-SP, a 245 g/m “dif- Dantec Dynamics Inc.’s (Ramsey, N.J.) compact, portable Q-800 Laser
ferentially coated,” out-of-autoclave, modified 3K carbon fiber/epoxy prepreg Shearography System reportedly can detect composites defects — delamina-
system, is designed for use as visible surface plies when a cosmetic surface tions, disbonds, kissing bonds, wrinkling/waving, impact damage and more —
must be produced on relatively thin parts during a vacuum-bag oven cure. (A with no surface preparation. The turnkey noncontact/full-field optical system is
companion E520 prepreg, a fully impregnated 245 g/m2 3K carbon system, is run from a laptop PC using new ISTRA 4D software. The interferometric tech-
recommended for use as backup plies.) The surface prepreg’s drape and tack nique measures microscopic surface deformations caused by internal flaws
are said to ease layup, and in-process parts reportedly require no intermedi- as a small load is applied to the object via thermal, pressure, vibration or me-
ate debulks prior to cure. The cure times range from 12 hours at 70°C/158°F chanical excitation. The system’s miniaturized sensor (tripod-mounted or fixed
to as little as 30 minutes at 120°C/248°F. The company also reports that it to an automated robotic arm) is integrated with a high-resolution CCD camera
has increased its unidirectional prepreg manufacturing capabilities with the and variable, computer-controlled shear optics. Illumination is provided by an
addition of a dedicated unidirectional manufacturing line. As a result, its resin integrated diode laser array. The system can display results in real time, and
formulations are now available in prepregs with a wide range of woven, multi- images can be processed for export and reporting. Inspection times are typi-
axial and unidirectional formats. The new unidirectional systems are designed cally 10 to 30 seconds, and the coverage ranges from a few square millimeters
to complement Amber’s range of woven systems and are available in a range up to several square meters in one pass. www.dantecdynamics.com
of fibers and resin systems. www.ambercomposites.com

FEM, FEA machining software

Liquid mold-sealing system Cutting tool supplier Dormer Tools Ltd. (Sheffield, U.K.) cooperated with Third
Henkel Corp. (Rocky Hill, Conn.) has introduced Frekote Aqualine RS-100T, a Wave Systems (Minneapolis, Minn.) to develop AdvantEdge, a finite element
water-based sealer designed to seal microporosity in steel and chrome-plated modeling (FEM) and finite element analysis (FEA) software package to simulate
molds. The clear liquid provides a base coat and significantly increases mold machining requirements. Reported benefits of the software include increased
release effectiveness. Formulated for high thermal stability, the sealer report- tool life, predicted shape, shortened product-design cycles and reduced costs.
edly withstands temperatures as high as 698°F/370°C. The product can be The FEM/FEA suite is designed to reduce the number of test tools required.
applied to mold surfaces at temperatures between 199°F and 401°F (93°C This, in turn, reduces costs and speeds up the simulation process significantly.
and 205°C), and it cures in 15 to 20 minutes. www.henkelna.com www.dormertools.com; www.thirdwavesys.com

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A&P Technology Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Abaris Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Aero Engineering USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ■Tough epoxy resists up to 425°F
Airtech International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ■ Convenient cures at ambient
and/or elevated temperatures
Amamco Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
■ Resists prolonged service up to
American GFM Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 425°F ■ Withstands severe thermal
ASC Process Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 and mechanical shock and vibration
Automated Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ■ Outstanding adhesion to metallic
and non-metallic substrates
Baltek Inc. a Co. of 3A Composites Core Materials . . . . . . 27
■ Excellent durability and chemical
BGF Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 resistance ■ Superior electrical
Burnham Composite Structures Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 insulation ■ Easy to apply
CAD Cut Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 ■ Convenient packaging

CGTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Prompt Technical Assistance

Cobham Composite Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
De-Comp Composites Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Diab International AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Evonik Foams Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
General Plastics Mfg. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
HITCO Carbon Composites Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
ICE Independent Machine Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Imperium Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 154 Hobart St.
LAP Laser LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Hackensack, NJ 07601
Lectra Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *16 Tel: 201-343-8983
Fax: 201-343-2132
LMT Onsrud LP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
www.masterbond.com ■ main@masterbond.com
Magnolia Plastics Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Back Cover
Master Bond Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Material Testing Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Matrix Composites Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
McClean Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
McLube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 KIT CUTTING
Mokon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
North Coast Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Owens Corning Composite Materials LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Laser and Knife Cutting Systems
Park Advanced Composite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Cutting Rooms
Precision Quincy Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Environmentally Controlled Processing
Pro-Set Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 9500 cu. ft. Freezer Storage
Ross, Charles & Son Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Saertex USA LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Front Cover
SAMPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Specialty Materials, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
TE Wire & Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Technical Fibre Products Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
TenCate Advanced Composites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Torr Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
TR Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Verisurf Software Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Wabash MPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Waukesha Foundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Web Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Weber Manufacturing Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
WichiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Wisconsin Oven Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Wyoming Test Fixtures Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 802-223-4055
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SEPTEMBER 2010 | 57


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M BB EE RR 22 00 11 00
| 55 99

Resin transfer molding makes CFRP passenger cell mass-producible

ell known for its winning For- else for its cars’ primary structures. the MP4-12C, the first of a new family
mula 1 racing cars, McLaren McLaren’s pioneering concept of a of exotic road cars. Although the latter
Racing Ltd. (Woking, Surrey, strong carbon fiber-reinforced driver’s are made by a separate division, the
U.K.) was the first race car cell, protected by other energy-absorb- racing and production car manufactur-
builder to use carbon fiber-re- ing structures, has led to a massive im- ing plants are both housed in the same
inforced polymer (CFRP) in Formula 1 provement in motor racing driver safety building, the McLaren Technology
cars, a strategy subsequently adopted over the past two decades. Centre, facilitating an inevitable cross-
by all F1 teams. In fact, the company McLaren Racing’s sister division, fertilization of ideas. The MP4-12C will
can claim to be the only auto manu- McLaren Automotive Ltd., has taken be manufactured in volumes of 4,000
facturer that has never used anything steps to transfer the cell technology to per year — a very large number for a

McLAREN MP4-12C CFRP Hollow side section RTM enables molding of

created with geometrically complex
removable mandrel one-piece structure

CFRP floor eliminates risk of

corrosion, extending vehicle life Comolded aluminum
mounts for front crush
Tub forms primary chassis structures
structure/passenger safety ¾-VIEW FROM
cell, carrying road, seat-belt RIGHT REAR
and crash loads Attachment points for
aluminum rear subframe
(see photo, p. 62)


Comolded aluminum inserts

facilitate attachment of extruded
aluminum crush structures
Wide, hollow side sills
Special coating and resin layer stiffen the tub, minimize
prevent galvanic corrosion at all weight and ease passenger
comolded metal/CRFP interfaces ingress/egress

• One-piece carbon-composite • RTM process cuts labor by 90 • MonoCell meets all requirements for
passenger cell optimizes overall percent and enables unit crashworthiness, stiffness, repair cost
vehicle stiffness. production of 4,000 per year. reduction, corrosion prevention and
passenger ease of access.

for new-model supercar. ILLUSTRATION / KARL REQUE

supercar. This necessitated the design of

composite structures suited to volume
production. As a result, McLaren recon-
sidered the aerospace approach — auto-
claved prepreg — historically used by its
racing division and many competitors.

Relying on experience

Source: McLaren Automotvie

Claudio Santoni, McLaren Automo-
tive’s function group manager for Body
Structure, has been responsible for or-
chestrating this shift in the structural
architecture of the new sports car and
for making volume production a reality.
His background is in the Italian automo-
tive composite industry where, as the
head of Composites Structures Develop-
ment at ATR Group (Colonnella, Italy), One-piece passenger
he directed the development of ATR’s cell for new supercar
pioneering approach to a prototype all- McLaren Automotive
carbon composite road car chassis (see Ltd. (Woking, Surrey,
“Learn More.” p. 62). U.K.), has transferred
its winning F1 carbon
Although Santoni’s history and the
composite race car
fact that McLaren has carbon compos- chassis technology to the
ites in its DNA might testify otherwise, MP4-12C, the first of a
Santoni has a very pragmatic view of ma- McLaren’s new family of
terial selection. Under Santoni, McLaren exotic road cars.
Automotive uses composites only where
they bring major benefits and prove to
be cost-effective. Santoni still uses met- When it came to the passenger cell, ture has been demonstrated in the crash
al in many areas where other automotive however, CFRP was clearly needed to test program. A single tub has been used
companies have started to use CFRP. For take the high loads from the varied de- in no less than three high-speed impacts,
example, the rear structure, which carries sign requirements. In keeping with the without sustaining significant damage.
the rear suspension, engine and gear- principle of a strong composite driver’s The one-piece structure incorporates
box, is a spaceframe made from welded cell developed in McLaren’s racing cars, several hollow sections. Some smaller
aluminum extrusions. Cost and early the new road car has a monolithic CFRP voids are filled with Rohacell foam from
uncertainty about engine operating tem- cell structure known officially as a Mono- EVONIK Röhm GmbH (Darmstadt, Ger-
peratures drove this decision. Similarly, Cell, but nicknamed the “tub.” many), but the biggest sections are left
the front energy-absorbing tubes are alu- hollow with removable mandrels. The to-
minum extrusions that can be replaced Protecting the investment tal volume of these cavities is a massive
inexpensively after a minor impact. And The tub forms the main structure of the 120 liters/33 gal (US), keeping tub weight
unlike the Aston Martin DBS (see “Learn car. It takes most of the road loads via a to a mere 176 lb/80 kg.
More”), which makes use of Gurit’s (New- subframe at the front, but it also handles Although the tub’s immediately appar-
port, Isle of Wight, U.K.) CBS composite the seat belt loads and, ultimately, the ent function is to carry the main operat-
panels, most of McLaren’s body panels crash loads. The main mechanisms for ing loads between the front and rear of
are aluminum or sheet molding com- passenger protection are the previously the car and protect the passengers, San-
pound (SMC). In particular, the rear quar- noted aluminum front and rear crush toni developed other criteria for its de-
ters and the doors, which have a complex structures, which crumple to absorb im- sign, including the less obvious require-
double curvature, are manufactured by pact energy, leaving the tub undamaged to ments of corrosion prevention, overall
Sotira (Change, France) from glass fiber- protect the occupants, even during severe structural stiffness and ease of access to
reinforced SMC. impacts. The success of this design fea- the passenger compartment.

SEPTEMBER 2010 | 61
Source: McLaren Automotvie

Corrosion has been a problem in some

expensive cars that are made in small
numbers, especially when there is a rea-
sonable customer expectation that the ex-
pensive new car will survive long enough
to become a classic car. McLaren’s use of
a composite tub avoids corrosion in the
floor and hollow structural sections where
metals are most likely to fail.
The hollow sills along the tub sides en-
hance the stiffness of the tub and, there-
fore, the car’s overall structure. The sills’
unusual width overcomes one problem Beauty that gets under the skin
common to most supercars, that of get- The MP4-12C and its rolling chassis, side by side. The “tub” is the chassis centerpiece. Out
ting in and out of a low passenger com- front are the steering/suspension assembly and extruded aluminum crush structures. The
partment over a high sill. In the MP4-12C, trailing structure is an aluminum space frame for the rear suspension, engine and gearbox.
exiting passengers can sit on the sills as
they slide out of the seats. Minting the MonoCell Woodlands, Texas). Preforms are made
Although the tub is well protected by The greatest challenge was molding the from high-strength carbon fibers manu-
crush structures, most areas of the tub large, complex tub in one piece. The easy factured by Toray Industries (Tokyo, Ja-
are repairable, if necessary. But the de- design decision would have been to re- pan). The preforms are made in two for-
sign philosophy is that in most moder- peat the successful solution used on a mats — noncrimp fabric (NCF) and woven
ate frontal accidents, the damage will be previous program, the Mercedes-Benz unidirectional (UD) tape — with a small
limited to the extruded aluminum energy SLR McLaren Roadster. For the SLR’s tub, amount of cross-stitching to hold the
absorbers, the body panels and, possibly, an out-of-autoclave prepreg system from assembled reinforcements together. For
the subframe. Advanced Composites Group Ltd. (ACG, now, preforms will be assembled by hand
In any case, tub maintenance is ex- Heanor, Derbyshire, U.K.) was hand layed from automatically cut layers of NCF and
pected to be minimal. “The service inter- and cured in an oven. However, only 500 UD material, but McLaren is looking at
vals of modern carbon fiber aircraft have SLRs are produced per annum, a quantity automating the preform assembly to re-
doubled those achieved by aluminium practical for prepreg layup and autoclave duce cost and increase consistency.
designs,” Santoni points out, noting that processing. Given the need to reduce Notably, these fiber forms are pur-
this is “a testament to the superior lon- cost on the MP4-12C and build eight chased against a performance specifi-
gevity of a carbon-based structure com- times as many cars each year, McLaren cation, without a nominated supplier.
pared to aluminium.” elected to manufacture the MonoCell via Three material suppliers, thus far, have
In line with the company’s policy that resin transfer molding (RTM), using tex- demonstrated that they can meet the
carbon fibers are in the vehicle to do a tile preforms. Why abandon a successful, McLaren specification.
job, not perform cosmetic or marketing low-risk method in favor of developing
functions, McLaren designers resisted one that pushes the boundaries of RTM Outsourcing mass manufacturing
the temptation to have CFRP in the in both size and complexity? Santoni ex- The RTM process and the tooling were
MonoCell visible to the customer. The plains that the manufacturing hours for developed by McLaren engineers. They
interior of the tub is covered almost en- the new tub were reduced by a factor of 10 have, to date, produced more than 100
tirely with good-quality carpet. compared to those of the prepreg part. Of tubs, used for structural and crash test-
that time, about half is consumed in mak- ing and prototype cars. Production tubs,
ing the preform. The remainder is allotted however, will be molded by Carbo Tech
LEARN MORE to resin injection, inspection and machin- Industries GmbH (Salzburg, Austria).
www.compositesworld.com ing operations. Carbo Tech has installed an automated
During the RTM process, aluminum system that will transfer the mold, with
Read this article online at http://short. components are comolded with the tub preform in place, to a press for injec-
compositesworld.com/wobzzFEv. at positions of high load input (see draw- tion and cure. The press can handle two
Read more about the Aston Martin DBS ing on p. 60). To prevent galvanic corro- molds simultaneously.
in HPC’s sister magazine, Composites sion at the interface between carbon fiber Finished tubs will be incorporated into
Technology: “Gurit CBS for the Aston Martin materials and aluminum components, the car at the McLaren Technology Centre
DBS,” CT February 2010 (p. 24) or visit http:// the aluminum inserts are prepared with assembly line in a facility currently under
special primers, and the infusion process construction. Production will begin early
Read about ATR Group’s use of carbon ensures that there is a thin layer of pure in 2011, and the cars will be available in
fiber in a chassis prototype, under Claudio resin between the carbon fibers and the spring of that year.
Santoni’s leadership, in “Innovative composite
metal parts. Extensive salt spray testing Editor’s note: McLaren’s Claudio Santoni
design may replace aluminum chassis,” CT
February 2006 (p. 44) or visit http://short. has shown no sign of corrosion. will deliver a keynote address at the 2010 SPE
compositesworld.com/PqUwwLwG. The RTM resin system is supplied Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition
by Huntsman Advanced Materials (The (ACCE) in Troy, Mich., Sept. 15-16.


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R E G I S T E R T O D AY AT C O M P O S I T E S W O R L D . C O M / H P R


N othing gives you a better appreciation of general

aviation (GA) than actually flying — yes, I have been
quietly taking flight lessons from an excellent instructor at
Centennial Airport in Colorado (identifier: KAPA). I under-
in the air (it’s a piston aircraft). Our destination airport
supports commercial flights, but I would wager that, even
without jet power, we made the door-to-door trip faster
than our traveling counterparts on Frontier Airlines. For a
took the mission at the behest of my pilot husband, who company, it means many hours saved, particularly for key
wanted me to be able to fly our plane and land it in the case personnel in a situation such as a factory visit for a critical
of an unanticipated problem. And I am forced to confess machine repair or a client meeting. In addition, point-to-
that our plane is not made of composites (sorry, couldn’t point trips to smaller airports are often closer to the final
convince him). But, my aviation education process, as well destination and afford privacy and the ability to discuss
as our flights to various airports, has driven home the re- proprietary or sensitive information with associates. Pri-
ality that general aviation is a very important segment of vate flight eliminates time-wasting baggage hassles, secu-
our economy, and one in which composites plays a big rity delays and any number of other potential commercial
airline snafus.
Private planes are productivity tools that companies
GA suffered because of the unnecessary around the world have deemed key to their business strat-
mischaracterization and even demonization egies. Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, defends busi-
ness jets (full disclosure: his company Berkshire Hathaway
of private jet owners and users in 2009.
does own NetJets, an enterprise that promotes fractional
jet ownership) and says that a company is “better off” us-
role. Consider these facts, supplied by the General Avia- ing business aviation resources, even given the operation-
tion Manufacturers Assn. (GAMA), the National Business al costs. Myriad small businesses operate jet and piston
Aviation Assn. (NBAA, www.noplanenogain.org) and other aircraft to carry passengers to less-traveled cities or towns
business aviation proponents: that commercial carriers see as unprofitable; or to ship
• GA contributes more than $150 billion to the U.S. econo- documents, freight or food to roadless destinations; or to
my annually and employs more than 1.265 million people. carry patients on medical ambulance flights. Then there
• GA now accounts for roughly one-fifth of the $100 billion are the Civil Air Patrol’s search-and-rescue missions; and
worldwide civil and military aircraft market. humanitarian aid, like Angel Flight; and … I could go on,
• In the U.S., GA aircraft fly more than 26 million hours and but you get the picture.
carry 166 million passengers annually. Further, the GA sector breeds innovation. The Gulfstream
• There are at least 4,000 GA airports with paved runways 650 thermoplastic composite rudder is one recent example
open to the public in the U.S. alone. Commercial scheduled (see HPC’s “2010 SAMPE Europe/JEC Paris Product Show-
airlines serve less than 500 of those. case,” July 2010, p. 26, or visit http://short.compositesworld.
But this industry suffered one of its toughest years ever com/ew7ulVV1). Another is the ongoing research into elec-
in 2009, according to GAMA — not only because of the trically powered aircraft and rotorcraft, aimed at eliminat-
global economic downturn, but also because of the unnec- ing aircraft carbon
essary mischaracterization and even demonization of pri- emissions. Terrafu-
vate jet owners and users. The negative public perception gia’s flying car and
of bizjets was, of course, prompted by the trips to Wash- ICON’s new sport-
ington undertaken by Detroit’s auto execs seeking public plane (see p. 26) are
bailout money in late 2008, and the subsequent fallout exemplary entrepre-
has been severe. Many company flight departments were neurial efforts that
eliminated, new orders were canceled and older planes are expanding the
were sold off. While market watchers today are cautiously GA market. There are
upbeat, citing FAA data showing increases in business jet many more. The facts
takeoff-and-landing activity in 2010 compared to 2009, the clearly demonstrate
industry still has a big hole out of which to climb. that GA contributes
I don’t want to give the impression that I’m a defender of to a healthy global
“fat cats” or wasteful practices. What I do want to point out economy. Those who
are the benefits of general and business aviation. Studies design, build and fly sa r a @ c omposit e sw or ld.com
have shown that the use of GA aircraft saves a lot of time. GA aircraft deserve
Sara Black is HPC’s technical editor and
On our own recent flight from Colorado to the upper Mid- respect, apprecia-
has served on the HPC staff for 11 years.
west, the trip of 900 nautical miles took about five hours tion and support.

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