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tg” Tease a Eno GROWING FOOD ATHOME is. Many people grow food at home. > me OF 2 Most people start growing food in spring. ot > A me 83 The weather becomes warmer in spring. oo = ee “ selee This spring, more people want to grow food. g news page a) People are staying home _ because of the coronavirus. > RF MB o® They want to stay away ‘om a % Ra KR Go People want to go to grocery stores less often. > fu > By Be SO) People want to grow home _ instead. > fe a 83 mo. Growing food can be fun ! oF = of! May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 2 g news page First, people choose places to grow food. doa oe Rs *@ we 3% Many people grow food in gardens. HH 20 mit SS AL The gardens may be in_ backyards. oe = Nl Me Some people grow food in pots. wt 93> mi OF \ By The pots may be on_ windowsills or porches. — B or i Bi | a May 11, 2020 ‘Conant 2020 ny LLC, Ags esrved. News 2-048, % news page e q People choose the kinds of 9 to grow. Se Rts aa 8 3% wy green beans, DF corn, bg People may grow vegetables like peppers, @) 23> min C2 me s Oe carrots Le and spinach. od blueberries, Go ? : watermelons, & People may grow fruits like $8 nig we, an raspberries, Oey strawberries *, and grapes. ae ‘Oe? May 11, 2020 cent 2000 LLC, Ms essed. News 29008 4 g news page People buy seeds to grow the food. > 22 Sq mm SS They put the seeds into dirt. v% ®% 8g DI we People pour water onto the seeds. % Sil —~ ag The seeds become plants. ig = *, The food grows on the plants. S$ om — = May 11, 2020 ‘Conant 2020 ny LLC, Ags esrved. News 2-048, g news page People must wait for the food to become % 8 YM > DD is ready to eat. ge RB People pick the ripe food. %> of DD § Ripe means the food a= ¥& eat the food right away. Sometimes people @Q % & MW fo Sometimes they freeze the food to eat later. —_= » hr 3 &@ 6 May 11, 2020 ony ©2021, LC, At se g news page a) People may use the food to make recipes. 2 ~e 33 ta sandwich, & Someone may use vegetables to make a salad eS © ~a & te or soup. Se smoothie, (bs Someone may use fruits to make a ¢ S. a eo i fruit salad eo or pie. Be May 11, 2020 \conyrgn 8 2020 12, LC. A oh ose, News 29048 7 g news page a) Many people are growing food home. ao wa SF People are growing food in gardens and pots. > me SF NEL + Uy The food includes vegetables and fruits. 33 Te aes es Anyone can grow food ! 98 as SS Would you like to grow food ? 2 S min SS? May 11, 2020 ‘Conant 2020 ny LLC, Ags esrved. News 2-048, 8 ema things in the news SEEDS ag Plants make seeds. Ra Ag People put seeds into dirt to grow. > % Sg DI wf oie The seeds need water and = sunlight to grow. By sm fo + Oe towers, QU bushes, & Seeds may grow to become & Bg tp => vines Re or trees. Fs eS May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2 LLC. Agi esrved News 2.0U8 eG places in the news hat datas fe GARDENS grow plants in ea S> ma “=, ‘MR vegetables, F fruits, ee People may grow 38% mains herbs oA or flowers. We A garden is an area of land A garden may be big or small. — ja mo 10 May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2, LU reserved, News: 2 YOu recipe page ® VEGETABLE AND FRUIT SALAD @®@® Cem NEED 16-0z bag 2 apples, cored 1 C diced 2 green coleslaw mix and chopped green pepper onions, sliced | af @ a sy eB380 1 Cried %C coleslaw cranberries dressing large bowl large spoon a o “ NOTE: Always consider student food allergies when preparing recipes. 1. Put coleslaw mix, apples and green pepper into bowl. Stir. 2. Put green onions and dried cranberries into bowl. Stir. 3. Put coleslaw dressing into bowl. Stir. 4. Eat. May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 11 SF ® @ Knock, Knock. * *~ Who’s there ? & @ Home. Home who ? . @ @Home - any _ plants will you § grow? -any &, 99 waite How many May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 12 & joke page i) @ I have a joke ! @= Tell me! Q),) © @ What vegetable do chickens like ? I don’t know. What ? 0 @ Egg - plant ! OQ > tm! eggplant © May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 13 game page Gg Choose the pictures about GROWING FOOD AT HOME. towel pick home ripe garden seeds barber eat spring plant vegetables candle = Q ad fruits hamster May 11, 2020 ‘Conant 2020 ny LLC, Ags esrved. News 2-048, 14 @e? review page 3) 1. WHAT is the paper about ? Irwin Family Growing Food ~— Thanking Helps at Home. Hospital Animals Workers i te if EE te | Rate 2. WHAT become plants ? rocks marbles seeds o SI a @e al 3. WHERE do many people swimming pools parking lots gardens. i grow food ? Pe ee es Pen | =m kt 4. WHEN do many people start spring winter break bedtime ez growing food ? ti 5. WHAT are watermelons and fruits vegetables meats 2 blueberries ? eo & Se 2 y GC 6. WHAT is a food people bread carrot cheese can grow ? Sf a 15 May 11, 2020 cent 2000 LLC, Ms essed. News 29008 i AcRoss =+ pown || 3 {B, home 1 2» ripe 4 wath grow 2 @® vegetables 5 Mig seeds 6 “ spring 7 =, plants 8 Y dirt 9 jist garden May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2 LLC. Aight esrved Newe2.0U8 16 43 tea ag? 34 Fill in the grid using the pictures below so that every row, every column and every large box contains the following four items: sa Qa oone? May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 17 & think page ‘e 1. WHAT food would you like to grow ? Se 28 3 mn? 2. WHERE would you grow food ? eR is NG? 3. WHAT recipes have you made ? $e fa May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 18 ye It The WORDS Up May 11, 2020 spring vont Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 19 Growing Food ee at Home spring fruits carrot sales Cut out the items below and paste answers into the Sudoku page. May 11, 2020 Copy 2020 2y LLC. Agi eserved News 2.048 20

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