Jw-Trimester Progress Report 1

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Global Scholars Program

Trimester Progress Report

Scholar Name: Jaela West-Lewis
Mentor Name: _________________________________________
Mrs. Sambuco
Challenger Name: _________________________________________
Meeting Date: _________________________________________
Progress Report for: Mentor Challenger Mentor
Junior Year, Tri 1 Junior Year, Tri 2 Junior Year, Tri 3
Senior Year, Tri 1 Senior Year, Tri 2 Senior Year, Tri 3

Fill o t the Scholar section before meeting. Bring portfolio with current completed work to meeting.

Scholar Mentor/Challenger
1. Coursework & Grades track
On track?
All on track for Everything on .

end of trimester
List concerns or accolades:

2.Hands-on Learning:
On track?
Completed, artifacts Completed
Quality of work? completed
List concerns or accolades:

3.Extracurricular Analysis:
On track? All completed All done
Quality of work?
List concerns or accolades:

4.Teaching Opportunity completed

On track? Completed, artifacts
Quality of work? completed
List concerns or accolades: Glad to hear it .
went better

than expected !
Other issues or comments: I have confidence that you
Portfolio and defense worried. and
will demonstrate
W ied P f i be your expertise
your defense
work in
good enough.
Post-meeting It's been a pleasure to work with
this process and watch
Mentor/Challenger notes: throughout
! Ms Sam buco

Jaela West-
Signed by Scholar: ___________________________ Challenger (if applicable): _____________________
Mentor: E- In Ms Samburu

. Reviewed by Coordinator: _____________________

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