Inglés Quinto Yamile Castellanos Taller 4 Semana 2020 PDF

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Rafael Delgado Salguero

Guía #4 – Semana 4
Quinto GUÍA
Fifth Grade No.
Yamile Castellanos Monsalve.
Asignatura Docente Email:

What is your fullname? _________________________________________________________.

What is the date?: ______________________________________________________________.

Realice en su cuaderno el siguiente taller leyendo muy bien las indicaciones:
a. Divida la hoja en dos partes, escriba el texto en inglés alfrente realice la traducción y recuerda
dejar dos renglones.
b. Recuerda que usamos el cuaderno en sentido horizontal para distribuir los espacios y para
fortalecer procesos neurolingüisticos.
c. Use el diccionario, tu cuaderno y tu cerebro para dar sentido a la traducción en inglés y

1. Apply color to the picture. Draw the picture and write a text with at less 10 sentences in
English and in Spanish in your notebook, using the simple present.

Example: 1. I clean my hands for 30 second every day.

2. Apply color to the picture. Draw the picture and write a text with less 10 sentences in English
and in Spanish in your notebook, using the simple present.

Example: 1. He is Mr Coronavirus and He is a virus that right now attacks the people around the

3. Search in your dictionary the following words and write in your notebook:

We, library, go, week, weekend, tuesday, tomorrow, yesterday, Library, have,
lunch, saturday, home, everyday.

4. Complete the wordpuzzle: library, week, yesterday, tomorrow, monday, tuesday, wednesday,
thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.
5. Write the sentences in your notebook and translate the sentences. Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verb in the brackets.


We ____________ (go) to the library on Wednesday. – Nosotros vamos a la biblioteca los miércoles.

We go to the library on Wednesday.

6. Practice Duolingo daily for 5 minutes. Register and login:

You can practice the lessons, read and complete the Story section in Duolingo.

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