Writing Evaluated

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People have needed to communicate in order to help each other throughout their
lives. Therefore, they improve various the ways of communicating. Those are significant in
our lives as well. The ways of communicating can be divided into three groups: oral, written
communication and a communication with body language.

First of all, oral communication is a kind of communicating based on dialogs.

People can explain their feelings and ideas each other with this way. Spoken language is also
important for this way as well. People only get across their ideas with the aid of languages.
This includes communications like conversations via phones, teleconferences, face to face

Secondly, written communication is second type of communicating. This way is used

that people write their ideas on any subject by particular rules to someone. It also always
gives written messages. For example; people can correspond with each other to communicate.
Written communication contains different examples like e-mail, billboard, magazines and

Finally, body language is last group of communicating as well. People explain their
feeling each other without use verbal words. For instance; we can understand whether they
are upset or they are happy with their facial expressions. A person who is angry, always

As a result, there are three classes of the ways of communicating: oral, written
communication, body language. Communication is necessary so that people can explain some
ideas and feelings. Which are you used the most popular way of communicating? Body
language? Written communication? Oral communication?

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